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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Unexpected Developments: Pro Circuit Sydney Card Pool
Dave Humpherys

As Matt Hyra touched on in his article a little over a week ago, shipping delays have pushed back the street date of the Hellboy Essential Collection several weeks beyond what was expected when we defined set legalities for Pro Circuit Sydney. We’d been holding out hope that we could still include the new action from this product in that event, but at this point in time, it looks like it will be challenging to guarantee that this product will reach the hands of all of our players in various corners of the world sufficiently in advance of the Pro Circuit. To ensure a level playing field, we’ve decided to remove the Hellboy product from legality for PC: Sydney. Everything else about the Pro Circuit remains unchanged. You can now resume your testing with full knowledge of the card pool.


The player packet for Pro Circuit Sydney can be found at http://entertainment.upperdeck.com/op/pcsydney/


If you are making the journey to Australia, don’t forget to take a few minutes to get an ETA (or visa equivalent) from a site like http://www.eta.immi.gov.au/index.html in addition to getting your passport.


Comments are welcome at DHumpherys@metagame.com.

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