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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 18: Eugene Harvey vs. Neil Reeves
Antonino De Rosa

These two fine gentlemen don’t need any introduction. They are both very successful gamers. Neither of them has ever worked a day in his life—that’s how good they are at games.


Eugene won the die roll and took the odds. Both players mulliganed.


Turn 1: Eugene played nothing, while Neil attacked Eugene for 2 with his Beetle ◊ Mach 1.


Turn 2: On Neil’s initiative, he recruited Nathan Garrett ◊ Black Knight. (He almost recruited Beetle before noticing that his 1-drop would be KO’d if he did that.) He used a Crime Spree to give his Black Knight +3 ATK. Eugene played Tom Thumb. Neil sent his Black Knight after Tom and attacked with Beetle directly. Endurance totals at the end of turn 2 stood at Eugene 42, Neil 49.


Turn 3: Eugene played Inertia from the resource row and put a Thunder Jet on it. Neil recruited Plant Man◊ Blackheath. Inertia slammed into Black Knight, but Neil had a Faces of Evil, letting him stop the breakthrough. Tom Thumb attacked Beetle, and Neil KO’d it to search out a second Faces of Evil. Neil swung back with his Plant Man into Tom Thumb, bringing the endurance totals to Eugene 38, Neil 46.


Turn 4: Neil played Beetle, Armorsmith, discarding Beetle ◊ Mach 2 to search for Yellowjacket. He boosted her to go find Radioactive Man, Chen Lu, giving him a board of Plant Man and Radioactive Man in the front row and Beetle, Black Knight, and Yellowjacket hanging out in the back. Eugene decided that he needed to fight fire with fire and also underdropped, playing Paul Ebersol ◊ Techno, Gadgeteer and Melissa Gold ◊ Screaming Mimi. Neil flipped his second Faces of Evil and attacked with Yellowjacket into Inertia. He played Repulsor Ray, making Eugene reinforce with Tom Thumb. Neil Hero’s Demised Eugene’s Inertia and then sent Plant Man into Screaming Mimi for 6 endurance loss. Radioactive Man attacked Paul Ebersol for 4, and Nathan Garrett attacked Tom Thumb. Beetle then attacked for 5 straight at Eugene’s face. At the end of turn 4, Neil was chilling at 43 endurance while Eugene was at a measly 17.


Turn 5: Eugene played Charcoal and put him with Tom Thumb in the front row. Plant Man got Radioactive Man back from the KO’d pile, and Neil then recruited Yellowjacket for Ogre and played Screaming Mimi. He shot Eugene for 7 with Screaming Mimi's ability, and Eugene conceded before he could even attack, claiming that there was no way to win with such a endurance difference.


Neil now needs to win his last round to advance to the Top 8. He was cheered on by his peers as Eugene wished him luck in the next round.


Eugene wishes him luck, while Neil is cheered by his peers.

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