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Doomkaiser Dragon
Card# CSOC-EN043

Doomkaiser Dragon's effect isn't just for Zombie World duelists: remember that its effect can swipe copies of Plaguespreader Zombie, too!
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Day 1 Wrap-Up
Jason Grabher-Meyer

It’s over! A field of 237 duelists has been reduced to a final Top 16, and the results are indeed surprising. Seven distinctly different strategies made it to Day 2: six Gladiator Beasts, four Dark Armed Dragon, two Monarchs, one Lightsworn, one Jinzo – Returner deck, one Big City, and one Counter Fairy. Gladiator Beasts are officially the deck to beat, smacking down Dark Armed Dragon to second place, while a variety of strong rogue decks suggest that innovation and personal style can triumph in the new environment.


Join us tomorrow, because we’re going to see Dale Bellido, Shane Scurry, Jason Holloway, Ryan Spicer, Edgar Flores, Metagame’s own Jerome McHale, and more top duelists go head to head in the most varied Day 2 I can remember! Sanwitch, Bait Doll, and more crazy tech abounds, so don’t miss a minute of the Day 2 action, kicking off tomorrow at 10 AM!

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