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Doomkaiser Dragon
Card# CSOC-EN043

Doomkaiser Dragon's effect isn't just for Zombie World duelists: remember that its effect can swipe copies of Plaguespreader Zombie, too!
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SJC Orlando Photo Gallery
Julia Hedberg


Winged Kuriboh has never been so popular. 


Team . . . whatever, all the way from Puerto Rico. (They’re a team; they just haven’t picked a name yet.)


Judges run on Dunkin’ Donuts! 


Erick Rodriguez — Show Us Your Playmat! (Looks like he’s ready for the new prize card, hmm?)


Time for a Kuriboh break!


There’s plenty to buy at the vendor booth . . . 


Players get down to business in Round 3.


I haven’t seen Shane in ages, it seems like!


Take time to stop and pet the Kuribohs.


Michael Lux is doing pretty well in Round 3.


Dylan Lay — Show Us Your Playmat!


It’s . . . Nexus Country.


Hey, how well does Macro Cosmos work against Winged Kuriboh? 


Anthony Alvarado, playing with style in Round 4.


Miguel Garcia is relaxed in Round 4. 


Even judges like to take a short Kuriboh break.

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