Eighteen-year-old Adam Donahue hails from Massachusetts and is a steady fixture of the Shonen Jump Championship circuit. He’s been the recipient of feature match coverage before, but has never had a breakout showing until today! Now he is4-0 with Crystal Beasts, shredding a field that seemed totally unprepared.
But he’s up against Edgar Flores, a well-renowned duelist who’s no stranger to the feature match spotlight. Seventeen years old, the Brooklyn native was armed with Trooper Monarchs that teched Machine Duplication, a very popular pick here today. He was the veteran choice for the win in this matchup based on experience and past success alone.
Donahue won the roll and opened the first duel with Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus. It searched out Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger from his deck, placed it in his spell and trap zone, and Donahue activated Ancient City – Rainbow Ruins to end his turn. Flores set a card to each zone and flipped Trap Dustshoot in Donahue’s draw phase: it revealed Lightning Vortex, Rare Value, another Ancient City, Crystal Abundance, and finally Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle, which was shuffled back. Donahue visibly winced.
Sapphire Pegasus attacked, destroying Treeborn Frog. “Go,” said Donahue. Flores brought back his Frog, tributed it for Raiza the Storm Monarch, and bounced Tiger to the top of Donahue’s deck. Raiza ran over Sapphire Pegasus, Pegasus was crystallized, and Flores set a card to his back row. “Go.”
Forced to draw Tiger again, Donahue summoned it and added Crystal Abundance to his spell and trap zone: he lost it to Dust Tornado in his end phase! That meant Flores got to take back his Treeborn Frog, which he promptly did on the following turn. He then summoned Card Trooper, sent three cards to his graveyard, and ran over the Tiger before launching a direct attack with Raiza.
With two Crystal Beasts in his back row, Donahue was free to activate Rare Value. He did so, drawing two cards and then breathing a heavy sigh — he clearly wasn’t happy. He made the only play he had, summoning Rescue Cat. He tributed it to search two copies of Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat from his graveyard, and then activated Lightning Vortex, discarding Terraforming for its cost! Flores drew a card for his destroyed Card Trooper, and then ate 2400 damage from the Cats in battle! Play was to Flores.
It was 5600 to 4700 with Flores winning. He brought back his Frog, summoned another Card Trooper, pumped it to 1900 ATK and attacked directly. He set two cards to his back row and ended.
“What do you have life at?”
“I’ve got you at 2800. I’m at 5600,” replied Flores. Donahue summoned Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus and sent a fourth card, another Pegasus, to his spell and trap zone!
He drew a card for the fourth effect of Ancient City, and then replaced it with another for another draw. He activated Terraforming, searched out a third Ancient City and played it as well, again drawing another card. He needed Crystal Abundance very badly, and sure enough all his digging brought him there! He activated Abundance, sent his four Crystal Beasts to the graveyard, and Flores had to consider his possible responses. Attempting to minimize the number of cards that would be sent from his side of the field to the graveyard he activated Enemy Controller, tributing his Treeborn Frog to take control of Sapphire Pegasus. It didn’t do anything in the long run, since the Pegasus he took was counted anyway — it was under his control at the time of Abundance’s resolution.
Donahue brought up all three Sapphire Pegasus plus Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger, and it was all over! Flores’ commanding control of the game had been shattered by some quick-thinking and Crystal Abundance!
Both duelists smoke-screened and sided for the maximum allotted time — three minutes. Flores had to rethink his approach to this match, while Donahue wasn’t going to take his first win for granted.
Donahue presented his deck and Flores followed suit. The second duel was on!
Flores set a spell or trap. “Go.” Donahue fired back with Rescue Cat, placing two Amethyst Cat on the field and giving a quiet “meow.” Both Cats struck directly, but when Donahue activated Ancient City he lost it to Flores’ set Dust Tornado. Ouch. He set a back row card to conclude his turn.
Flores set a second card to his spell and trap zone, matching Donahue’s commitment. He passed, again devoid of monsters, and Donahue used Terraforming to seek out Ancient City – Rainbow Ruins. This time Flores didn’t have any way to eliminate it. He followed it up with Crystal Beacon! Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus was special summoned by its effect, bringing another Pegasus to his back row. Sapphire Pegasus attacked and Ring of Destruction blew it away before it could hit Flores directly — a good defensive move, but one that left Donahue able to draw another card: he was up to four Crystal Beasts in his spell and trap zone for Ancient City! “Your turn.”
Flores set a monster and ended. Donahue drew for his draw phase, and then drew again for Ancient City. He summoned Topaz Tiger, attacked into Treeborn Frog, and ended. Flores was clearly vexed — now that Donahue had another Crystal Beast out he could negate spells and traps too.
Still, he pressed on. He special summoned Cyber Dragon and tried to move to his battle phase, but was rebuked by Threatening Roar. Flores set a monster, and then flipped Royal Oppression, but Donahue negated it by sending Topaz Tiger to the graveyard for Ancient City! Flores was boggled — he’d thought Ancient City’s third effect required Crystal Beasts to be sent from the spell and trap zone, not the field. Donahue set a monster and ended.
Treeborn Frog hopped back up onto Flores’ side of the field, and he activated Soul Exchange to tribute Donahue’s set Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle for Mobius, destroying the two Pegasus in Donahue’s back row. Next turn Donahue came back with Crystal Blessing, returning his two Pegasus to his spell and trap zone! He took his extra draw, set one back row card, and ended. When Flores tried to attack, another Threatening Roar held him off, leaving him to set a back row card.
“Is that game?” he asked. Donahue drew for Ancient City to find out.
With no game-shot available he played another Ancient City, drawing again. Still nothing of use. He activated Card Destruction, and that was all he needed: he drew into Crystal Abundance! He activated it and it was all over: Flores would be facing a whopping five Crystal Beasts, and he had no way to defend himself.
Adam Donahue takes a 2-0 sweep over veteran Edgar Flores, moving on undefeated with Crystal Beasts!