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Doomkaiser Dragon
Card# CSOC-EN043

Doomkaiser Dragon's effect isn't just for Zombie World duelists: remember that its effect can swipe copies of Plaguespreader Zombie, too!
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Round 9: Paul Levitin vs. Bryan Coronel
Jerome McHale

Paul Levitin and Bryan Coronel need no introduction to each other as they’re both members of Team Overdose, probably the most successful recognized team in the game right now, with the only close challengers being the Canadian contingent of Superfriends. Both of them are running a Monarch variant today


Paul won the opening roll and started off with a set to each zone before passing back to Bryan, who simply set a monster and ended. Paul flipped Dekoichi to draw a card and attacked into Bryan’s set Treeborn Frog before setting a monster and passing. Frog returned to Bryan’s side of the field and was joined by a set monster. Play passed back to Paul, who flipped a second Dekoichi and summoned Spirit Reaper before eliminating the Frog and running headlong into Gravekeeper’s Spy. A second Spy was summoned, and Paul passed to Bryan who tributed his Frog for Zaborg. Spirit Reaper was destroyed, as was Zaborg when Ring of Destruction blew him away in the battle phase. Paul had his own Monarch, a Thestalos, next turn, and he robbed Bryan of his Thestalos before whacking a Spy. Paul set a spell or trap and Bryan was up. He shuffled his hand a bit before setting a monster and passing back to Paul, who set a monster, attacked the Spy with Thestalos, and attacked Bryan’s set Mystic Tomato with Dekoichi. This prompted Bryan to search out Spirit Reaper, and soon after it was his turn.


Bryan’s Frog was tributed for Mobius, destroying Paul’s Mirror Force, and Bryan attacked the Dekoichi before passing once again with no back row. Paul was up, and he used Snatch Steal to take Mobius and tribute him for Cyber Dragon. Soul Exchange targeted Spirit Reaper to send it to the graveyard, and Paul set a spell or trap before ending. Bryan set a spell or trap and a monster, while Paul flipped up his own Gravekeeper’s Spy. Another Spy hit the field for Paul, and the attack position Spy was tributed for Mobius. Bryan chained his Mystical Space Typhoon to take out Paul’s Bottomless Trap Hole, and it was on to battle phase. Mobius destroyed Bryan’s set Sangan, prompting him to search for Morphing Jar, and Cyber Dragon mauled the Frog, allowing Thestalos to attack directly. Paul passed with no backfield, and Bryan brought back his Frog during standby. He set a pair of spell or trap cards and a monster before passing over to Paul who tributed his other Spy for Zaborg. Zaborg blasted Bryan’s set Morphing Jar, and he shifted Thestalos to defense before declaring his battle phase. Bryan had nothing though, and he flipped his Heavy Storm and Confiscation before scooping up his cards. Minimal spell and trap support keeps Bryan out of the game allowing Paul an easy game 1 win.


“What was with that hand?” inquired Paul between matches. “All monsters all the time,” replied Bryan. It was Bryan’s turn to start things off, and he began with a set to each zone. Paul decided to be the aggressor, and started with Card Trooper, sending three cards to the graveyard from his deck to activate it. He set a spell or trap and attacked, revealing Mystic Tomato. Tomato searched out Sangan, and Confiscation flipped in main phase two to steal Bryan’s Thestalos. Paul set a spell or trap, and Sangan destroyed his Card Trooper in the next turn. Bryan set a monster and passed to Paul, who special summoned Cyber Dragon. The mechanized monster fell to Sakuretsu Armor, and Paul set a card to each zone before ending, daring Bryan to play Zaborg. He set three spell or trap cards and then attacked with Sangan into Paul’s set Gravekeeper’s Spy. Paul searched out another, and play passed back to him. Paul switched his Spies to attack mode and set Heavy Storm before attacking into Bryan’s set monster. Sakuretsu Armor destroyed one, and the second Spy took down Bryan’s Treeborn Frog. Bryan was back up, and he finally summoned his Zaborg. Sangan fetched Mask of Darkness, and Zaborg blew away the Spy with his effect. Bryan opted not to attack, and Paul activated Pot of Avarice, but Bryan dropped 3500 life points to block it. Paul followed up with Snatch Steal, but a second Solemn Judgment blocked that as well. Bryan was down to 1750, but he now had a clear back row and could retrieve his Treeborn Frog. He did so and set a monster before ending his turn once again. Soul Exchange took away his set Mask of Darkness in exchange for a Mobius and play was back to Bryan. He set a monster, but Enemy Controller put his Frog into attack mode and allowed Paul to attack through the Frog with Mobius to take the game! Paul soundly beats his teammate to stay in the running for Day 2!

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