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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Top 8 Decklists
Toby Wachter

Sammy Gilly
1st Place, Day 1

1 Hulk
1 Sub-Mariner
1 Thing, The Ever-Lovin’ Blue-Eyed Thing
1 Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria
1 Dr. Doom, Victor Von Doom
2 Thing, Heavy Hitter
1 Robot Destroyer
4 Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius
1 Wolverine, New Fantastic Four
4 She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters
2 Darkoth
4 She-Thing
4 Boris
1 Ghost Rider

Plot Twists
2 Acrobatic Dodge
3 Savage Beatdown
3 Mystical Paralysis
4 It’s Clobberin’ Time!
4 Common Enemy
1 Faces of Doom
4 Signal Flare
2 Reign of Terror
3 Have A Blast!
1 A Death in the Family
2 Overload

4 Doomstadt

Eric Wall
2nd Place, Day 1

4 She-Thing, Sharon Ventura
4 Luke Cage
4 Thing, Ben Grimm
4 She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters
4 Invisible Woman, Sue Storm
4 Mr. Fantastic, Stretch
1 Ghost Rider
4 Hulk
2 Thing, The Ever-Lovin’ Blue-Eyed Thing

Plot Twists
4 It’s Clobberin’ Time
4 Savage Beatdown
4 Signal Flare
4 Tech Upgrade
4 Acrobatic Dodge
4 Entangle

4 Fantasticar
1 Personal Force Field

Israel Quiroz
3rd Place, Day 1

4 Boris, Personal Servant Of Dr. Doom
4 Shimmer, Selinda Flinders
4 Puppet Master, Philip Masters
3 Robot Sentry, Army
1 Kristoff Von Doom, The Boy Who Would Be Doom
4 Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius
1 Jinx, Elemental Sorceress
3 Robot Destroyer, Army
3 Dr. Light, Arthur Light
2 Psimon, Dr. Simon Jones
1 Dr. Doom, Lord Of Latveria

Plot Twists
1 Overload
2 Marvel Team-Up
1 World’s Finest
1 Gamma Bomb
1 Have A Blast!!
2 Flame Trap
2 Reign Of Terror
3 The Underworld Star
3 Mystical Paralysis
3 Entangle
3 Faces Of Doom

4 Doom’s Throne Room
3 Doomstadt
1 Avalon Space Station

Ben Stoll
4th Place, Day 1

4 She-Thing, Sharon Ventura
3 Luke Cage, Hero For Hire
3 She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters
4 Thing, Ben Grimm
4 Invisible Woman, Sue Storm
2 Wolverine, New Fantastic Four
4 Mr. Fantastic, Stretch
3 Hulk, New Fantastic Four
1 Ghost Rider, New Fantastic Four
1 Thing, Heavy Hitter
2 Wolverine, Berserker Rage
1 Thing, The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing

Plot Twists
4 It’s Clobberin’ Time
4 Signal Flare
3 Ka-Boom!
3 Tech Upgrade
2 Overload
2 Savage Beatdown
4 Acrobatic Dodge

4 Fantasticar
1 Personal Force Field
1 Twin Firearms

Robert Martinez
5th Place, Day 1

4 Pyro
3 Toad
4 Rogue: Anna Raven
2 Quicksilver: Pietro Maximoff
4 Sabretooth: Feral Rage
3 Blob
4 Magnet Eric Lehnsherr
2 Quicksilver: Speed Demon

Plot Twists
3 Nasty Surprise
4 Not So Fast
2 Flying Kick
4 Savage Beatdown
4 The New Brotherhood
3 Crushing Blow
4 Mega-Blast
4 Overload

2 Savage Land
4 Genosha

Jim Adamski
6th Place, Day 1

4 Luke Cage
4 She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters
4 She-Thing, Sharon Ventura
4 Thing: Ben Grimm
4 Invisible Woman: Sue Storm
1 Wolverine: New Fantastic Four
4 Mr. Fantastic Stretch
3 Hulk
2 Thing: The Ever Lovin’ Blue Eyed Thing
1 Invisible Woman: Sue Richards

Plot Twists
4 Have A Blast!
4 Tech Upgrade
4 Signal Flare
4 It’s Clobberin’ Time
3 Acrobatic Dodge
2 Entangle
4 Overload

4 Fantasticar

Jeremy Tucker
7th Place, Day 1

4 Magneto, Master Of Magnetism
2 Sabretooth, Victor Creed
4 Mystique, Shape-Changing Assassin
4 Quicksilver, Speed Demon
4 Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr
4 Blob, Fred Dukes
4 Sabretooth, Feral Rage
3 Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff
4 Mystique, Raven Darkholme
4 Toad, Mortimer Toynbee

Plot Twists
4 Acrobatic Dodge
3 Overload
1 Relocation
3 Have A Blast!
4 Savage Beatdown

4 Avalon Space Station
4 Lost City

Gary Quinn
8th Place, Day 1

4 Longshot, Rebel Freedom Fighter
4 Toad, Mortimer Toynbee
4 Rogue, Anna Raven
4 Wolverine, Logan
3 Jean Grey, Marvel Girl
3 Rogue, Power Absorption
3 Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff
4 Wolverine, James Howlett
3 Rogue, Powerhouse
4 Wolverine, Berserker Rage
2 Jean Grey, Phoenix Force

Plot Twists
4 Overload
2 Marvel Team-Up
4 Mutant Nation
4 Have A Blast!

4 Lost City
4 Avalon Space Station 

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