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Doomkaiser Dragon
Card# CSOC-EN043

Doomkaiser Dragon's effect isn't just for Zombie World duelists: remember that its effect can swipe copies of Plaguespreader Zombie, too!
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The Apotheosis: Erik's Self-Removing Deck
Jason Grabher-Meyer
Continuing with the theme of cool and original decks, today I'm going to talk about the neatest submission I've seen in a long time. I really can't put into words just how much I like this idea. It's something I've often considered but have never had the time to sit down with and tune. Erik, from Grand Rapids, Michigan, was kind enough to submit his remove-from-play deck for my comments. It's a great idea, and here's what he had to say about it:

My name is Erik, from grand Rapids, MI. I built this deck around some cards from the Invasion of Chaos
set, and I was wondering if you could help me to improve it.


First off, let me say that not only do I love Erik for submitting a cool and original deck, but also that he was kind enough to format it correctly and to tell us where he was from. Thanks, Erik! Here's the deck list:

Erik's Self-Removing Deck
42 Cards

3 Chaosrider Gustaph
2 Bazoo the Soul-Eater
3 D. D. Warrior Lady
3 Gren Maju Da Eiza
1 Witch of the Black Forest
1 Sangan
1 Cyber Jar
1 Morphing Jar
1 Exiled Force
2 Dark Ruler Ha Des
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Nobleman of Crossout
1 Raigeki
1 Graceful Charity
1 Pot of Greed
1 Harpie's Feather Duster
1 Heavy Storm
1 Monster Reborn
3 Soul Release
2 Soul Absorption

1 Mirror Force
1 Imperial Order
2 Solemn Judgment
1 Big Burn
2 Torrential Tribute

The deck looks great. For those unfamiliar with some of the cards being played here, the idea is to use a deck that thrives on removing one's own cards from the graveyard. Chaosrider Gustaph is like a Bazoo the Soul-Eater for spells, who can gain 300 or 600 ATK for removing one or two spell cards from play. Bazoo the Soul-Eater is like Ba—well, it is Bazoo the Soul-Eater, the timeless classic that gains 300 ATK for each monster you opt to remove from your graveyard (up to a maximum of three). These two monsters can reach a maximum of 2000 and 2500 ATK, respectively.

The deck uses the above two cards, as well as Soul Release, D. D. Warrior Lady, and, to a lesser extent, Big Burn, to remove monsters from play. Having done that, it follows up with Gren Maju Da Eiza, whose ATK and DEF are equal to 400 times the number of total cards removed from your graveyard. In other words, a turn's worth of Bazoo makes it 1200 ATK/1200 DEF. A single Soul Release makes it 2000 ATK/2000 DEF. And, naturally, if you're in the mid-game and you've used multiple Soul Releases and D. D. Warrior Ladies, and you've used Bazoo the Soul-Eater and Chaosrider Gustaph's effects a few times, it's . . . well . . . it's really freakin' big!

I'm not going to change the deck around too much. I do think Magical Scientist would work wonders in this deck, but that's a matter of personal taste so I won't add it straight into the fix. Mostly, I'm just going to streamline the deck a little, add a couple of cards to create more synergy, and expand its options for victory. I'm not really removing a whole heck of a lot, and most of what I do suggest for removal I'd consequently suggest for inclusion in the side deck.

First up, I'm going to drop one copy of Dark Ruler Ha Des. This is just a space issue. Dark Ruler Ha Des works wonderfully with Gren Maju Da Eiza, transferring over its effect, and it can give the same effect to Sangan (for what that's worth), but I think there are better uses for the second copy's card slot.

I'm going to chuck Soul Absorption. Looking at the deck and knowing how it runs, I question if it needs the life points at all. In addition, it would stink to give your opponent life points when you use Nobleman of Crossout on one of his or her monsters, or to spend part of a Soul Release. Lastly, you never want to reward anyone for using Chaos monsters (unless that person is you, which in this case it isn't), and this card unfortunately does that. I'm going to drop both copies from the deck.

Next up, I'm going to move one copy of Nobleman of Crossout to the side deck. I'm adding another monster removal card and need to make space for it, and the new card will be a more popular maindeck choice.

I'm going to drop Big Burn as well. Most decks are only running two cards that can trigger Big BurnMonster Reborn and Call of the Haunted. Still, some run Premature Burial, Disappear, and other similar cards, so it's worth side decking.

Lastly, I'm going to drop the two Solemn Judgments and stick them in the side deck. I don't feel that they're main deck material, given the strength and cohesiveness of this deck. It just doesn't need Solemn Judgment in the way other decks might. Still, if you do need them, you can side deck them in any time.

The additions are pretty simple; I'm just adding a few more tricks to the deck. First up is Jinzo. I feel that either Magical Scientist with Ryu Senshi, or Jinzo, is a more reliable form of trap negation than Solemn Judgment. I do agree that negation is needed, but I think Jinzo can do that cheaply and effectively.

Next up, I'm going to recommend three Thunder Dragons be included in the deck. This will give you fast monsters in the graveyard as a source of food for Bazoo, stuff to Soul Release in the early game, and hand advantage.

I'm going to suggest Snatch Steal for the deck, as well. It gives you tribute fodder for Dark Ruler Ha Des and Jinzo, clears the way for your attackers, and adds more damage to big offensive pushes. I'm not sure why it wasn't in the original build, since the listing seemed carefully considered and well made, but I don't think I'm missing anything here. If it's an issue of personal preference, then feel free to leave it out.

Since I offed the one Nobleman of Crossout, I'm going to add in one Tribute to the Doomed to take its place. Again, it lets you get cards into the graveyard to feed Bazoo the Soul-Eater or Chaosrider Gustaph. It'll be easier to play here than in other decks, because you're running three Thunder Dragons, and it's more versatile than simply running a pair of Nobleman of Crossout. Worse comes to worst, if you find yourself in a situation where Nobleman of Crossout is indeed better, it's easy to side deck in.

Two Dimension Fusions will work wonders for this deck. Now that Solemn Judgment won't be eating up your life points, you can afford it, and in a deck like this, a successfully resolved Dimension Fusion in the mid to late game basically equals game over (barring a Mirror Force or Waboku).

Last up, Ring of Destruction is a must for this deck. Gren Maju Da Eiza will often be quite the fatty, and in situations where you can't attack or you just need to deal, say, an extra 4000 damage to finish the game, blowing it up with Ring of Destruction will clinch the win. In a pinch, it's also a great road-clearing card, or an excellent defense against threats. It should serve you very well in this deck.

So, the total tweaks are:

-1 Dark Ruler Ha Des
-2 Soul Absorption
-1 Nobleman of Crossout (side deck)
-1 Big Burn (side deck)
-2 Solemn Judgment (side deck)

+1 Jinzo
+3 Thunder Dragon
+2 Dimension Fusion
+1 Snatch Steal
+1 Tribute to the Doomed
+1 Ring of Destruction

The final decklist looks like this:

Erik's Self-Removing Deck: Jason's Fix
43 Cards

1 Dark Ruler Ha Des
1 Jinzo
3 Thunder Dragon
3 Chaosrider Gustaph
2 Bazoo the Soul-Eater
3 D. D. Warrior Lady
3 Gren Maju Da Eiza
1 Witch of the Black Forest
1 Sangan
1 Cyber Jar
1 Morphing Jar
1 Exiled Force
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Nobleman of Crossout
1 Raigeki
1 Graceful Charity
1 Pot of Greed
1 Harpie's Feather Duster
1 Heavy Storm
1 Monster Reborn
3 Soul Release
2 Dimension Fusion
1 Tribute to the Doomed
1 Snatch Steal

1 Mirror Force
1 Imperial Order
2 Torrential Tribute
1 Ring of Destruction

The deck's a little low on good opening plays. D. D. Warrior Lady is great, and Witch of the Black Forest and Sangan aren't bad either. Cyber Jar and Morphing Jar can be solid plays, too, provided you have the guts to take the risk of dropping them to the field so early, when your opponent is most likely to have an unspent Dark Hole, Nobleman of Crossout, Raigeki, or some similar card available. From there, the goal is simple—remove stuff from play, maintain board presence and board control, and keep smashing at the opponent until the game is over. The fact that the deck has such easy access to 2000+ ATK monsters makes it a scary thing to go up against. As long as you keep the pressure on, most opponents will buckle under the sheer weight of this deck's offense.

I've made some side deck recommendations, but from there, it's mostly up to your metagame. Ceasefire could be excellent, especially combo'd with Dimension Fusion. Some Chaos deck tech would be nice, but you're already running two Torrential Tributes, so you likely won't have to side deck too much against Chaos.

Thank you for sending it in, Erik! It's a great deck, and hopefully my tweaks and suggestions will help.



As a reminder, players with deck ideas they would like to see featured in this column can email their requests to
jasonatmetagame@yahoo.com. Please include your first name, city and state of residence, decklist in the format used above, and a few sentences about your deck and the challenges and successes you've had with it.

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