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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 13: Neil Reeves vs. Alex Tennet
Patrick Sullivan

Here we are. Win and you’re in. Or rather, one of them is in. It’s the last round of the Swiss, and Neil Reeves is a lock with a win. His opponent, Alex Tennet, will almost certainly not make it, even with a win. However, Alex is making Neil play it out, and Alex is still playing for a considerable amount of cash.

Game 1

Alex started off the game with the initiative on the odd turns and kept his first four. Neil sent his back, and turn 1 went by with no recruiting. On turn 2, Neil played Hassim, and Alex answered with Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective. Neil didn’t attack, but Alex did, stunning Hassim. End of turn, Neil turned up Mountain Stronghold, getting an Ubu. Neil played the Ubu on turn 3, and Alex recruited Arsenal. Alex sent Tim Drake into Hassim, and when Neil powered-up with another Hassim, Alex had an Airborne Assault to make the trade. Alex then attacked with Roy Harper into Ubu and powered-up. Neil lost Hassim at end of turn, and Alex lost Tim Drake.

Turn 4, Neil boosted a Hawk, getting Dove, and followed up with Pantha. Alex recruited Terra. Neil announced a team attack with all his Teen Titans on Terra. Alex allowed it, pumped Roy Harper with Terra, and stunned Hawk. Ubu then attacked Roy Harper, and Neil flipped From the Shadows. Alex had Roy Harper pump himself, then flipped Break You, discarding two cards. The two characters traded. Neil kept Ubu around, and Alex lost Roy Harper. Alex flipped USS Argus and activated it, then played Dick Grayson ◊ Nightwing, Titan Leader. Neil flipped World’s Finest, teaming Assassins with Titans, then flipped the Stronghold, getting a Bane, Ubu and playing it.

Neil spent some time complaining about the quality of Alex’s draw while Alex considered his attack. Alex finally settled on team attacking Dove with Nightwing and Terra, representing Teen Titans Go! Alex had the plot twist and sent Terra into Bane, and flipped a Combat Reflexes. Neil had nothing, and the two traded. Dick Grayson attacked Ubu, and Neil once again had nothing. Alex lost nothing, and Neil kept Bane around. On turn 6, Neil played Koriand’r ◊ Starfire. Alex used the USS Argus on his half of the turn, then played Mr. Freeze. Neil attacked Mr. Freeze with Starfire and flipped Tamaran. Mr. Freeze was stunned without stunning Starfire in return. Then, Bane attacked Terra, and Terra was stunned. Neil ran Pantha into Dick Grayson to prevent breakthrough on the way back, and Alex had no attacks. Neil used Bane’s ability on Mr. Freeze at the end of the turn, and in response Alex turned over Gone But Not Forgotten to gain 2 endurance.

Alex’s turn started with another USS Argus activation, then played Catwoman. Neil’s turn featured Man-Bat and a boosted Hawk, fetching Dove. Alex sent Terra into Bane after some deliberation, flipped over a Tamaran, and boosted Terra to make Terra a 9 ATK. Neil responded with a Tamaran activation of his own, and Alex was forced to use a From the Shadows out of hand to save his character. Next, Catwoman charged into Pantha, and Neil reinforced. Dick Grayson attacked Dove, and Neil once again reinforced. Neil cracked back with Bane on Terra.

Neil’s eighth turn featured Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective with boost and a Assassin Initiate, which prompted a concession from an empty-handed Alex

Neil 1, Alex 0

Game 2

Alex took the odd initiative and shipped back his first four. Neil liked his opening hand, and the reason why became clear when he opened with turn 1 Dove, turn 2 Hawk—especially in t

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