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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 4: Ryan Roe vs. Robert Martinez
Toby Wachter

Game 1

Roe started with Pantha, and Martinez had Toad. Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective came out on turn two, and Martinez used Flying Kick on Toad, sending him after Pantha. Roe used Titans Tower to make things a little more even, and Toad was bounced back. The New Brotherhood then flipped over, and Toad went after Robin, causing Pantha to become KO'd during recovery. Hawk and Dove helped Roe come back, and Hawk attacked Toad to stun both. This allowed four more points of endurance loss to come through, and on turn 4, Martinez played Blob. Roe played Terra, and there was a rules issue on his attack, when he sent Hawk and Robin after Blob. Martinez thought that he heard Roe say he was going to power-up Hawk, and tried to play Overload. Roe said that wasn’t his intention, and after a judge came over, the ruling was that Overload couldn't have been legally played, and would stay in Martinez's hand.

Garth came out to make things better for Roe, and Martinez had a second copy of The New Brotherhood, along with Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr. Garth went after Blob, and of course Martinez had Genosha waiting. Titan Tower activated to make Garth bigger, and Martinez used a power-up for Blob. Roe added Tamaran to the chain, and the end result was both characters becoming stunned. Roe sent his characters in for a team attack, and Teen Titans Go! readied them. Martinez added Mega-Blast and Overload to the chain, stunning Terra. His whole side was still stunned, however, and the end result during recovery was Roe left with Dove and Garth, while Martinez once again had Toad and Magneto during his next build.

Roe added Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal to his side, and stunned Toad. Martinez tried Mega-Blast, but Roe had Heroic Sacrifice. Roe played Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective with boost, and Sabretooth made things better for Martinez. Still, it was stunned in combat, and thanks to Titans Tower, Magneto was stunned as well. Martinez had only a three-drop Quicksilver for rebuilding, but with two New Brotherhoods in play, he was able to finish off Roe before he could stabilize.

Ryan Roe 0 – Robert Martinez 1

Game 2

Martinez played Pyro on turn two, and Roe used Optitron to get Hawk. Savage Land added a little more offense, and Roe played Beast Boy. Martinez played Rogue, Anna Raven, and Beast Boy went after Pyro. It activated in response, and then became stunned. Martinez played Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff, and Roe had Terra. Rogue attacked Beast Boy, which caused him to become bigger, but exhausted. Roe put Terra on offense, getting some damage through. On his initiative he played Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective with boost, followed by Pantha. Now that Roe's characters couldn't be stunned, he charged in for an attack, stunning Rogue. Beast Boy and Pantha teamed up to attack Magneto, but Martinez had a power-up. Roe added Tamaran to the chain, and the end result was a stunned Magneto. Robin stunned Quicksilver with the help of Savage Beatdown, leaving all of Martinez's characters stunned.

Martinez was able to keep Magneto during recovery, and looked to get back in the game with Genosha. Quicksilver, Speed Demon emerged, while Roe got Hawk and Dove. Roe forgot to play a resource before recruiting two characters, and thus was unable to play Arsenal on this turn. Mega-Blast made Quicksilver more threatening, and he went after

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