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Doomkaiser Dragon
Card# CSOC-EN043

Doomkaiser Dragon's effect isn't just for Zombie World duelists: remember that its effect can swipe copies of Plaguespreader Zombie, too!
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Crossroads of Chaos Preview: Overdrive Teleporter
Ryan Murphy

Psychic-type monsters are growing stronger with every new card they receive, controlling opponents and allowing for explosive turns. With the introduction of the two cards we’ll be previewing today, both Psychic-themed decks and Emergency Teleport Dark Armed Dragon decks (TeleDAD) are going to be even more impressive than they already were.  Here's the first of two new Psychic cards you'll find at the Crossroads of Chaos Sneak Previews this weekend. 

Power Injector
Earth / Level 4

Once each turn you can pay 600 life points to have all face-up Psychics gain 500 ATK for this turn.

Power Injector is going to help Psychic-themed decks run over opponents’ monsters with a speed that could quickly turn the tide of the game. Before, a Psychic deck would have to run cards like Lightning Vortex and sacrifice a total of two cards to clear an opponent’s field. Now, Psychics have a way of creating aggressive pushes to compliment their already controlling aspect.

This is an incredibly important shift in the Psychic theme. They already have numerous ways of maintaining field presence, special summoning monsters, and controlling the opponent’s field. They quickly generate free cards and put you in the lead. However, they’ve often been deemed unplayable by practical duelists who argue that all that advantage and control costs life points, which eventually gets you killed. Now, you can shift those extra cards into an aggressive force, which can clear your opponent’s field through battle and deal damage (netting you even more card advantage and control over your opponent). This allows you to blend one of the most controlling monster attributes with aggression: a recipe for success.

Overdrive Teleporter
Light / Level 6

This card can’t be special summoned. You can pay 2000 life points to special summon two Level 3 Psychics from your deck. This can only be used once while this card is face-up on the field.

There’s really no better way to say this: Overdrive Teleporter is a sick card. This follows along the same theme as Power Injector, but it’s more easily splashed into TeleDAD. It’s going to allow you to special summon two copies of Psychic Commander, and that’s actually even better than it sounds.

First, you’ll have to find a way to tribute summon Overdrive Teleporter. This isn’t much of a problem in a deck that runs Emergency Teleport (to be used for tribute summoning in a pinch) and Destiny Hero - Malicious. You’ll be able to activate Destiny Draw, discard your Malicious, and special summon another. Then tribute the Malicious for Overdrive Teleporter for a free tribute summon. Then search your deck for two free monsters, both of which are Tuners and have 1400 ATK.

The initial summon of the two copies of Psychic Commander gives you two free cards and thins your deck. This means you are already two turns ahead of your opponent in draws, two turns ahead of your opponent in summoning monsters (arguably three, since you’ve already tribute summoned), and now your draws are more consistent because your deck consists of two fewer cards. That’s incredible.

The implied benefits don’t stop there though, as both of the monsters you’ve special summoned have effects. If your opponent has a troubling monster—possibly a Stardust Dragon or Gladiator Beast Heraklinos—you can take all your opponent’s monsters’ ATK away, making them vulnerable to attack.

And yet, there’s still more. Your two copies of Psychic Commander are Tuners, which means you can use them to Synchro summon. Black Rose Dragon’s level-7 status makes it a prime candidate given the Commanders’ own level, and a dedicated Psychic deck could bring out one Commander with a copy of Mind Protector for an instant Goyo Guardian. It’s pretty easy to clear your opponent’s field and attack for a hefty sum of damage on the first turn, all for the cost of tributing Malicious for your Overdrive Teleporter.

Using this card in a Psychic-themed deck is also powerful. It grants quick (and cheap) monster removal, and allows for explosive Synchro summons. If you save it for the right moment, you’ll be able to clear the field of everything your opponent has worked to summon and leave that player with very few (if any) cards that will help him or her out of the situation.

Psychics have always had the means to control opponents. Now, they have quick access to the means with which to abuse that control and turn it into an aggressive force. You can’t win the game by simply having answers: you have to deal threats as well. With the release of Power Injector and Overdrive Teleporter at the Sneak Previews, Psychics now have the ability to end games and quickly turn the tide in an otherwise losing situation.

—Ryan Murphy
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