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Doomkaiser Dragon
Card# CSOC-EN043

Doomkaiser Dragon's effect isn't just for Zombie World duelists: remember that its effect can swipe copies of Plaguespreader Zombie, too!
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Round 7: Joe Crisara vs. Matt Peddle
Jason Grabher-Meyer

Joe Crisara is from a local team here in Chicago, Team We Own You. He’s been a frequent face at several Shonen Jumps in the past, including Columbus two weeks ago and Indianapolis last year, but has never managed to make the Top 8 yet.

Metagame.com’s own Matt Peddle fights for the Super Friends, and was running Tomato Control like his teammate Dale Bellido. He won the roll, and opened up with a set card to each zone, fingering an in-hand Graceful Charity that he was opting to hold. Crisara fired back with the same, setting two cards, and Peddle flopped Graceful Charity.


“That card tends to be good,” said Crisara, referring to Graceful Charity.


Peddle peeked at his set monster. “Magician?” He grinned as he discarded Asura Priest and Premature Burial. He set another back row card and passed.


Crisaro flip summoned Sangan, and attacked into Peddle’s set Mystic Tomato. Crisaro tried to Smashing Ground the Tomato, but Book of Moon stopped him. Peddle flip summoned the Tomato next turn, but then summoned Spirit Reaper. Crisaro flipped Torrential Tribute, but Peddle flipped Royal Decree! “Combos!” Mystic Tomato took down Sangan, sending Crisaro off to his deck to search for Spirit Reaper. Peddle’s Reaper then hit Crisaro directly, and Peddle made the right call: Morphing Jar was discarded! “Oh! Oh, that was bad. That was like, game win right there,” remarked Crisaro. Peddle passed.


Crisaro special summoned Cyber Dragon, and normal summoned Breaker the Magical Warrior. He opted not to break the Royal Decree: “What are you doing you crazy man?” asked Peddle. Premature Burial brought up Sangan, and Cyber Dragon attacked Mystic Tomato. Peddle brought out another with the first’s effect. Breaker attacked the Spirit Reaper, and Sangan attacked it too. “I already lost this game,” said Crisaro. “I’m just gonna win games 2 and 3.” He passed, forgetting to break Decree in main phase two.


Snatch Steal grabbed Crisaro’s Cyber Dragon and Tsukuyomi turned it face down so Peddle could keep it. He flip summoned it, and Tomato ran over Sangan. Crisaro took another Reaper and everything hit him directly, costing him one of his two in-hand Spirit Reapers. Crisaro set a card to each zone next turn and passed.


Cyber Dragon attacked Crisaro’s set monster, revealing Spirit Reaper, but Peddle had Enemy Controller to destroy it. He flipped it, Spirit Reaper went to the graveyard, and that was enough for Crisaro – he scooped, and both players began side decking.


Crisaro opened the next duel quickly, starting with a set back row card before ending his turn. Peddle played Graceful Charity. “I want to find . . . Graceful . . . no, wait, I’ve got that. I want to find Space . . .” Peddle couldn’t get it, but discarded D. D. Warrior Lady and Newdoria before setting a card to each zone. Crisaro summoned Spirit Reaper, played Nobleman of Crossout to remove Mystic Tomato from Peddle’s side of the field, and attacked: Book of Moon turned the Reaper face down, and Crisaro passed.


Peddle special summoned Cyber Dragon and attacked into the Reaper, flipping it to be destroyed with Snatch Steal immediately. Peddle set one monster and passed.


Crisaro played Snatch Steal, took Cyber Dragon, prompting Peddle to ask “Zaborg?”


“Oh yeah.” Crisaro tributed for Zaborg, destroying Peddle’s set Magician of Faith. “That’s how the pros do it.” Zaborg swung directly and Crisaro passed.


Premature Burial brought back D. D. Warrior Lady for Peddle, and he sent her into Zaborg to remove both from play. Peddle set one spell or trap, passed, and Crisaro set a monster before passing right back.


Cyber Dragon hit Peddles’s side of the field, and he flipped Nobleman of Crossout to remove Crisaro’s set Magician of Faith! The life point totals were 8000 to 3700 in Crisaro’s favor, but he was about to take a beating. All he had on his side of the field was his one set back row card, and it didn’t help him as Cyber Dragon attacked and Crisaro took 2100. Peddle set his last card to his back row and passed. “That Snatch, Zaborg was brutal.” Crisaro still had three cards in hand.


He drew, and looked at his options. “This sucks, I can deal 3600 this turn.” He set a card to each zone and passed, unwilling to commit multiple cards to anything but the clear win. Peddle sent Cyber Dragon after Crisaro’s face down, but Enemy Controller kept it on the field! Peddle puzzled over what the set card was, and passed. He appeared unable to figure out what could be so important.


He found out quickly. Crisaro set the rest of his cards in his hand to his back row, and flipped the monster, Morphing Jar! He drew five new cards, tributed his Morphing Jar for Cyber Dragon, flipped his set Last Will, special summoned D. D. Warrior Lady from his deck, and activated Smashing Ground. Peddle’s Cyber Dragon was destroyed, and both D. D. Warrior Lady and Crisaro’s Cyber Dragon attacked. Peddle was down to 100 life points!


Crisaro activated Confiscation, and Peddle revealed his new hand: Creature Swap, Chaos Sorcerer, Mystical Space Typhoon, Scapegoat, and Heavy Storm. Crisaro opted to discard the Heavy Storm after major thinking. “The worst thing is that that was the right decision,” Crisaro said, mourning the difficulty of his choice. He set one more back row card, activated Swords of Revealing Light and ended.


Peddle had a bunch of good cards in his hand, but with Heavy Storm in the graveyard and all of the game’s Magician of Faiths removed from play, he would have to deal with all five of Crisaro’s spells and traps. After much thought, he used Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Crisaro’s right most card: Mirror Force. Peddle then special summoned Chaos Sorcerer, removed Cyber Dragon from play, and summoned Tsukuyomi to turn D. D. Warrior Lady face down. Crisaro tried to activate Torrential Tribute, but Peddle again chained Royal Decree! Creature Swap let Peddle steal the face down D. D. Warrior Lady, trading his Tsukuyomi for it, and Peddle set one back row card before ending his turn and taking back Tsukuyomi!


“Dude, if I can’t beat you at 100 life, I’m gonna kill myself.” Crisaro drew and passed.


Peddle turned Chaos Sorcerer to defense position, waiting out the Swords of Revealing Light. He ended his turn, Crisaro passed, and the Swords blew off the field.


Crisaro needed to dish out 100 damage, and he had five cards to do it with: two set in his back row and three in hand. Peddle had a set monster, a set back row card, Royal Decree, Chaos Sorcerer, and three cards in his hand. Crisaro was shaking his head, and labored over his possible moves. “I think all of my good cards are gone,” he said.


“That’s what I’m counting on,” said Peddle. “And that all the other good cards are traps.” Crisaro set a monster and ended his turn. He had 4900 life points remaining. “That’s a pretty good card I have face down” he said.


Peddle played Tsukuyomi, turned Chaos Sorcerer face down with its effect, flip summoned D. D. Warrior Lady, and then flip summoned Chaos Sorcerer. “That’s 4900 ATK exactly,” he noted. He then played Nobleman of Crossout to remove Crisaro’s one set monster from play, which was Spirit Reaper.


Peddle looked at Crisaro’s remaining two cards, set in his spell and trap zone. “Attack for game?”


Crisaro look at his cards for a moment and then flopped his hand and field: Chaos Sorcerer and Premature Burial with Return from the Different Dimension and another useless card set. There was nothing he could do.


Matt Peddle moves on, still alive in the tournament after winning with just 100 life points!

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