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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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A Quick Chat with Nick Little
Anand Khare

Before the tournament got underway, I sat down to do a quick interview with Nick Little.


Metagame.com: What deck are you playing today and why?


Nick:Common Enemy, because it’s the only deck I play. I’m too lazy to test anything else, and people are too lazy to test against this. You have a good shot against Sentinels, and a bad Teen Titans player can’t beat you. But then again, Teen Titans isn’t a deck anymore. Common Enemy is pretty good against an open field.


Metagame.com: You mentioned Teen Titans is no longer a deck. Why?


Nick: Because of Null Time Zone. I don’t know why they printed this card; it should be team-stamped and it shouldn’t be ongoing. It seems like they added the ongoing just so it can’t be countered. It does a very specific thing very well and just wrecks Teen Titans and control strategies. You can’t ever build a Gamma Bomb deck anymore. Against Teen Titans, you just name Teen Titans Go!


Metagame.com: What new decks do you expect to make an appearance today?


Nick: Avengers curve, maybe a Faces of Evil deck—not sure how good that is, though. But New Brotherhood just seems better. We wanted to build a Squadron Supreme deck, but they don’t seem to have much to do on turns 1–3. Their 5- and 6-drops are really powerful, though. I heard rumors about a mono-Thunderbolts deck, but I think those are false.


Metagame.com: Are all of your teammates playing the same deck?


Nick: Actually, I don’t have many teammates here. I might be the only person playing this deck, as far as I know. I heard some rumors that some Floridians are playing this deck, but really, I expect 40 percent of the field to be Curve Sentinels


Metagame.com: Could you describe which players and decks you expect to appear in Top 8?


Nick: Well, me. Vidi’s here, so he has a good chance of Top 8’ing. Dave Spears, because he’s on a tear (but not really —he’s not playing a good deck). Also, a bunch of the FTN guys are here. They should do well. As far as the decks that will be in Top 8, I anticipate five Curve Sentinels decks, two new Avengers-based decks, and one Common Enemy deck.

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