Doomkaiser Dragon
Card# CSOC-EN043
Doomkaiser Dragon's effect isn't just for Zombie World duelists: remember that its effect can swipe copies of Plaguespreader Zombie, too!
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Best of 2008 - The Practical Duelist: Group Playtesting - January 08, 2009 |
Thumping on your local tournaments’ weekly lineup just isn’t enough, and Bryan broke it all down to show you the simple processes you need to test effectively. If you seriously want to top a Regional, Shonen Jump, or go to Worlds, you should absolutely read this article.
The Practical Duelist: Metagame Update - September 19, 2008 |
Shonen Jump Championship Baltimore was a monumental event that proved one thing: Gladiator Beasts are still on top. But why are they?
The Practical Duelist: The Art of Group Playtesting - September 05, 2008 |
Good testing groups are one-in-a-million in any game, especially this one. The honest truth is that most people don’t know how to test properly for tournaments and the problem is worse with group testing.
Balance in the Metagame: Rise of Control - March 27, 2008 |
Control decks can balance an aggressive format with tight control over the tempo of the game and by thwarting the aggro deck’s win conditions.
Best of 2007, Skill Building and Maintenance - December 27, 2007 |
Building and maintaining your skills should be your first priority as a competitive duelist. Everything else is commentary. This week I have some practical ways for you, the aspiring duelist, to build your skills and maintain them.
Finding More Time for Practice - November 22, 2007 |
Sometimes the term “efficiency” is synonymous with finishing things faster. However, doing things with efficiency does not make them important.
Skill Building and Maintenance - August 09, 2007 |
Building and maintaining your skills should be your first priority as a competitive duelist. Everything else is commentary. This week I have some practical ways for you, the aspiring duelist, to build your skills and maintain them.
Staying Ahead of the Game: Part 2 - July 19, 2007 |
This week’s tips are even more important as they force you to apply your theoretical knowledge and turn it into real-life experience: by far the toughest thing to do for even the best of players.
Staying Ahead Of The Game: Part 1 - July 12, 2007 |
It’s one thing to win a tournament once. It’s another to keep winning time and time again. The best of the best win more consistently than others. The question is: how do they do it?
Card Evaluation 202 - July 05, 2007 |
Picking cards for your deck is an easy task nowadays. The internet is full of free decklists that you can copy and modify for yourself. However, to become a better player in this game, you’ve got to learn a new way of thinking about your card choices.
The Magic of Making Mistakes - June 14, 2007 |
Mistakes in gameplay are often opportunities to learn more, and can make you a much smarter player as well. What a concept!
Independent Thinking for Better Tournament Results - June 07, 2007 |
Groupthink is a highly observed phenomenon of human behavior. It is often referred to as “herd mentality” or “following the crowd,” and it can be the best way to sabotage your tournament success.
The Practical Duelist: Planning and Preparation - May 24, 2007 |
This week, I’ll be talking about the importance of planning and preparation. It works for everything in general, but today I’ll condense these concepts into good old Yu-Gi-Oh! wisdom.
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