Doomkaiser Dragon
Card# CSOC-EN043
Doomkaiser Dragon's effect isn't just for Zombie World duelists: remember that its effect can swipe copies of Plaguespreader Zombie, too!
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The Binder: Skill Drain - September 23, 2007 |
While Jonathan Labounty won with a deck that many considered to be extinct after the new Advanced format changes, the new decks and strategies that came out of SJC Washington, DC were all very unique.
The Binder: Bottomless Trap Hole - September 17, 2007 |
As the Advanced format changes, whether through the rise of a new deck or a new change to the Forbidden and Limited lists, cards filter in and out of the most commonly played decks.
The Binder: Jinzo Revisited - September 09, 2007 |
It always excites me when a card which I’ve previously looked at goes through a dramatic change in a tournament format.
The Binder: Good Goblin Housekeeping - September 02, 2007 |
Good Goblin Housekeeping to draw three cards multiple times typically swings games into your favor, since it’s hard for an opponent to beat the extra steam that the re-use of a late-game copy can provide.
The Binder: Crystal Seer - August 20, 2007 |
There are some exciting cards in Tactical Evolution, but honestly, I don’t think many can compare to Crystal Seer. Heck, I don’t think very many cards can compare to it period.
The Binder: Gemini Summoner - August 12, 2007 |
With the current format as aggressive as it is, the release of the new Gemini Summoner from Tactical Evolution (along with other stall-related cards coming up, such as Marshmallon) couldn’t have come at a better time.
Tactical Evolution Preview: Mormolith - July 23, 2007 |
Without looking at other Earth monsters just yet, this card would already be a solid removal option in the current Advanced format.
The Binder: Cyber Phoenix - July 15, 2007 |
The Advanced format has evolved quite a bit since the Forbidden and Limited lists last changed. While the format still remains primarily fast, it has moved from a dominant combo environment to a much more beatdown-oriented format.
The Binder: Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins - July 08, 2007 |
The Crystal Beasts, despite having a generous amount of support dedicated to them through a single set, haven’t made any serious finishes at a premiere tournament yet.
The Binder: Threatening Roar - July 01, 2007 |
It’s no secret that the current Advanced format has been blazingly fast since it began back in March. The first speedy decks we got a glimpse of were the revised Diamond Dude Turbo and Bazoo-Trooper decks.
The Binder: Volcanics - June 25, 2007 |
Today, my intention was to bring you some discussion and insight on Volcanic Shell, a card I touched on a few weeks ago when talking about Card Trader.
The Binder: Snipe Hunter - June 18, 2007 |
Its usefulness as a destructive tool really is only a bonus to the purpose it typically serves as an unmitigated discard outlet for decks that need to put cards into the graveyard.
The Binder: Elemental Hero Stratos - June 10, 2007 |
By now, most Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG players are probably familiar with Elemental Hero Stratos. If you do not recognize this card, you have either just returned from a very long hiatus from the game, or you have been ignoring any and all tournament coverage that has taken place in the last four months.
The Binder: Trap Dustshoot - June 03, 2007 |
Trap Dustshoot is not only one of Jae Kim’s favorite trap cards, but also one of the best and most powerful ways to disrupt the dreaded Ritual summoning of Demise, King of Armageddon.
The Binder: Card Trader - May 27, 2007 |
Card Trader has always had potential, but it never saw much serious play other than in the occasional Gadget deck. The Volcanic monsters give this continuous spell its shot at being the key to an entire deck.
The Binder: Crystal Abundance - May 20, 2007 |
Crystal Beasts this. Crystal Beasts that. The Crystal Beast monsters and their support cards have been the focus of a ton of discussions and articles.
The Binder: Raiza The Storm Monarch - May 13, 2007 |
Monarchs, after all this time, have not lost their popularity. While the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG has never been as diverse as it is now, Monarch control still remains a solid deck to fall back on in case you aren’t sure what to expect at a major tournament.
The Binder: Advanced Ritual Art - May 06, 2007 |
Advanced Ritual Art was a huge boost to decks based on Demise, King of Armageddon, as well as many other casual and competitive strategies.
Force of the Breaker Preview: Sky Scourge Enrise - April 23, 2007 |
The upcoming new Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG set is, in my opinion, the most powerful set to be released since Invasion of Chaos. Oh by the way, Force of the Breaker has new Chaos monsters.
The Binder: Shrink - April 15, 2007 |
Shrink has now been out for about a month thanks to the special edition packs of Strike of Neos, and its impact can be very clearly seen on the tournament scene.
The Binder: Grandmaster of the Six Samurai - April 08, 2007 |
Grandmaster of the Six Samurai—the true leader of the team and the reason for the recent success of the Six Samurai theme—made his debut as a promo for the Strike of Neos Sneak Preview and was later revealed to be a secret rare within the set.
The Binder: Mask of Darkness - April 01, 2007 |
Some may remember that I looked at Mask of Darkness last April. However, as I mentioned in some of my re-evaluations of cards like Apprentice Magician, formats can shift and drastic changes in the game can take place.
The Binder: Destiny Hero - Malicious - March 25, 2007 |
Many months ago, the rivals of the Elemental Heroes made their appearance in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game’s Enemy of Justice booster set. These Warriors were known as the Destiny Heroes.
The Binder: Dimension Fusion - March 18, 2007 |
Invasion of Chaos was responsible for many of the game’s most powerful cards, but it’s hard to forget one of my favorite cards from the set: Dimension Fusion.
The Binder: Card Trooper - March 11, 2007 |
If you have been playing the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG at any of the various regional events or Shonen Jump Championships over the past two weeks, then you should be familiar with the new card known as Card Trooper.
The Binder: The Transmigration Prophecy - March 04, 2007 |
When we got our sneak preview assignments for Strike of Neos, the first thing I wanted to do was talk with some of the other writers so we could discuss how cool the new cards were.
The Binder: Dark World Dealings - February 25, 2007 |
To run Dark World Dealings or not to run Dark World Dealings? It seems like a very risky move with all the popularity surrounding the Dark World theme.
The Binder: System Down - February 04, 2007 |
While Chimeratech may thrive best in a Gadget-oriented format, System Down thrives in a format filled with tons of Machine monsters.
The Binder: Lightning Vortex - January 28, 2007 |
The introduction of the Gadgets into the environment has probably caused the greatest level of diversity that we’ve seen in a while, since it’s one of the best battle-oriented decks in the format.
The Binder: Jinzo - January 21, 2007 |
Jinzo works well as that near-perfect solution, since its ATK is higher than Wombat and a Chain Strike Burn deck normally won’t think to prepare for it.
Best of 2006: The Binder: Hydrogeddon and Aggro Decks - December 24, 2006 |
Since mid-2005, I had spent a majority of my time talking about control cards or underrated strategies, and very little time talking about cards that suit an aggressive play style. Hydrogeddon was my first break from that.
The Binder: Chain Strike - November 26, 2006 |
Chain Strike is indeed a powerful card, and its ability to deal 2000 damage as a single card makes it a potent option for a burn deck.
The Binder: Accumulated Fortune - November 19, 2006 |
Accumulated Fortune is just one new tool for the classic burn deck, or for an entirely new variation on it.
The Binder: Exiled Force - November 12, 2006 |
Exiled Force can simply destroy anything. That makes it very hard to play around.
The Binder: Nightmare’s Steelcage - October 01, 2006 |
Nightmare’s Steelcage, like many cards before it, completely denies your opponent any tempo unless he or she is willing to sacrifice some spell or trap removal to get in an attack or two.
The Binder: Last Will - September 24, 2006 |
Remember that Last Will can be a tricky card to use effectively, but if you plan out the timing of it properly and make sure to capitalize on all of its strengths, then it will win you more than your share of duels during a tournament.
The Binder: Injection Fairy Lily - September 10, 2006 |
Injection Fairy Lily is one of the most aggressive cards to ever be released in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game.
The Binder: Brain Control - September 03, 2006 |
Does stealing actually pay off in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG? At the cost of 800 life points, you bet it does.
The Binder: Ceasefire - August 20, 2006 |
The best tech card nobody is running is in this article. Click here now!
The Binder: Voltanis the Adjudicator - August 06, 2006 |
While the previous two articles discussed the elements of card draw necessary for the control deck, today’s card is geared as the finisher for the deck.
The Binder: Layard the Liberator - July 16, 2006 |
Part two of my four part series on the Counter-Control deck. Today’s card illustrates the importance of late-game advantages.
The Binder: Dark Dust Spirit - June 25, 2006 |
Mass removal in any game is respected, and Dark Dust Spirit should be no exception to this rule.
The Binder: Gravekeeper’s Spy - June 18, 2006 |
This card is obviously best suited as a defensive tool with its high DEF value, but some decks can make use of its card advantage and fast-tempo–generating ability for a quick win.
The Binder: Royal Decree - June 04, 2006 |
I’m willing to bet that one of the big deck themes many duelists saw at the U.S. National Championships was a full playset of Royal Decree cards in many competitors’ decks.
The Binder: My Body as a Shield - May 21, 2006 |
This is the kind of card that aggro players can use to counter spell and trap effects that rid their field of monsters.
The Binder: Mask of Darkness - April 16, 2006 |
Mask of Darkness is one of the game’s most underrated cards ever since its release in North America way back in 2002.
Bill and Tom's Binder: Sakuretsu Armor - April 09, 2006 |
Let’s face it, folks. Spirit Reaper has been defining the Advanced format for the past six months, and it’s looking like it will influence player’s choices for the next six months as well.
Bill and Tom’s Binder: Vampire Lord - March 26, 2006 |
Now that Shonen Jump Long Beach has passed, it’s fair to note that Vampire Lord looks like a solid option, both in this and the next Advanced formats.
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