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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Semifinals: Alex Antonios vs. Bobby Rana
Rob Davis
"I want to beat Migga City!" exclaimed Bobby as game 1 began. “I want to beat that deck!"

Bobby’s from Melbourne, the same city that Alex’s Migga City deck hails from. There’s a fierce rivalvy in the Melbourne Vs. scene, and Bobby’s determined to beat Migga City to get one up on Macali and his deck! With the form his Shadowpact Control deck has been in over the last two days, he could well walk home triumphant. On the other hand, Alex, who is quite accustomed to victories from his Yu-Gi-Oh! days, is also looking good. Are his Yu-Gi-Oh! successes an indication of his potential in Vs. System? I guess we’re about to find out . . .
Alex won the die roll and took odds.

Turn 1
Bobby elected to mulligan, while Alex kept his opening four. Alex laid a resource and played Harley Quinn. Bobby recruited Madame Xanadu and passed. When Harley tried to attack Xanadu, Bobby activated her to find a copy of Conjuration.

Harley attacked directly and both players moved on to the next turn.

Bobby: 49
Alex: 50

Turn 2
Bobby re-recruited the Xanadu, drawn fresh off the top of his deck. Alex had no recruit, and clearly frustrated, remarked "do you know the odds of me missing two?" Bobby passed his attack step and Harley swung into Xanadu for the trade.

Bobby: 48
Alex: 49

Turn 3
Alex started off his turn by laying a resource and playing Straight to the Grave.
He found a copy of Mammomax, used Avalon Space Station to return it to hand, and recruited it to the front row. Bobby played Conjuration and recruited June Moon ◊ Enchantress, Good Witch with a Helm of Nabu protecting Madame Xanadu.
He then played Divination and passed.

Alex teamed up Arkham and Brotherhood using Metropolis, then started his attack step. Mammomax attacked the 7 DEF Witch and passed. Bobby flipped over Total Anarchy and, realizing that he was still on 30 endurance, had to pass and take the 4. The attack resolved and Mammomax was sent to the KO’d pile. Bobby activated Madame Xanadu to get a copy of Fate Has Spoken, leaving Harley Quinn to attack directly. This put Bobby on a perfect 25 endurance.

Bobby: 25
Alex: 46

Turn 4
On Bobby's side of the board, Detective Chimp, Shoeless Gumshoe was removed from the game to search for a copy of Dr. Occult. The Doctor was recruited in front of June Moon, and Bobby passed. Alex recruited Anne-Marie Cortez in front of Harley Quinn, and both players moved on to the attack step.

With no character in his resource row, Alex elected to pass on Anne-Marie Cortez's ability. Bobby started his attacks with June Moon flying over Anne-Marie into Harley Quinn. The versatile character reinforced herself, saving him from a potential loss of 7 endurance, and was then KO'd via Total Anarchy. Dr. Occult went after Anne Marie Cortez, expecting that Alex had not yet been able to set up his Avalon Space Station/Lost City combo. Avalon Space Station was used by Alex to return the freshly KO’d Harley Quinn to hand, and then a devastating Lost City was flipped to make the Brotherhood character 11 ATK/10 DEF. With no backup plan, Bobby's Dr. Occult was stunned and Anne-Marie remained ready to attack. Anne-Marie was free to attack June Moon in trade, and Bobby lost 5 endurance to Alex's 4. In the recovery phase, June Moon and Anne-Marie were recovered before moving on to turn 5.

Bobby: 41
Alex: 16

Turn 5
Alex played Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr behind Anne-Marie Cortez and passed.
On Bobby's side of the board, Nightmaster, Demon Slayer was recruited behind June Moon. A second Helm of Nabu was equipped onto Nightmaster, causing June's Helm to be sent to the KO’d pile and yielding Bobby slight card advantage.

Alex passed on Anne Marie's ability once more, and then Magneto's ability exhausted June Moon. Alex used Genosha, netting himself four cards. Magneto attacked Nightmaster, Avalon was activated (to return a single Harley Quinn to hand), and Magneto was powered-up. Alex passed. With no options, Nightmaster was forced to stun for 7. Anne-Marie Cortez attacked June Moon, and the two traded once more. Bobby flipped up The Oblivion Bar, which was met by a Ka-Boom! from Alex.

Bobby: 47
Alex: 3

Turn 6
Bobby started off his turn by playing June Moon ◊ Enchantress, Good Witch in the front row. He then played Ape X, Xina, who searched out an Amulet of Nabu. Bobby flipped Dr. Fate's Tower and searched out a Cloak of Nabu. The Fate Artifacts were then transferred to Nightmaster, who became an impressive 13 ATK/13 DEF. Amazingly, Alex recruited the perfect character in Commissioner Gordon, James Gordon. He followed this up with a Poison Ivy, Deadly Rose in the back row.

Anne-Marie Cortez passed her ability once more at the start of combat. June Moon attacked Poison Ivy in what seemed like a safe attack. Alex let the attack become legal and then paid 6 endurance to KO the Helm of Nabu and Amulet of Nabu. Avalon was activated to retrieve Harley Quinn and Mastermind, and the Commissioner was KO'd by Poison Ivy to retrieve another Avalon Space Station. With a potential 9 ATK/9 DEF available to Alex in Lost City power-ups, Bobby scooped up his cards and moved on to game 2.


Bobby took odds and the game was underway.

Turn 1
Ape X, Xina was recruited, fetching a Cloak of Nabu for Bobby. It was recruited onto the simian alongside Amulet of Nabu. Mr Mxyzptlk, Troublesome Trickster came down for Alex.

A very impressive Ape attacked Mxyzptlk, and Alex reluctantly took the 3.

Bobby: 50
Alex: 47

Turn 2

On Alex’s side of the board, Mad Hatter was recruited and placed behind Mr. Mxyzptlk. Moving over to Bobby's recruit, he started off by playing Dr. Fate's Tower to search for a Helm of Nabu and complete the trifecta. Bobby played Divination, which yielded him a copy of Witchfire. Madame Xanadu was recruited and activated to search for Conjuration.

Alex elected to pass his attack. Ape-X used the Amulet's flight to attack into the back-row Hatter, who simply stunned for 5.

Bobby: 47
Alex: 42

Turn 3
Bobby played a copy of Conjuration, bringing his endurance down to 32. He followed this up with Chimp Detective Agency, bringing his endurance to 29. He also recruited a Dr. Occult in front of his Ape X. Alex played Enemy of My Enemy and searched out a copy of Commissioner Gordon, James Gordon. He recruited the equipment-KO’ing character, and then paid 3 endurance to KO the Cloak attached to Ape. When this resolved, Alex was free to pay one resource point to steal the Ape with Mad Hatter. Bobby responded by using Dr. Fate’s Tower to move the Helm and Amulet over to Dr.Occult. Alex KO'd Ape to Poision Ivy and found a copy of Lost City for his resource row. Both players moved onto the combat phase.

Dr Occult attacked the Commissioner who, once the attack had become legal, paid 6 endurance to KO the remaining equipment. With no team-up available, Alex was forced to take the stun and lose 7. Alex then passed his attack step and used Ka-Boom! on Bobby's Agency.

Bobby: 29

Turn 4
Alex recruited Poision Ivy alongside a copy of Mr. Mxyzptlk, Troublesome Trickster. Bobby recruited Detective Chimp, Shoeless Gumshoe next to Dr. Occult in the front row and passed. Alex started the combat phase by using Straight to the Grave to fetch a copy of Harley Quinn. Ivy and the Hatter team-attacked the Chimp, and with both players passing, Ivy and the Chimp traded stuns. With no other viable attacks, Alex simply passed the remainder of his attack step. Dr. Occult attacked the Commissioner, and Alex simply took the 7 once more. Alex recovered Poison Ivy, flipped Avalon, and returned Harley Quinn to hand.

Alex: 17

Turn 5
"Hooray for Spectral Slaughter!" exclaimed Bobby as he laid a resource. He followed this up with Witchfire in the back row, and passed it over to Alex. Alex started off by using his Avalon. He KO'd Mr Mxyzptlk to replace it with a fresh copy and then thought about his recruit. He decided on playing Blob, Fred Dukes in the front row, providing a potentially game-winning ability to the young player. Both players moved to combat, prompting Bobby to think carefully about how to attack the Blob.

He decided that Witchfire and Dr. Occult were the only choice, and a team attack was announced. Blob powered up twice, and Alex activated Lost City to retrieve a third and fourth potential power-up. He used the third, expecting his Blob to have 18 DEF, and then realized a crucial mistake when it was revealed that he hadn't yet flipped Lost City! Carefully recovering from this, he chained the third pump into the flipping of the location, and then played his fourth power-up to become 17 DEF. With simply too much DEF, the attack failed, and Dr. Occult was stunned. Bobby was forced to take 4 and pass his attack. The Mad Hatter swung into Detective Chimp. Incredibly, another Lost City power-up was used to trade with the simian. Blob attacked into Witchfire and passed. Bobby used Secret Origins to find a particularly crucial power-up and managed to trade with Blob while gaining 4 endurance from Witchfire's ability.

Bobby: 11
Alex: 23

Turn 6
Alex played Straight to The Grave to find a copy of Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr. Avalon was used to return Magneto and Harley Quinn to his hand, and Magneto was recruited in the back row. Bobby could only manage June Moon ◊ Enchantress, Good Witch, and equipped an Amulet of Nabu to his Dr. Occult. Alex's first attack was to swing Magneto into Bobby's Witchfire. Before the attack was legal, Bobby flipped Total Anarchy. June Moon activated to stun (and thus KO) Poison Ivy. With no response from Alex, the attack proceeded and Magneto powered-up via Harley Quinn to become a 12 ATK/12 DEF. Both players passed, with Bobby losing 10 endurance. Blob attacked June Moon with another Harley Quinn power-up, taking down the Witch without trading. Bobby kept his equipped Dr. Occult, and both players moved on to the next turn.


Turn 7
Bobby played another copy of Dr. Fate’s Tower, KO'ing his previous one, and searched for a Helm of Nabu. It was equipped to Dr. Occult, but with no cards in hand, Bobby was effectively unable to receive any kind of advantage from the Helm's draw ability. Alex recruited Anne-Marie Cortez into the front row. He elected to pass on Anne Marie's ability at the start of combat.

A 12 ATK/11 DEF Dr Occult attacked into Blob. Both players passed, and Blob was stunned for 7. When Witchfire attacked into Poison Ivy, Alex KO'd the stunned Blob to Poison Ivy's ability. He searched his deck for a copy of Genosha, which was promptly KO'd to draw cards. After two pumps, Ivy became a massive 9 ATK/9 DEF and Witchfire could only fall over. Realizing that Bobby had 7 endurance to his own 2, Alex declined to attack and moved onto the next turn.


Turn 8
Alex recruited Mr Mxyzptlk, Troublesome Trickster and followed it up with a copy of Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff in the front row. Bobby recruited Madame Xanadu, but when Alex used his copy of Avalon and KO'd Mr Mxyzptlk to Poison Ivy's ability, Bobby knew it was over and simply scooped up his cards.

With that, Alex Antonios takes "Migga City" into the finals of $10K Brisbane 2006!
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