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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Quarterfinals: Andre Muller vs. Pablo Molina
Tim Willoughby

Andre won the roll and elected to take the odd initiative. Both players had to mulligan to start the game off.

The first action of the game was Ape X from Andre on turn two, who immediately fetched a Dual Sidearms for herself. For Pablo it was simply Valeria on turn two, and a Tech Upgrade for Time Platform. Pablo wasn’t taking too many early beats, which was definitely in his favor. Turn three saw Invisible Woman, Protector for Pablo, while Andre had Joystick and Thunder Jet. Invisible Woman beat up Joystick, and Ape X cracked back with some help from a discarded Quinjet. This attack was to the face as Valeria jumped out of the way thanks to Doomstadt. A Chopping Block finished off Invisible Woman, and it was on to turn four.


After playing Golden Archer, Muller was left with an empty hand—which is exactly where a Squadron Supreme deck wants to be. This left Pablo’s Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius a little impotent, but for the fact that Doomstadt gave him a big DEF. Ape X and Golden Archer team attacked Doom, stunning each of the four drops, which allowed Ape X to go for the face. Pablo was now on just 29 endurance to his opponent's 43. In the recovery phase Pablo played Tech Upgrade to fetch Framistat, while Andre had Answer the Call to fetch his only Whizzer.


The first play for Pablo was to flip Common Enemy, then immediately draw another with a second copy from his hand. Valeria drew him a third, making his hand significantly bigger and stronger. His first recruit was Invisible Woman, Protector, and a Time Platform for her, which if Pablo could create his lock, would be crucial in maintaining it. For Andre, it was Whizzer in the back row, and a Mega-Blast to ensure that he would still be attacking. A Thunder Jet to give him flight made for a very threatening character, should he be able to attack. At the start of combat step Pablo played Signal Flare to fetch himself an extra copy of Invisible Woman. Doom then attacked Golden Archer, who activated to burn Pablo for 6 endurance loss. Invisible Woman then had to use a power-up to trade with the one drop Joystick.


Whizzer then went to town from then on, and took it over entirely.


“I love this deck. Having no cards in hand means I can sit back and relax!”


With the option, Pablo again elected to take the odd initiative, and his second mulligan of the match. He had a turn one Valeria, to Andre's no play. No plays are good plays as far as Pablo was concerned. This wasn't the case on turn two, though, as Shape came down with a Thunder Jet. Pablo had Mr. Fantastic, Reed Richards but with a Flying Kick and a power-up, Reed Richards was liable to take quite the beating. He activated, but hit nothing, and Pablo dropped to 41 endurance on the second turn.


For turn three, Pablo remained a Fantastic Four family man, with Invisible Woman coming into play to answer Andre's Lady Lark. The Woman beat up Shape, and when Lady Lark cracked back into Reed Richards, he activated to get a Time Platform for the Spaniard.


Turn four looked critical from Pablo's side of the table, as he faced a formidable force that grew with a Joystick, Tom Thumb and a Jetpack for Lady Lark. He played a Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom, flipped Doomstadt and activated him to fetch A Child Named Valeria. Finally he played Mr. Fantastic, so that it would be active. The first proposed attack was Shape on Mr. Fantastic, which was met with A Child Named Valeria which not only made Pablo's team unstunnable, but it stunned Shape. Valeria hid from view, and it looked like there would be no reasonable attacks for Andre, but he did have a Flying Kick to get in a few points over the top of Mr. Fantastic. The lock was slowly forming for Pablo, and with a Time Platform in hand, he could potentially defend it.


On turn five, Pablo played Time Platform on Invisible Woman, forcing Andre to use Other Earth in response, in order to get his endurance loss in now before the trap closed. All Pablo needed now was an Avalon Space Station to close the trap. Rama-Tut attacked into Nuke in order to stun the Doom character so it couldn't be attacked over. Invisible Woman and Mr. Fantastic then attacked into Shape with A Child Named Valeria in order to stun without the stun back. Then Andre got to apply his Other Earth mauling—and quite the mauling it was. Pablo was knocked down to a scant ten endurance. When Andre then played Answer the Call chained to the draw from his resource row to fetch Golden Archer, it was all over for Pablo. He could have potentially won time by using Time Platform to stop the search, but regardless he was on the ropes should Andre find any avenue to cause even a small amount of breakthrough.


Andre Muller wins the match, 2-0.

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