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Doomkaiser Dragon
Card# CSOC-EN043

Doomkaiser Dragon's effect isn't just for Zombie World duelists: remember that its effect can swipe copies of Plaguespreader Zombie, too!
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Round 3: Jose Arocho vs. Robby Kohl
Matt Peddle

Both players are new to the feature match table, but have made it 2-0 thus far in the tournament. Jose is from New York and is playing a Return from the Different Dimension deck, profiled here today. He's got some interesting tech being played, and is hoping it'll pan out for this match. Robby is from Auburn, Indiana, and flies no team flag. Both players are eager to move on with an undefeated record, so we should have a heated match.


Jose won the roll and opted to go first. He did so with a set spell or trap before passing. Robby played Yellow Gadget to search for a Green Gadget from his deck and attacked directly. Jose threw Scapegoat in his way and Robby took care of a Sheep. He then set a spell or trap card and passed to Jose. Jose simply set a spell or trap card before ending his turn. Robby brought out the Green next turn to grab Red Gadget. Jose lost a pair of Sheep and Robby set a spell or trap card before passing.


Jose was up again, and he flipped Heavy Storm, destroying Enemy Controller and Royal Decree. Jose set a monster and a spell or trap before ending. Robby completed the traffic light by summoning Red and searching a Yellow. He set a backfield card, cleared the last Sheep and attacked a face down Magical Merchant, who fetched Enemy Controller. Red got in directly, and Jose was up. He special summoned Cyber Dragon, normal summoned Cyber Phoenix, and cleared Green Gadget with Cyber Dragon. The Phoenix attacked Yellow and both went down. Jose set another spell or trap card before ending.


Robby was up next and he played Yellow to search Green. Red attacked Cyber Dragon and flipped Shrink in the damage step, destroying Cyber Dragon. Jose used Skull Lair to remove four cards and destroy the Yellow Gadget. Another back row card for Robby was the end of his turn. Jose special summoned Cyber Dragon and normal summoned Snipe Hunter, discarding to hit the back row. Robby chained Enemy Controller to take Cyber Dragon, and Jose ended his turn.


Robby was up, and he played Snipe Hunter, discarding a Green to target Jose's back row. Jose tributed his Snipe Hunter with Enemy Controller to take Robby's Snipe Hunter for the turn. Robby ended his turn with no spell or trap card. Bazoo the Soul-Eater dropped down next, removing one card from play. Jose then played his top decked Dimension Fusion to special summon two Snipe Hunter's and another Cyber Dragon. No Snipe discards were necessary to attack for game.


Both players wished each other luck for the second game, and Robby opened with a Yellow Gadget to search out a Green Gadget from his deck. He followed up with a set spell or trap card and Jose was up. Jose dropped Cyber Dragon and Card Trooper, sending three cards from his deck to pump the Trooper up to 1900. Trooper took down Yellow and Cyber Dragon got in directly. A set spell or trap finished up Jose's turn.


On his turn, Robby special summoned a Cyber Dragon as well and summoned a Red Gadget to search for a Yellow. He played Smashing Ground to destroy Cyber Dragon and swung in with both his monsters. Jose was up and he normal summoned Bazoo the Soul-Eater, removing three monsters in his graveyard to pump to 2500. Bazoo attacked Cyber Dragon and Jose flipped Return from the Different Dimension! He wanted to use Card Trooper's effect, but couldn't because he was in the battle phase. Cyber Dragon attacked Red, and Robby played Enemy Controller to switch it to defense. Card Trooper swung into Red to draw Jose a card, and Jose set a spell or trap card before passing. Robby summoned Green Gadget on his turn to search out a Red. Smashing Ground came down and Robby attacked with both Gadgets for game.


Neither played touched his side deck before moving into the third game, and Jose opened with a set spell or trap card. Robby also set one spell or trap before passing and Jose passed with no play. Mystical Space Typhoon dropped for Robby, destroying Pulling the Rug before summoning Yellow Gadget to attack for 1200. A spell or trap finished his turn. Jose played D.D. Designator and called Green Gadget, removing it from play. Snipe Hunter dropped next, discarding Jinzo to target the spell or trap card, which was Shrink. It was chained to target Snipe Hunter. Jose discarded another card to destroy the Yellow and attacked for 750. Two back field cards finished Jose's turn.


Banisher of the Radiance dropped for Robby and he attacked directly for 1600 after playing Smashing Ground on Snipe Hunter. Jose was up now, and he set a monster before passing his turn. On Robby's turn, Neo-Spacian Grand Mole dropped down to bounce Jose's monster card, and Banisher got in another attack. Jose set a spell or trap card, summoned Cyber Phoenix, and passed. Robby played Smashing Ground to remove it from play and attacked directly. Jose flipped Call of the Haunted for Jinzo during his end phase, attacked Banisher, and set a monster and a spell or trap to finish his turn.


Hydrogeddon came down for Robby, and he attacked the face down Card Trooper to search out another one. Fissure took care of Jinzo and Robby passed. Jose drew for his turn and played Return from the Different Dimension. He discarded Skull Lair to destroy Hydrogeddon but missed. Cyber Phoenix was summoned and Jose attacked with all his monsters. Robby flipped Mirror Force and Jose scooped it up.


Robby Kohl moves on to 3-0 with his Gadget/Decree deck!

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