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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 9: Alex Brown vs. Ray Isais
Enchante Chang

Alex won the coinflip with heads, and took the even initiatives.

On turn 1 the plays were Nathan Garrett ◊ Black Knight for Ray and a concealed Kang, Rama Tut for Alex. The endurance totals were brought to 50–48.

Alex’s second turn play was Melissa Gold ◊ Songbird, Sonic Carapace, while Ray had Macrobots in front of Black Knight. Alex swung into Black Knight, and that was the turn. 44–48 to Alex.

On turn 3, Ray used Two Worlds to team up Masters of Evil and Kang Council, then he used Yellowjacket, Rita Demara with boost to get Melter. Black Knight and Melter held the rear, with Yellowjacket in front of Melter. Alex had Moonglow and placed her in front of Songbird. Ray declared a team attack of Yellowjacket, Black Knight, and Macrobots into Moonglow. Before Alex passed, he discarded Foxfire to get A Day Unlike Any Other. Alex stunned Macrobots before Ray swung Melter into Songbird. Alex passed his attack and KO’d Songbird, while Ray KO’d Macrobots. 40–43 to Alex.

Alex kicked off turn 4 with Kang, Master of Time, setting him in front of Rama Tut. Ray had only Paul Ebersol ◊ Techno, Gadgeteer, which was not a good play for him at all. At the start of combat, Ape X was discarded to Kang. Moonglow went after Black Knight for the first attack. Behavior Modification Device was used to team up Thunderbolts and Masters of Evil, and Ray flipped up Mt. Charteris. He reinforced with Techno, and a mutual stunned occurred. Rama Tut went after Melter, resulting in another double stun. The final attack of the turn was Master of Time into Yellow Jacket. The endurance totals stood at 32–39, and Alex had massive board advantage. During recovery, he also teamed up Squadron Supreme and Kang Council.

On turn 5, all Ray had was another off-curve play with Whirlwind. He was placed in front of Techno while Alex played very good Kang, Ultimate Kang. Whirlwind attacked Ultimate Kang, and before he passed, Ray used Deadly Conspiracy with Mt. Charteris. Alex just used Ultimate Kang’s power to remove him from combat, though, stunning Rama Tut. Ray then team attacked with Melter and Techno into Ultimate Kang, and used Justice like Lightning to exhaust the Master of Time. The Time Keepers from Alex forced Ray’s hand, and he flipped up Windstorm for another +4 ATK—but Alex trumped it with Kang, Immortus! Alex chose to stun Melter. The endurance count was 30–38 to Alex.

On turn 6, Alex used Hibernaculum to get back Hyperion, Mark Milton. He was recruited in front of Ultimate Kang. Ray, on the other hand, had Karla Sofen ◊ Moonstone. At the start of combat, both of Alex’s characters were in the front row. Combat began with Ultimate Kang attacking into Karla with the help of Eldritch Power for a mutual stun. Rama Tut into Melter resulted in another double stun. Windstorm on Master of Time meant that he could fly over and get Techno. but a This left Hyperion available to attack into Whirlwind. Ray had two activations of Mt. Charteris, but a Shrink from Alex again trumped Ray. He was forced to use Mt. Charteris again, dumping the very good Speed Demon, Second Chance Speedster. Ray lost all but Karla, and Alex KO’d Rama Tut and Ultimate Kang.

Turn 7 was very lopsided. Ray only had Egghead, and paid a resource point to use him. Alex had Kang, Lord of Limbo, and Ray just conceded on the spot.

Alex Brown wins! One more win for Alex and he is assured of a spot in the Top 8.

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