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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Semifinals: Jose Maria Aramburu vs. David Carvajal
Rui Oliveira

There’s no two ways about it—Aramburu’s homemade deck is the talk of the tournament. If there was any doubt of its ability, it became clear in the two quarterfinal games where he found Avalon Space Station. The question here is can Carvajal’s Common Enemy deck stop the recurring madness?

Aramburu opened with
Dagger and Werewolf by Night, while David started with Boris and She-Thing. The little wolf brought down the stone lady, and Carvajal tried to get crafty with Betrayal, only to be denied by Midnight Sons.

Jose Maria: “We’re already using resources on turn 2.”
David: “Yeah, we’re pushing it.”

Darkoth showed up, and Jose Maria answered with Wild Ride for Brother Voodoo. Darkoth went right after the Brother, and Aramburu recycled his hand with it before letting it stun.

That allowed him to play
Wake the Dead, which he used to find Dagger, which he used to find . . . Midnight Sons. The pieces of his puzzle were coming together. With two Midnight Sons active and the crucial Avalon Space Station, he went to work under the slightly dazed gaze of David Carvajal.

Common Enemy player decided to kick it up a notch, as well, dropping Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius and chaining it to play and use Signal Flare. That gave him Thing, Heavy Hitter on turn 5.

Jose Maria kept on digging and returned
Blade, The Daywalker to even things out.

David: “That’s bad.”
Jose Maria: “No, it’s good.”

Dr. Doom and
She-Thing tag teamed Brother Voodoo, and Thing flexed his considerable muscles in Blade’s direction before David Carvajal revealed Betrayal, convincing Jose Maria Aramburu that his endurance total was low enough to scoop.

Jose Maria: “With no turn 4 character, I can’t really compete.”

For the second game, Aramburu kept a very slow hand and quickly announced that we were probably in for a slow game. Still, he found a turn 2
Steel Wind, Avalon Space Station, and Dagger.

That, obviously, brought up
Midnight Sons. The Space Station spat out Brother Voodoo, and Jose Maria Aramburu was amazingly happy to see it.

He eagerly used it to “mulligan” his hand, getting four characters to play with. On turn 4, he again used
Brother Voodoo before dropping Centurious, while Carvajal added Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius to his until now ladies-only team of She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters and She-Thing.

From a weak start, Jose Maria Aramburu had quickly climbed back to his perfect curve, setting up to take full control of the table.
Centurious brought down She-Thing, and Dr. Doom tried to return the

A few tricks later (mostly involving power-ups,
Avalon Space Station, and Midnight Sons), both 4-drops survived. To slow things down, David Carvajal played two Reign of Terrors to reduce Aramburu’s side of the table to the lone Centurious.

Avalon Space Station refuelled Jose Maria’s hand. Mephisto, Soulstealer entered the fray in the hidden area. Dr. Doom chased Centurious again, but this time, Carvajal was careful to protect his attack with Unmasked.

The good news for Aramburu was that David Carvajal missed his turn 5 drop. Mephisto struck back, and Carvajal flipped
Unmasked. Still, the mad genius ploughed right ahead with Luke Cage, Power Man on turn 6.

It was time for Carvajal to bring out his big guns.
Mystical Paralysis exhausted Luke Cage, but David was forced to play another Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius.

Jose Maria: “Amazing.”
David: “I can’t find anything.”

Unforgiving, Aramburu’s zombie horde drove through Carvajal’s front row. Again, David didn’t seem to have an easy play on turn 7. He sat, staring at his hand and mumbling about how good
Varnae, First Vampire was for a full minute. Actually, make that closer to five minutes.

Finally, he
Signal Flared and dropped Boris. Jose Maria calmly answered with Varnae, First Vampire. Mystical Paralysis was not enough to keep all of Aramburu’s skyscrapers at bay.

Mephisto, Soulstealer was the last to attack, but he drank deep from both KO’d piles, slamming Dr. Doom into oblivion and leaving David Carvajal in deep, deep trouble.

On turn 8, Aramburu finally missed his curve, instead “settling” for a simple
Blackheart, Son of Mephisto. Carvajal Signal Flared for help in the slick shape of Silver Surfer.

He stole the initiative and sent
Silver Surfer into Luke Cage, Power Man. Jose Maria revealed Lost City and pumped it twice before David Carvajal scooped his cards.

On  to the third and deciding game. This time, Jose Maria’s hand was juicy with
Avalon Space Station and Lost City. They both opened with turn 2 creatures—She-Thing, Sharon Ventura and Steel Wind.

Aramburu missed his turn 3 drop, having to settle for
Werewolf by Night while Carvajal played Darkoth. Turn 4 meant Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius, and Aramburu answered with his usual Centurious.

David was in a hurry, so he cleared the way with
Reign of Terror and aimed his army at Centurious. Some tricks with Avalon Space Station later, the Soulless Man was saved and Dr. Doom bit the dust.

Still, that moved had cost Aramburu most of his hand. Sure, he had his tin man, but could he keep it up? On turn 5, he played
Mephisto, Soulstealer. David was not happy about it. He angrily played his fifth resource, and She-Hulk was the best he could do.

David: “This is not normal. Two games in a row. I can’t get my drops.”

He slumped back in his chair and watched as Mephisto gobbled up
Darkoth and Centurious crumbled She-Hulk. Carvajal punched his deck and begged for a Hulk. From the look on his face, it was clear that he didn’t get one.

With the crowd already on the inside of the semifinals area, David Carvajal kept cursing his luck before playing She-Hulk.

David: “Incredible.”
Jose Maria: “Well, I’m going to play a small guy, as well.”

He played
Daredevil, Protector of Hell’s Kitchen. Carvajal stopped to think, and the crowd fell so quiet that you could hear the Head Judge whistling the “Verano Azul” theme song in the distance.

Finally, he decided to have She-Hulk and
Darkoth tag team Daredevil. Jose Maria tried to play Midnight Sons, but Carvajal responded with Betrayal. Daredevil crumbled. Dr. Doom swung into Centurious, and a few pumps later, Centurious bit the dust.

Turn 7 saw
Varnae, First Vampire returned from the KO’d pile and to the table. David didn’t seem as mad with his draw as usual, which clearly meant he had a 7-drop.

He played his
Mr. Fantastic, Scientific Genius and fetched out Kevlar Body Armor to protect it. Still, he stared at his formation for a while, which was understandable in such a crucial part of the decisive game. He left everyone in the support row.

Centurious brought down Darkoth, Mystical Paralysis exhausted Varnae, and Mephisto, Soulstealer crushed She-Hulk.

On the next turn, Carvajal was so happy to see
Signal Flare that he dropped it on the floor. Out came Silver Surfer, and Jose Maria answered with Blackheart. The turn was so tricky that David Carvajal, who had the initiative, grabbed a pen and paper and started jotting down his attacking options.

David: “I think I’m 1 point short. Just 1.”

Finally, he made up his mind.
Darkoth ate up a resource and raced toward Blackheart. Jose Maria used Avalon Space Station to find a character and Blackheart’s ability to protect it. Carvajal sighed. Apparently, he had forgotten about that.

He attacked again to bring
Blackheart down, and sent Silver Surfer into Centurious for some massive breakthrough. Varnae put a stop to that. The totals were now Aramburu -2, Carvajal 0.

Jose Maria revealed
Mist Form to draw another card. It was a character, which allowed him to activate Mephisto, Soulstealer for the close, close win.

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