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Doomkaiser Dragon
Card# CSOC-EN043

Doomkaiser Dragon's effect isn't just for Zombie World duelists: remember that its effect can swipe copies of Plaguespreader Zombie, too!
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Duelist Academy: Dastardly Evil Heroes
Curtis Schultz
Jaden received new Evil Hero Fusions, meaner versions of his prior allies. The Evil Hero monsters are quite useful, and the only real reason they haven’t stepped into play with the powerful Dark decks is their lack of a solid draw mechanic. For those of us who enjoy Jaden’s darker side, the Evil Hero monsters have a lot of fun to offer.

An Evil Portent
Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy is Jaden’s little baby Cyber Dragon. It doesn’t have the punch of Zane’s signature monster, but it does have a useful function that Jaden and Aster can take advantage of.

"If you control no monsters, you can Special Summon this card from your hand in face-up Attack Position. If you Tribute this card to Tribute Summon an ‘Elemental Hero,’ ‘Destiny Hero,’ or ‘Evil Hero’ monster, draw 1 card during this turn’s End Phase."

Unlike Cyber Dragon, Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy can be special summoned from your hand even if your opponent doesn’t have monsters on his or her side of the field. It’s not going to put up much of a fight though, because its ATK and DEF aren’t very strong, which leads you to its second effect. The GX family of "Hero" cards can use the Infernal Prodigy as a tribute, letting you draw a card during the end phase. You can tribute Infernal Prodigy for anything, so you don’t have to think of Infernal Prodigy as exclusive to the "Hero" decks.

Any player who wants a cheap way of getting a tribute for Monster Gate can appreciate a little monster he or she can special summon and send away without a second thought. It’s also a Dark monster, and that is certainly a valuable commodity these days. We saw no shortage of Destiny Heroes in the Dark Armed Dragon decks that tore though the playing field in March. When you do tribute it for a "Hero" (a Destiny Hero or otherwise) you need to keep a few things in mind.

First, don’t let it leave the graveyard or removed-from-play zone. After you tribute Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy for a Hero monster, its effect will want to start a new chain during the end phase, but this won’t happen if Infernal Prodigy is special summoned or returned to the hand or deck. So long as it remains in one of the desired zones, you’re alright. It’s acceptable to remove it from play to pay the cost of Dark Armed Dragon’s effect or to tribute it while Dimensional Fissure is active, because the removed-from-play zone is an acceptable location. Just don’t let it come back into play with Return from the Different Dimension.

Lastly, you shouldn’t tribute Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy to set a Hero monster. Its effect will not activate in this case. Face-down monsters are an unknown in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG. You may know what you set, but your opponent cannot confirm this (and you shouldn’t be telling him or her). Flipping the monster later in the turn won’t satisfy Infernal Prodigy. We don’t usually set high-level Evil Heroes or Destiny Heroes anyway, so I wouldn’t expect this to be an issue.

Fusion of Evil
The Evil Hero Fusions all use Elemental Heroes we are familiar with, but corrupt them with the spell card Dark Fusion. The resulting Fusion is often similar to the "good" version Fusion monster, but with different and arguably more powerful effects. The only thing these Fusion monsters were missing was a Miracle Fusion, and in the third Jaden Duelist Pack, they got one in the form of Dark Calling.

"Remove from play, from your hand or your Graveyard, the Fusion Material Monsters listed on a Fusion Monster Card that can only be Special Summoned with Dark Fusion,’ and Special Summon that monster from your Fusion Deck. (This Special Summon is treated as a Fusion Summon with ‘Dark Fusion.’)"  

Dark Calling works the same way Miracle Fusion does, but it contains an extra bit of text that can confuse players. The text in parenthesis that refers to Dark Fusion is included because the Evil Hero Fusion monsters demand the use of Dark Fusion when you want to Fusion summon them. This text applies the name of Dark Fusion, but does not include its effect! Your Evil Heroes do not receive any special protections when using Dark Calling.

The use of Fusion substitute monsters is allowed, but only if the Evil Hero Fusion monster allows you to do so. Evil Hero Dark Gaia is currently the only Evil Hero Fusion monster that disallows the use of Fusion substitute monsters, because it does not name specific Fusion material monsters, using generic type-based demands instead. You can use the "Hex-Sealed" monsters only because they are Rock monsters, and Dark Gaia wants you to use a Rock monster in its Fusion.

When you use Dark Calling to Fusion summon Evil Hero Wild Cyclone, you can use one Fusion substitute monster in your graveyard to replace either Elemental Hero Avian or Elemental Hero Wildheart, but when you Fusion summon Evil Hero Malicious Fiend, you can only replace Evil Hero Malicious Edge. The "Level 6 or higher Fiend" cannot be replaced with a Fusion substitute monster.

Evil Upgrade
Evil Hero Wild Cyclone takes a cue from Professor Crowler’s "Ancient Gear" monsters, with an added twist that puts Ancient Gear Engineer to shame.

"This monster cannot be Special Summoned except with ‘Dark Fusion.’ If this card attacks, your opponent cannot activate any Spell or Trap Cards until the end of the Damage Step. When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent, destroy all face-down Spell and Trap Cards your opponent controls."  

Just like an Ancient Gear monster, Evil Hero Wild Cyclone’s rampages tend to be free of interference from your opponent’s spell and trap cards. Its effect takes full advantage of this, destroying those very same spell and trap cards your opponent was unable to activate. Doing so requires inflicting battle damage to your opponent’s life points, a task that isn’t that difficult to achieve. This effect starts a chain when you successfully inflict battle damage to your opponent’s life points, during any turn. Your opponent can chain to it, but it can be difficult to do so.

Evil Hero Malicious Fiend, the biggest and meanest of the bunch, alters every plan your opponent has for his or her turn.

"This monster cannot be Special Summoned except with ‘Dark Fusion.’ During your opponent’s Battle Phase, all monsters they control are changed to face-up Attack Position, and each monster they control must attack this card."

Evil Hero Malicious Fiend puts your opponents in a bad position. They must continue skipping their battle phase until they can do something about the Malicious Fiend, because its effect will go after them as soon as their battle phase starts. Every monster they control (including any face-down monsters) is shifted into face-up attack position and is forced to attack the Evil Hero Malicious Fiend. If your opponent has multiple face-down monsters with flip effects, the effects will start a chain when they are flipped face up by Evil Hero Malicious Fiend’s effect. In all honesty, this hardly ever happens, and is usually just something hypothetical that players concocted for their own amusement. In the rare instance that it does happen, the order of the effects is decided by their controller, who will arrange them in an order that best serves his or her interests.

Sometimes monsters will be forbidden from attacking by another card’s effect, or even their own effect. When a monster cannot attack, it will not be bound by Malicious Fiend’s ability. For example, Toon monsters would not be able to attack Malicious Fiend during the same turn they are summoned, and high-level monsters would not be able to attack while Gravity Bind’s effect is being applied. The Malicious Fiend player isn’t likely to use such cards as a result. He wants that 3500 ATK smashing some poor monster in the face, or wherever it is you smash monsters.

Until next time, send all comments and questions to Curtis@Metagame.com.

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