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Doomkaiser Dragon
Card# CSOC-EN043

Doomkaiser Dragon's effect isn't just for Zombie World duelists: remember that its effect can swipe copies of Plaguespreader Zombie, too!
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Semifinals: Daniel Tate vs. Fili Luna
Jerome McHale

Daniel Tate was amazed to have made it this far in the tournament with a deck he had borrowed from Matthew Foley. Fili had a run of good fortune in the borrowing cards department as well, as his Troopers were on loan from Daniel Hobbs. Both players were one win away from guaranteeing themselves a Crush Card Virus, which would be the first for both of them despite the fact that Fili is currently playing one in his deck. He borrowed that too.


Daniel won the opening roll and started us off with a set to each zone, while Fili began with Card Trooper, dumping his Crush Card, Scapegoat, and a Malicious into the graveyard. He attacked into Treeborn Frog and then set a pair of spell or trap cards, one of which was destroyed in the end phase by Mystical Space Typhoon (Fili’s Typhoon). Frog came back and was tributed for Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch, but Fili chained Torrential Tribute to the effect! He lost Sangan and drew a card for Trooper and the field was cleared. Daniel set a spell or trap and Fili fired off Reinforcement of the Army for Stratos, who in turn fetched him Destiny Hero — Disk Commander.


Stratos fell in the battle phase to Sakuretsu Armor, and Daniel retrieved his Frog once again. Premature Burial brought Thestalos back up for a direct attack, and Daniel passed over to Fili, who pitched his Commander to Destiny Draw before setting a monster and passing. Now would be a great time for a Zaborg the Thunder Monarch or Raiza the Storm Monarch, and Daniel had him! Raiza bounced the set monster to the top of Fili’s deck, and both monsters attacked. Fili summoned Cyber Dragon and set a monster, revealing his hand to me to show the two Malicious he had drawn off Destiny Draw. It was all over in one more turn as Daniel brought his own Fear Monger to the field and cleared out Fili’s monsters with his Monarchs before attacking directly with the Monger for the win! Things weren’t looking good for Team Outphase’s Fili Luna, especially if he continued to draw like that! The newly formed Team Special’s Daniel Tate was concentrating hard on his side decking, however, and he didn’t notice the disappointment in Fili’s eyes.


Fili audibly hoped his opponent had no Frog in his opening hand, and started off with a set to each zone. Daniel looked at his cards before setting three spell or trap cards and passing. Fili lost his in-hand Cyber Dragon to Trap Dustshoot during the standby phase, and Fili flipped Card Trooper to dump Sangan, Snipe Hunter, and Premature Burial into the graveyard before attacking for 1900. Fili set a spell or trap, and Daniel did likewise. Destiny Draw came down for Fili, and Daniel used Trap Dustshoot upon its resolution but revealed no monsters in Fili’s hand! It didn’t matter though, as Fili pumped his Trooper, attacked, doubled its ATK in the damage step with Limiter Removal, and then blew it away with Ring of Destruction to take game 2! Daniel Tate finds no monsters to put on the field and endures a savage beating from Fili, pushing this match to game 3!


Daniel was up first, and he set a pair of spell or traps, along with a monster. Once again, He had Trap Dustshoot in the standby phase and revealed Dasher, Snipe Hunter, Malicious, Ring of Destruction, Confiscation, and Premature Burial! He chose Snipe Hunter to return to Fili’s deck, and Fili then revealed his opponents hand of Malicious, Fear Monger, and Heavy Storm. Fili quickly pitched the Heavy Storm and set a spell or trap before passing. The set card was quickly revealed to be Ring of Destruction when Daniel summoned Spirit Reaper, and he passed to Fili who set a spell or trap and ended his turn. Daniel summoned and pressed with a Fear Monger next turn, and Fili took it, only setting a third spell or trap on his next turn. Fear Monger continued his assault, and Daniel’s set Frog was tributed for a set Malicious. Fili set a fourth card, and Raiza came down for Daniel next turn. Fili had to put his fourth set card on top of the deck, and Daniel swung in for 3400. As soon as the attack ended, he flipped his own Ring of Destruction to end the game! Daniel Tate defeats previous Shonen Jump Champ Fili Luna to win a Crush Card and advance to the finals!

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