Game 1
Clint won the roll and elected to start. He led off with Pot of Greed and then set a monster and a face-down card before ending. Michael surveyed his options carefully, finally deciding to play Reasoning. Clint called 5, but Morphing Jar flopped on to the field and was summoned. Michael set two cards and then Reloaded for three, digging for a combo piece. He continued with Graceful Charity, discarding Spell Reproduction and Spell Economics. He set one more card and ended. Clint was slightly puzzled by this, but decided to flip over his D.D. Assailant and attack, anyway. Michael chained Book of Moon to flip down his Jar, but a Ring of Destruction from Clint ensured that it would die. D.D. Assailant hit directly, making the score 7300 to 5600. Michael played Spell Reproduction, discarding his hand to recover Graceful, and then played it. He then played Soul Release to remove his Dark Magician of Chaos from play and tried to bring it back with Dimension Fusion. Solemn Judgment put a stop to that, however. Clint brought back Pot of Greed with a Magician of Faith, tributed it for Jinzo, and swung in, leaving Michael with only 1500 life points. Michael was in a bad spot, but he topdecked a Dimension Fusion and started his combo with Mass Driver and Spell Economics to win the game.
Michael-1 Clint-0
Game 2
Both players seemed to know exactly what to side deck and they quickly got back to shuffling their decks. Having lost game 1, Clint elected to start off the second game. After a quick handshake, the duel began. He started with Pot once again and then followed it up with a Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer and three face-down cards. Michael started with Graceful, discarding the Dark Magician of Chaos and a Monster Gate. He set two face-down cards and passed. Clint knew it would be trouble if the Dark Magician of Chaos made it out of play, so he decided to try to end the duel as fast as possible. He summoned Reflect Bounder and attacked, but Scapegoat ensured that Michael would live to see another day. Michael played Spell Reproduction, discarding the other two Monster Gates to retrieve Graceful Charity. He discarded Cannon Soldier and Book of Taiyou, set another card, and ended. Clint summoned another monster and finished off the goats. His direct attack was stymied, however, by yet another copy of Scapegoat. Michael went to play Soul Release, but the Kycoo Clint had summoned previously put a stop to that. Clint summoned another monster and attacked, leaving Dark Magician of Chaos in the grave. Michael had nothing left to try to counter with, since the Kycoo shut down his combo. With a smile and a shake of his head, he conceded game 2.
Michael-1 Clint-1
Game 3
Michael started off the game by passing his first turn. Clint took the opportunity to fetch a Don Zaloog with Reinforcement of the Army and swing for 1400, discarding Michael’s Mass Driver. Things weren’t going too well for Michael as he passed again without playing a card. Don hit him again, this time stealing a Book of Taiyou. Michael was desperate for answers at this point but once again had to pass without playing. Clint continued the assault with a D. D. Warrior Lady, bringing the game down to one last draw. Michael took a look at the last card, set two, and ended. Clint destroyed them both in the end phase with a Dust Tornado and a Mystical Space Typhoon, and that was the game.
Clint wins the match 2-1.