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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 8: Antonino De Rosa vs. Ethan Danberry
Nate Price

As the players were shuffling up for the game, Antonino paused and shot a pained expression at his opponent. “You have lots of foils, don’t you? I hate shuffling foils. It’s hard."

“It’s probably all the metal,” Ethan replied with a grin.


Ant started off the game with a turn 1 Shadow Creatures. Ethan flipped up a Willworld and the digging began. He eventually ended up with a G’Nort in front of him. Antonino took his 1 like a man. Next turn, Ethan led off with an Arisia. He than played The Ring Has Chosen to snag himself a Kyle Rayner, Last Green Lantern who subsequently ended up in the bin. Ant followed this with two more Shadow Creatures. Ant took a team attack to the face and then retaliated by sending a ninja into Ethan’s G’Nort. He then relished this small victory for a second before sending his remaining ninjas in to stun Ethan’s Arisia.


Antonino added to his growing martial arts army on turn 3 with another Shadow Creatures. Ethan showed why Dr. Light, Master of Holograms is as ridiculous as he is by recruiting him, using him to get the Kyle Rayner out of his KO’d pile, and snagging himself a Helping Hand. In combat, Ant sent a ninja into G’Nort and then used Rain of Acorns to exhaust the rest of Ethan’s team.


Ethan had the initiative as they headed into turn 4. He used Dr. Light to get Arisia back from the bin and then recruited his own master of martial arts, the blind fighter Rot Lop Fan. Ant then recruited the chief weaponer, Kiman. Rot Lop Fan taught Kyle Rayner how to fight in the dark and then sent him in after Kiman. Kiman is very crafty, though, and used his own abilities to KO Kyle before any real damage could be done. Rot Lop Fan then went in to finish the job his apprentice could not. After getting hit in the face for a little bit, Ant flipped up Qward and used his Shadow Creatures to give G’Nort -1 DEF and Arisia -2 DEF. They both ended up getting stunned by Qward. Ethan then used a Chopping Block to get Kiman out of the game.


Ant made a Shadow Creatures and a Malvolio on turn 5, while Ethan had a flurry of plays that ended up putting Roy Harper ◊ Speedy, Olapet, Salakk, Arisia, and Kyle Rayner, Last Green Lantern into play. He was a busy man. Ethan used his Speedy to take out one of Ant’s Shadow Creatures, probably using a boxing glove covered arrow. Before he went away, though, the Shadow Creature helped Qward Ethan’s G’Nort. Mourning his lost teammate, Malvolio released his pent up rage on Dr. Light. Unfortunately, a 4 ATK/10 DEF body can only contain so much rage. Ethan used a Trial By Sword on his Dr. Light and Ant was forced to let them bounce.


Kyle Rayner and Olapet then teamed up on Malvolio. Not content to just attack Ant’s face, Ethan used No Man Escapes the Manhunters to pull a Shadow Creatures out of the hidden zone and attack it with G’Nort. That made sense, since Qward was just going to kill it during recovery. Apparently, the Shadow Creatures have friends in high places, though, as the Men of Steel showed up to try and save them. Content to end the turn, both players moved to recovery. During recovery, Antonino flipped over Sector 2814, gained 2 endurance, and ended the turn down 28 - 30.


Ethan was in control of turn 6 and started things off by replaying his Speedy. He then played Guy Gardner, Strong Arm of the Corps. His Dr. Light snagged an Olapet from the KO’d pile, and he decided to KO a Shadow Creatures with his Speedy. Ant dropped perhaps the best costume in the entire game into play: Evil Star. Man, is that guy evil. So evil, in fact, that he threw a Shadow Creature at Arisia and KO’d her. Guy Gardner wasn’t going to stand around and take that, so he went after Mr. Star. All it took was a Helping Hand, though, and GG stunned, while Evil Star remained unscathed. Ethan couldn’t find a suitable next attack and had to pass to Ant. Mr. DeRosa sent his Malvolio out to smash Dr. Light. Ina cruel twist of fate, Dr. Light also got a few Helping Hands, and the turn was set to end. Ant had another Sector 2814 and, after gaining some endurance, he ended ahead 32 - 24.


Turn 7 saw Ant play The Ring Has Chosen to go get Two-Face, Split Personality. This guy was set to be huge. Most of Ethan’s men only cost 2, so he could very feasibly get destroyed. Ethan used the good doctor to get his G’Nort back and then recruited Hector Hammond and Major Disaster. Two-Face exhausted the evens, as predicted, and the stage was set for a severe smashing. Malvolio went into G’Nort who got a Helping Hand. Two-Face was done with amateur hour and went straight into Guy Gardner. Evil Star then finished off the action by bashing Dr. Light. Ant looked a little frustrated and lamented,  “I messed up somewhere.” The turn ended with him ahead 36 - 1.


Turn 8 was the endgame. Ethan recruited a Remoni-Notra ◊ Star Sapphire and used Dr. Light to get back Arisia. Ant brought out another huge body in Krona. He then used Evil Star to throw Malvolio at Arisia. After doing some quick math, Ethan conceded.


Antonino DeRosa wins.

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