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Doomkaiser Dragon
Card# CSOC-EN043

Doomkaiser Dragon's effect isn't just for Zombie World duelists: remember that its effect can swipe copies of Plaguespreader Zombie, too!
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Top 8 Bios
Julia Hedberg
Name: Ryan Hayakawa
Residence: Los Angeles, California
Occupation: Student
Age: 14
Deck played for the event and why: Regular normal Beatdown, because it’s the standard.
Matchups you’re happy to face: Another normal deck
Matchups you were hoping to avoid: Stupid Tsuki’s
What do you feel are the top three decks in the environment and why: Beatdown and Tsuki’s
How do you feel about the recent rulings change: Helps Tsuki decks better
Name: Rhymus Lizo
Residence: Jersey City, New Jersey
Occupation: Loan Officer
Age: 20
Deck played for the event and why: Chaos tech deck with [Cannon Soldier], I love the [Cannon Soldier].
Matchups you’re happy to face: Comic Odyssey
Matchups you were hoping to avoid: Bryan Coronel from Overdose
What do you feel are the top three decks in the environment and why: Chaos, Chaos/Warrior, Warrior/Chaos
How do you feel about the recent rulings change: I love it!!
Name: Bryan Coronel
Residence: Jersey City, New Jersey
Occupation: Student
Age: 18
Deck played for the event and why: It’s whatever looks nice
Matchups you’re happy to face: Ones I win
Matchups you were hoping to avoid: Ones I lose
What do you feel are the top three decks in the enviroment and why: Fairy Chaos, Rock Chaos, Scientist
How do you feel about the recent rulings change: The [Book of Moon] ruling is too broken.
Name: Mary Triatifilidi
Residence: Oakland, New Jersey
Occupation: Student
Age: 21
Deck played for the event and why: Chaos, it’s reliable and stable
Matchups you’re happy to face: Burn
Matchups you were hoping to avoid: Trample
What do you feel are the top three decks in the environment and why: Chaos, Warrior/Chaos, Machine/Chaos
How do you feel about the recent rulings change: I’m not in favor of the current rulings on [Torrential Tribute]/[Bottomless Trap Hole], about them not being able to activate in the damage step. Also, the new rules on position changes weaken cards like [Book of Moon] and [Enemy Controller].
Name: Roberto Martinez
Residence: Waterbury, Connecticut
Occupation: Student
Age: 18
Deck played for the event and why: I played a speed deck. I want to draw cards out of my deck, and not depend on luck.
Matchups you’re happy to face: Any matchup, especially challenging ones.
Matchups you were hoping to avoid: Hoping to avoid [Last Turn] decks
What do you feel are the top three decks in the environment and why: Chaos, Warrior/Chaos and speed decks.
How do you feel about the recent rulings change: Some rulings I’m not happy about. Others give me an advantage, like changing the battle positions of a monster if it’s changed by an effect.
Name: Theerasak “T” Poonsombat
Residence: Monterey Park, California
Occupation: Student, Comic Odyssey employee
Age: 22
Deck played for the event and why: Warrior Soldier Spirit Deck
Matchups you’re happy to face: A normal deck
Matchups you were hoping to avoid: A One-Turn Kill deck (Ben Kei deck destruction)
What do you feel are the top three decks in the environment and why: Warrior/Soldier, [Thousand-Eyes Restrict]/[Tsukuyomi] lock, burn decks
How do you feel about the recent rulings change: The recent rulings make some cards really broken, like [Tsukuyomi] and [Book of Moon].
Name: Wilson Luc
Residence: Los Angeles, California
Occupation: Student
Age: 16
Deck played for the event, and why: I played [Tsukuyomi] abuse this weekend, due to the new battle position ruling. It is also great in countering the current meta.
Matchups you’re happy to face: I’m hoping to face any cookie cutter deck.
Matchups you were hoping to avoid: I’m hoping to avoid my teammates of course, and decks that include trample. I also hate mirror matches or FTK’s even though they aren’t necessarily bad matchups.
What do you feel are the top three decks in the environment and why: I feel the top three decks in this current format are Goat Control, [Tsukuyomi] locks, and Anti-Goat Control.
How do you feel about the recent rulings changes:  I feel it has greatly improved my deck. The only disadvantange that came out of it was that everyone else is running [Tsukuyomi].

Name: Stephen Clavelli
Residence: Philadelphia, PA
Occupation: Fedex Package Handler
Age: 21
Deck played for the event and why: Standard Chaos with bits of goat control.
Matchups you’re happy to face: All of my matches were very intense. I was happy to play the more original designs.
Matchups you were hoping to avoid: Friends and Comic Odyssey. I was worried about hurting any of my friends’ records, and who would look forward to playing the Shonen champs?
What do you feel are the top three decks in the environment and why: Chaos Goat Control, Goat Control, and Rogue.
How do you feel about the recent rulings change: Great, Japan has been dumbing down decks for Worlds for long enough. Hopefully an American wins this year.
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