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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Draft 3: Nick Little
Victor van den Broek

Going into the draft, Nick knew he had to go 3-0 to lock down Top 8, and he would have a shot with a 2-1 record. However, he was seated between two people who had one loss more than he did, which made him scream out about his “God seat.” Lady Fortune kept on smiling on him when he opened his first pack and saw blue and green cards staring back at him instead of the usual avalanche of reds:

Pack 1:

1: Metropolis over Path of Destruction; Big Barda; Up, Up, and Away
2: Orion over Fortress of Solitude
3: Path of Destruction over Fortress of Solitude

So far the draft progressed in standard fashion, with Nick’s preference for team-up cards showing in his first pick and a good 6-drop and plot twist after that. Surprisingly for him, one of his favorite cards popped up in doubles next two picks:

4: Hordes of Apokolips over Infinity Man, Bernadeth
5: Hordes of Apokolips over Up, Up, and Away

And the first pack rounded out with a bunch of creatures of both the Revenge Squad and Darkseid’s Elite affiliations, while Nick was surprised by the late Suicide Slums in pack 8:

6: Trok over Bernadeth
7: Desaad over Granny Goodness
8: Jaffar over Suicide Slums
9: Kalibak
Silver Banshee
11: Silver Banshee
Eradicator, Doctor David Connor
13: Kalibak
Phantom Zone

At the end of the second pack, Nick picked up some Revenge Squad after the clear signal of Suicide Slums. However, he had passed the location in order to keep people to his left on Revenge Squad, and it could come back to haunt him. In the second pack, he again opened a Hordes of Apokolips and filled up on some of his character slots.

Pack 2:

1: Hordes of Apokolips over Path of Destruction, Heat Vision
2: Kanto over Beta Club
3: Path of Destruction over Trok
4: Granny Goodness over Kanto
5: Suicide Slums over Slig

In the fifth pack, another Suicide Slums stared back at Nick, who was surprised by the lack of respect that card got at the table and gladly added it to his pile of cards. More surprise would come to him in the form of “Revenge Squad presents:”

6: Silver Banshee
7: Mongal over Slig, Silver Banshee, Topkick
10: Mercy over Mongal
11: Brimstone over Jaffar
Anti-Life Equation
13: Takion ◊ Highfather
14: Girl 13

The Mercy triplets were a nice addition to the Silver Banshee triplets in Nick’s mind, who was very pleased about the interaction between the two. Pack 3 would supply him with another “insane” plot twist.

Pack 3:

1: Heat Vision over Darkseid, Uxas
2: Up, Up, and Away over Trok
3: Bernadeth over Steppenwolf
4: Brainiac 2.5 over Silver Banshee, Phantom Zone Projector
5: Metallo
6: Bernadeth over Shaligo, Hope
7: Bernadeth
Cir-El ◊ Supergirl
9: Steppenwolf over Trok
10: Shaligo over Trok
11: Donna Troy ◊ Troia
Boom Tube
Talia, Lexcorp CEO
14: Hope

Especially the last pick Hope had surprised Nick. It was the perfect late addition to his deck, and he admitted he had wanted to take it sixth over Bernadeth, but that would’ve been too much of a gamble. In the end, he was very happy with his deck, estimating his odds of 3-0 at 30%, and 2-1 at 60%. According to Nick, if he drew Metropolis, it would be impossible for him to lose. To be honest, his deck does look insane.

Nick Little
Draft 3

1 Hope
3 Mercy
1 Desaad
1 Shaligo
3 Silver Banshee
1 Granny Goodness
3 Bernadeth
1 Trok
1 Steppenwolf
1 Brainiac 2.5
1 Mongul
1 Eradicator, Doctor David Connor
1 Kanto
1 Brimstone
1 Kalibak

Plot Twists
1 Heat Vision
3 Hordes of Apokolips
2 Path of Destruction
1 Up, Up, and Away

1 Metropolis
1 Suicide Slums

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