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Doomkaiser Dragon
Card# CSOC-EN043

Doomkaiser Dragon's effect isn't just for Zombie World duelists: remember that its effect can swipe copies of Plaguespreader Zombie, too!
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2006 United Kingdom National Championship
Metagame Staff

It’s all over! Congratulations to Wayne Pinkney, who is the new 2006 Yu-Gi-Oh! UK National Champion! Defeating Jamie Muirhead in the quarterfinals, then Robert Doughty, and finally Igor Kharin in the finals, Wayne Pinkney’s Monarch deck powered its way through the Top 8, bringing him pride and glory as well as a paid trip to Germany for the European National Championship! A hard-fought battle from Igor Kharin’s Cyber-Stein deck left Wayne worried about what could happen, but with a fair bit of luck, he pulled his way through to become the National Champion!


Congratulations to the rest of the Top 8, who all receive invites to the European Championship in Bochum, Germany, and once more, a special congratulations to Wayne Pinkney, the 2006 Yu-Gi-Oh! UK National Champion!

Quarterfinals Semifinals Finals Champion
Keng Hong Cheong
  Igor Kharin
Igor Kharin
  Igor Kharin
Simon McGoldrick
  Simon McGoldrick
Simon Ho
  Wayne Pinkney
Jamie Muirhead
  Wayne Pinkney
Wayne Pinkney
  Wayne Pinkney
Alan McDonald
  Robert Doughty
Robert Doughty

Day Two
Over the past few months, there have been various Duel Academy events taking place alongside normal Regional and City tournaments, where UK players under 13 were able to qualify for this event, the finals, Duel Academy 2006!
This is it! The National Championship rests on this match!
Trevor Ralph came over to explain about how there will be no time pressure on the players from here on in, and both players shook hands and exchanged pleasantries in preparation for this semifinal match!
Here at the quarterfinals, neither player is nervous, now that they have both qualified for the European Championships, but having the paid trip would be nice, they both agree.
Check out the Top 8 decklists here!
It's the UK Nationals Scrub Brush Challenge!
Here we are in the last round of Swiss play. Both of these players are sitting on the bubble at 8-2.
“You’ve gotta promote DuelistGroundz some more, by the way” commented Joe. “Remember, in case it’s not obvious, we’re Joejoe and Zee.”
Mark Steele is 4-3 going into Day 2 and is hoping to place highly, just to prove that conforming is not the only way to make a huge impression in this year’s National Championship.
Day One
It’s the end of Day One of the Yu-Gi-Oh! UK National Championships, and as in every tournament there are plenty of tech cards seeing play today.
Duncan is in our Scrub Brush Challenge and comes from Scotland—you know, that small place just above England that no one seems to remember.
Ray Santiago is well-known and respected in the south of England. Seth Cold is a regular from Birmingham who’s playing independently today without a team.
Both players shuffled up and exchanged pleasantries, including memories of the last time they played.
Team Recoil is well-known for being slightly over-enthusiastic when it comes to starting up a team.
The venue for the UK National Championship this year is the Britannia Hotel, on Birmingham New Street in central Birmingham.
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