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Doomkaiser Dragon
Card# CSOC-EN043

Doomkaiser Dragon's effect isn't just for Zombie World duelists: remember that its effect can swipe copies of Plaguespreader Zombie, too!
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Round 10: Anthony Alvarado vs. Brent Yetter
Jason Grabher-Meyer

Overdose’s Anthony Alvarado was on the bubble yet again! “Third event in a row,” he half-muttered. For Yetter, there were certainly eerie hints of Shonen Jump Baltimore, an event where he also received two feature matches, including the last of the day. This time, though, instead of just playing to knock his opponent out of Day 2, he was fighting for a spot in the Top 8!

Whoever won this match would qualify for Day 2, and a one-in-eight shot at their very own Shrink.


Alvarado won the roll and opened with a summoned Sangan and a set spell or trap card. Yetter set a card to each zone, passed, and lost his monster, Night Assailant to Zaborg the Thunder Monarch! Alvarado tributed Sangan for it, pulled his own Night Assailant with Sangan’s effect, and then played Graceful Charity! He discarded Assailant and Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive, took back the Train with Assailant’s effect and attacked with Zaborg. He hit Sakuretsu Armor. Yetter summoned Breaker the Magical Warrior, but lost it to Torrential. He set one spell or trap.


Spirit Reaper popped up on Alvarado’s half of the table and ran at Yetter, but smashed into another Sakuretsu. Alvarado set one spell or trap card, Yetter set two, and play passed back to Alvarado, who set one card to each zone. Yetter was up.


He played Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Sakuretsu Armor, then special summoned Cyber Draogn. He tributed it for Airknight Parshath, ran the Parshath into Alvarado’s set Dekoichi, and both players drew a card for their monster.


Alvarado played Snatch Steal to take Parshath, and attacked with it into Mirror Force—a quick 2-for-1 exchange! He then set a monster and ended his turn. Yetter set a monster, passed, Alvarado played Nobleman of Crossout to remove Yetter’s Dekoichi and both players stripped copies from their decks: one for Alvarado, and one for Yetter. Alvarado summoned D. D. Warrior Lady, attacked for 1500, and set a spell or trap. Yetter set one spell or trap and ended, leaving Alvarado in clear control.


He flipped his set Magician of Faith, played Graceful Charity, and discarded Jinzo and Bottomless. Chaos Sorcerer hit the field, removing Jinzo and Zaborg from the graveyard. Yetter had no response, a fact that Alvarado made sure of before proceeding.


D. D. Warrior Lady attacked and knocked Yetter down to 5000. Magician of Faith hit as well, and then the Sorcerer swung next. Finally, Alvarado flipped Return from the Different Dimension and Yetter immediately scooped.


Anthony Alvarado wins the first duel! Both duelists immediately focused on side decking, and Alvarado finished first. Yetter was being meticulous, taking his time to contemplate what might be his final decisions in the tournament.


He opted to open, and set a monster, then a card to his spell and trap zone. Alvarado summoned Sangan, attacked, and hit D. D. Assailant. Smashing Ground destroyed it, Alvarado set a spell or trap, and ended his turn. Yetter special summoned Cyber Dragon, normal summoned Spirit Reaper, played Premature Burial to bring back D. D. Assailant, and went all in! Assailant attacked Sangan, Alvarado took Night Assailant with its effect, and Yetter bobbed up and down in his seat, clearly feeling his own aggression. Cyber Dragon attacked, but when Spirit Reaper attacked Alvarado flipped Sakuretsu Armor! Yetter ended.


Alvarado special summoned his own Cyber Dragon, and pressed his towards Yetter’s. Sakuretsu Armor put an end to that, and Alvarado set a monster as his only move. Cyber Dragon attacked, but Alvarado had set Spirit Reaper, not Night Assailant! Yetter played Confiscation, chose from Night Assailant, Skelengel, and Tsukuyomi, and discarded the Assailant. Yetter passed and Alvarado was up.


He set a monster and ended his turn, still unable to draw a spell or trap. Yetter destroyed Spirit Reaper with Brain Control, D. D. Assailant attacked, and hit Magician of Faith: Alvarado took back Smashing Ground. Cyber Dragon attacked directly and Alvarado dropped to 2500 life points.


Smashing Ground destroyed the Cyber Dragon, and Alvarado set a card to each zone. D. D. Assailant attacked, but Dust Tornado on Premature Burial sent it back to the graveyard. Yetter passed, Alvarado flipped Skelengel, activated Graceful Charity, and discarded Smashing Ground and Nobleman of Crossout. Mystical Space Typhoon destroyed Yetter’s Mirror Force, Tsukuyomi turned Skelengel face down, and Tsukuyomi attacked directly!


Alvarado set a spell or trap, passed, Yetter set one too, passed, and Alvarado flipped Skelengel again. He then tributed it for Jinzo, special summoned Chaos Sorcerer, and removed Spirit Reaper and Cyber Dragon from his graveyard! Both monsters attacked for game, and that was it!


Anthony Alvarado defeats Brent Yetter to take his place in Day 2, breaking his unlucky streak of near-qualifications!

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