Cosmic-Dark-World-Heraklinos-Burial-of-Safe-Return? I’m not sure that makes any sense, but it sums up this month’s mail bag.

Cosmos Burial
"I have a question about Burial from a Different Dimension. If there is an active Macro Cosmos on the field, can I use Burial? If so, what will happen? Will monsters return to the graveyard and stay there or will they still be removed?"
It isn’t surprising that someone would think that there is a conflict between these cards. Macro Cosmos says that any card sent to the graveyard is removed from play. Burial from a Different Dimension takes monster cards that are removed from play and places them back into the graveyard. The issue is whether or not Macro Cosmos sees these monsters as "sent" to the graveyard and will again remove them from play.
Burial from a Different Dimension is in a unique group of cards that do not "send" other cards to the graveyard. We’ve seen something similar to this with the card Exchange of the Spirit, which is capable of swapping your deck for your graveyard, and vice-versa. The term "swap" was used so that this action would not be confused with "sending" cards to the graveyard. The rules of Macro Cosmos do not apply as a result.
When you use Burial from a Different Dimension or Miracle Dig to return monster cards to your graveyard, they will not be removed from play by Macro Cosmos because they are not treated as being "sent" to the graveyard.

Gladiator Beast Heraklinos
"I know that Gladiator Beast Heraklinos works his negation effect the same way Light and Darkness Dragon does. It’s not as fast as spell speed 2 or a counter trap. So if I chain a quick-play spell to the activation and negation of a trap or spell, he cannot negate it, right? But what happens if he does not negate the activation. EG: P1 with Heraklinos on the field, three cards in hand, and one set in his back row. P2 with no monsters and two cards in the back row. P2 activates Giant Trunade, P1 does not negate it with Heraklinos, and P2 chains Shrink to the Trunade. Can Heraklinos negate the Shrink then or not?"
Our submitter here has a misunderstanding of Gladiator Beast Heraklinos’s effect that appears to have been extended to Light and Darkness Dragon as well. The effects of both Light and Darkness Dragon and Gladiator Beast Heraklinos are multi-trigger effects, and multi-trigger effects are spell speed 2. They really have to be: otherwise they wouldn’t be much good against the activation of trap cards. When a spell card of any variety is activated, Gladiator Beast Heraklinos’s effect can be chained to negate its activation and destroy it. Heraklinos can do the same against trap cards, with the exception of counter trap cards because they are spell speed 3 and Heraklinos’s effect cannot be chained.
Heraklinos’s effect can be used multiple times during the same chain, as long as you can afford to pay its cost each time you want to activate it. The spell or trap card you decide to negate does not have to be the first effect on the chain. In the submitted example, the opponent’s Giant Trunade is followed by Shrink. When Giant Trunade is activated, Gladiator Beast Heraklinos’s controller has the option of chaining its effect. In this case he has decided not to, so the opponent chains Shrink. The controller of Gladiator Beast Heraklinos is again given the chance to chain its effect, and this time he has the desire to do so. If he does, Shrink will be negated and Giant Trunade will return the other remaining spell and trap cards on the field to their owner’s hand.
It is possible that the submitter was thinking of the ruling for Light and Darkness Dragon that says its effect will not activate more than once during a chain, meaning any effect that is chained to the Dragon’s effect won’t cause the Dragon to activate its effect again. This ruling applies to Light and Darkness Dragon but is not an issue for Gladiator Beast Heraklinos.

Card of Safe Return
"I am running Dark World at the moment, and was told not too long ago that if I†discard multiple Dark World monsters . . . while I have a Card of Safe Return out, I will only get to draw in a manner similar to special summoning just one Dark World monster. (EG: Goldd and Sillva are both in my hand, and I have Card of Safe Return on field. I play Card Destruction. If both hit the field at the same time, do I get to draw one or two?)
Next, how would the effects stack if I were to drop a Goldd and a Broww with Card of Safe Return out? Would I draw for Broww and special summon Goldd simultaneously, then draw for the Safe Return?
Lastly, how would Dark Magician of Chaos’s ability to grab a spell coincide with Card of Safe Return? Would I have to choose, or would I get both the spell and the draw(s)?"
Whenever multiple monsters are special summoned from your graveyard during the same chain, you will only draw one card. When Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World and Sillva, Warlord of Dark World are discarded by Card Destruction, their effects form a chain. They are not special summoned simultaneously because each monster’s effect creates a separate chain link. You will activate Card of Safe Return’s effect after the last Dark World monster is special summoned.
When you discard Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World and Broww, Huntsman of Dark World, their effects form a chain like Sillva and Goldd did in the first question. In order to satisfy Card of Safe Return, you will need to have the first effect on the chain special summon a monster from your graveyard, so you will need to place Goldd as chain link 1 and place Broww as chain link 2. When the chain resolves, you will draw one card with Broww’s effect and then special summon Goldd. After special summoning Goldd, you can activate Card of Safe Return’s effect.
With Dark Magician of Chaos, when you special summon him from your graveyard and you are able to activate his effect, if you have Card of Safe Return on the field, you can also activate its effect. The effect of each card is then placed onto a chain in the order of your choosing and you will select the target for Dark Magician of Chaos’s effect.
The first and second question assumed that Sillva and Goldd were special summoned by your own card effect. When they are special summoned by your opponent’s card effect, you cannot activate Card of Safe Return’s effect because the timing won’t be correct. The further resolution of their effects creates a different state that doesn’t satisfy Card of Safe Return. Card of Safe Return has an optional trigger effect, and these types of effects are quite picky . . . so much so that they have earned their own series of articles that we will begin next week. If you are having a hard time with trigger effects, or know someone who is, you’ll want to be here next week (or point someone else in this general direction).
Until next time, send all comments and questions to
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