Doomkaiser Dragon
Card# CSOC-EN043
Doomkaiser Dragon's effect isn't just for Zombie World duelists: remember that its effect can swipe copies of Plaguespreader Zombie, too!
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Ask Rob: Random Rulings from Rob's Inbox - March 22, 2004 |
I'm going to start a new section, which I will be returning to frequently, called Random Rulings from Rob. Each time I do this review, I will be taking a handful of reader emails and answering their questions.
Ask Rob #3: Tournament-Viable Commons - February 23, 2004 |
Today we're going to discuss just what makes a good common and what doesn’t, and how to focus your deck into something tournament-viable without the big budget.
Ask Rob #1: Extraordinary Popular Delusions - February 10, 2004 |
This is a special week, as Metagame.com is just starting. I've decided to respond to the top five most common misconceptions, or "delusions," if you will, that I hear on a daily basis. Each is an actual question that I have been asked, along with the most common reasoning that was provided.
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