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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Finals: Shaun Hayward vs. Aarron Chittock
Enchante Chang

This is a new experience for Aarron Chittock. Never has there been so much on the line for him, and yet he seems relatively calm for just winning his last match in 2 hours, winning 2-1 against Jared Blakemore. Shaun, on the other hand, has had rested for at least 1 hour since he dispatched Shaun McDowell 2-0 in the other semi-final.


Both players come from a card gaming background, and it’s no wonder that both of these players have done so well this weekend. However, Shaun Hayward has had more experience at the top level, and if the pressure gets to Aarron, how will he fare?


Game 1


Shaun won the die roll and chose odds.


Turn 1

Shaun led off with King Snake to Aarron’s nothing. Aarron was hit for 2.


Turn 2

Again Aarron had nothing. Shaun played Advanced Hardware and attacked along with Mega-Blast.


Turn 3

Shaun had nothing for turn 3! However, Aarron ddidn’t take advantage and played Pantha, then flipped up USS Argus which prompted a ruling check from Shaun. When he got the ruling, Shaun played Surprise Attack from the hand and two more from the row. Aarron got to play Hank Hall ◊ Hawk and formed up with Pantha behind Hank.


Shaun trumped Aarron’s play with Mikado and Mosha on Pantha and then attacked King Snake onto Hank. The endurance totals stood at 49-16 in favor of Shaun.


Turn 4

Terra was Aarron’s first ‘real’ play of the game and she formed up behind Hank. Shaun had Golden Archer protecting King Snake for his play.


Hank attacked into Golden Archer with some help from Savage Beatdown. Shaun burned Aarron for 3 with Archer before letting the combat step resolve. Terra tried to use Finishing Move to KO Golden Archer but Shaun had Die for Darkseid!. They drew for turn 5 and Aarron conceded on 4 endurance.




Aarron took the odd initiative away from Shaun and started the game with a mulligan. He then played a resource and passed. Shaun had Electric Eve and attacked the empty board and then evaded twice to put Aarron on 46 endurance to his 48.


Turn 2

Shaun started the turn with Ratcatcher and then Ape X who in turn fetched Jetpack which got equipped to its fetcher. Aarron only had Dawn Granger ◊ Dove in the support row. Shaun attacked Ape X into Dove, Eve and Ratcatcher into Aarron’s dome. Shaun then evaded Eve and played A Death in the Family on Dove.


Turn 3

Aarron was counting on Dove to be in play, but he only had Pantha, he did flip up U.S.S. Argus and found Roy Harper ◊ Speedy. Shaun’s play seemed much superior as he used Wild Ride to get Black Panther, King of Wakanda with an Advanced Hardware.


Speedy attacked Ratcatcher with some help from Tamaran. Pantha then attacked into Black Panther with some help from Titans Tower discarding Red Star for +4 ATK! However, Shaun had a trick up his sleeve, and he used Enemy of my Enemy to get Mikado and Mosha to stun Pantha. Black Panther then attacked Speedy when Aarron passed and got a boost from Mega-Blast. Speedy was returned to the top of his deck to KO Ape X.


Black Panther and Electric Eve both attacked into Aarron before Eve evaded for an extra damage.


Turn 4

All Shaun had was two copies Advanced Hardware on his guys, but with Aaron being on only 20 endurance, it might seem enough for a turn 4 kill. Aarron had Terra for turn 4 and placed Terra in front of Pantha, which was a mistake, as Shaun just passed the attack and now Pantha couldn’t attack.


Aarron used Terra to stun Black Panther. All Shaun did was exhaust to Hardware and burn Aarron for 3 and +1 for Ratcatcher. Aarron then played Finishing Move on Black Panther, which resolved. Shaun exhausted all his guys to burn for 6 and then evaded Eve for 1 more, which left Aarron at a precious 8 endurance to Shaun’s 30.


Turn 5

Aarron again missed his preferred drop and had to content with a boosted Hank Hall ◊ Hawk. Shaun played Golden Archer and then burnt him for 3, evaded Eve so Ratcatcher could do more before replacing Eve with herself. Golden Archer then burned Aarron for 6 and formed with Archer in front of Ratcatcher. The second eve evaded to make Aaron lose even more endurance.


Terra attacked Archer with the help from Tamaran to prevent the stun back. Everyone Team attacked and then Terra was readied via Press the Attack, which stunned Ratcatcher with her effect. A final team attack into Shaun’s Dome and that was it for Aarron. When Eve recovered, Aarron was on –9 to Shaun’s 6.


Shaun Hayward wins $10K Auckland and adds another title to his resume! This whole match was very uneventful, but all of Shaun’s cards could do a lot of damage even if drawn late, unlike Aarron’s. Congratulations to Shaun Hayward!

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