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Doomkaiser Dragon
Card# CSOC-EN043

Doomkaiser Dragon's effect isn't just for Zombie World duelists: remember that its effect can swipe copies of Plaguespreader Zombie, too!
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Finals: Lazaro Bellido vs. Jessy Samek
Jerome McHale

After 13 rounds of play, it all came down to this. Head Judge John Williams dropped a pair of Crush Card Virus cards on the table as the players shuffled up for the match. After six Day 2 appearances, Lazaro was ready for a win in his second finals match. Today hadn’t gone well for any of the other players with multiple Day 2 finishes, with Paul going out in the quarterfinals and T losing in the same round, but Lazaro has persevered through to the finals. To win, he’ll have to take down Jessy Samek, who is coming off a huge win in a frequently lopsided semifinal match.


Lazaro won the opening roll and started us off with a set spell or trap. Destiny Draw was Jessy’s first play, discarding Destiny Hero — Malicious to draw 2, and he quickly special summoned his second Malicious. Malicious was tributed for Thestalos, and Lazaro lost Mobius and 600 life points. Thestalos attacked into Sakuretsu Armor, and Jessy set a spell or trap before passing. Card Trooper came down for Lazaro, and he lost Mirror Force, Card Trooper, and Dekoichi off his deck to pump it. Jessy took 1900, Lazaro set a spell or trap, and play was back to Jesse.


Without any need to fear Mirror Force, Cyber Dragon and Card Trooper hit Jessy’s field. The Trooper was pumped and attacks were declared. Cyber Dragon fell to another Sakuretsu Armor, but Card Trooper took down the opposing Card Trooper and Jessy passed. Lazaro had a Cyber Dragon, but he lost it to Sakuretsu Armor before setting a monster and passing. The third Malicious came down for Jessy, and he tributed him for Zaborg before pumping up Card Trooper and attacking for 4300! Lazaro dropped to 1600 life points, and Jessy set a spell or trap card! Lazaro set a card to each zone, and Jessy brought out a second Zaborg! Lazaro took one look at his cards, and scooped to begin siding for game 2!


Lazaro was up first once again, and he started off with a set to each zone this time. Jessy started with Reinforcement of the Army to fetch Elemental Hero Stratos, and he summoned him. Stratos fetched Malicious, who was summarily pitched to Destiny Draw. Stratos rammed into Lazaro’s set Gravekeeper’s Spy, however, and Lazaro got to summon another one to the field. Jessy set a spell or trap and passed back to Lazaro, who set a third monster and passed. A second Malicious hit Jessy’s field, and he quickly tributed him for Zaborg to blow away Lazaro’s set Spirit Reaper. Both Zaborg and Stratos were lost to Mirror Force, however, and Jessy summoned a Cyber Dragon in main phase two. Lazaro shook his head and activated Heavy Storm to remove Jessy’s Pulling the Rug before tributing for Thestalos and nailing Jessy’s third Malicious! Cyber Dragon went down in battle, and Lazaro passed with no back field. Premature Burial brought Zaborg back into play, but he went straight back to the graveyard in a kamikaze run into Thestalos. Jessy set a spell or trap, and lost it to Mobius next turn. Mobius hit directly, and Lazaro set a spell or trap before ending. Smashing Ground blew away the Monarch, and Jessy set a spell or trap before ending. Mystical Space Typhoon destroyed it next turn, and Lazaro flipped Call of the Haunted on Mobius and summoned Banisher of the Radiance to attack for game!


Both players were one game away from their first SJC win, and they wished each other luck as they shuffled. It was Jessy’s turn to start, and he opened with Destiny Draw pitching Fear Monger. He drew into Destiny Draw and Malicious and did it again. Malicious was removed to special summon another, but Lazaro then decided to throw down D.D. Crow thinking he could stop the cost! It doesn’t work that way though and Lazaro had to remove Fear Monger instead. Jessy set a spell or trap and passed back to Lazaro who set a pair of back row cards before passing. Thestalos came down for Jessy, but was blown up by Pulling the Rug. Jessy brought his third Malicious into play and said, “Go.” 


Dust Tornado in the end phase cleared out Jessy’s Sakuretsu Armor, and Lazaro summoned Cyber Dragon and tributed for Thestalos to rid Jessy of Pot of Avarice before attacking Malicious. Lazaro set a spell or trap, and Jessy summoned Cyber Dragon. He destroyed Thestalos with Smashing Ground, and Lazaro blew up Cyber Dragon with Ring of Destruction. Jessy set a card to each zone, and Lazaro tried an attack with Banisher of the Radiance only to be foiled by Sakuretsu Armor. Jessy passed his next turn, and Lazaro set a monster. Jessy flipped Disk Commander and used Torrential Tribute to clear the field of Lazaro’s set Card Trooper. Reinforcement of the Army then fetched him Elemental Hero Stratos, who in turn brought him a Fear Monger. Stratos connected for 1800, and Lazaro had to return the favor by taking it with Snatch Steal next turn! Lazaro set a spell or trap, and Jessy set a monster. Zaborg blew away the Fear Monger, and Lazaro pushed 2400 damage home! Jessy used Snatch Steal to take away Lazaro’s Monarch and attacked directly, but Lazaro brought up a Monarch to block with Call of the Haunted! Both were destroyed and Jessy set a card before passing. Lazaro set a monster, and Jessy used Premature Burial to bring up Thestalos. Thestalos hit Lazaro’s set Dekoichi, and Jessy set his last card in hand.


Lazaro set a monster, and Jessy drew into Zaborg! Zaborg cleared the road and brought down Lazaro’s life points to 1700. Lazaro was up, and he set a card to each zone. Jessy attacked into the Spirit Reaper and then flipped Smashing Ground in main phase two! Things were going horribly for Lazaro as card after card was taken down by Zaborg. Lazaro set Treeborn Frog and lost it in battle only to retrieve it next turn. Jessy had three set spell or traps though, and Lazaro set a spell or trap in fear of Pulling the Rug. Mystical Space Typhoon from Jessy destroyed Lazaro’s Mirror Force in the end phase and, in one swift move, Brain Control and Card Trooper cleared Lazaro out and allowed Jessy to attack with everything for game! Jessy Samek takes down six-time Day 2 finisher Lazaro Bellido to take his first Shonen Jump Championship!

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