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Doomkaiser Dragon
Card# CSOC-EN043

Doomkaiser Dragon's effect isn't just for Zombie World duelists: remember that its effect can swipe copies of Plaguespreader Zombie, too!
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Photos from Shonen Jump Los Angeles 2005
Craig Gibson

Upper Deck's Scott Eliott administers the most important part of the morning's judge meeting: the obligatory "Things To Do With Your Arms When Standing Around" lesson.

John didn't know the grand prize for the weekend's "Wacky Hat" contest was humiliation on the internet.  We hope his coworkers and friends enjoy this unique side of him.

Competitors reflect on the fact that the prizes for the SJC are far better than those offered in the Wacky Hat contest.

Fast fact: Free stuff is far more tempting when it's locked inside a hexagon.

Not pictured: beloved veteran duelists Emon Ghaneian, Dwayne Nunez, and Wilson Luc.  Pictured here: some scrubs.

Level 3 Judge Simon Sangpukdee, returning from a long hiatus from Yu-Gi-Oh!, explains the sordid history of why Mystic Tomato looks like Gene Simmons.

Haven't seen Tony Lee in an SJC Top 8 for a while.

Moments before his duel, George was stricken with a congenital heart disease.  His screams of anguish were confused for general enthusiasm.

Patrick Wu.  On a good day.

Team Punishment, showing off their Bay Area west side style.

Wilson Yu doesn't actually play Yu-Gi-Oh!, but he makes thousands of dollars modeling sunglasses at our events.

Mac Chu, as only crazy Batman camera angles can portray him.

Jazer Celaya has a cooler name than you.  And I don't even know what your name is.

Aaron Eaton gives his first smile of the match as his evil plan finally comes to fruition. 

Aaron Eaton just won with a 50 card deck.  "50 cards?  What gives?" asks a confused Jazer Celaya. 

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