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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 6: Brian Kibler vs. Stefano Pizzocheri
Patrick Sullivan
PC Champ Brian Kibler found himself at 4-1 going into round 6, and was once again summoned to the feature match area to take on Stefano Pizzocheri of Italy. Kibler won his earlier feature match with Teen Titans, while Pizzocheri is running a variation of the Fantastic Four–based Cars deck.

Kibler won the option and took the even initiative. Both players kept their starting four, and turn 1 started with nothing from Stefano, while Kibler played and flipped Optitron, searching out a Pantha. Optitron for Pantha turn 1 for Kibler. Kibler recruited the aforementioned Pantha on turn 2 and used his remaining resource point to search for Red Star. Stefano recruited Luke Cage. Pantha attacked Cage, and Pizzo attempted to save Cage with a discard. Kibler, however, was ready with a Tamaran, to which Stefano responded by exhausting Luke Cage to a Tech Upgrade, digging out a Fantasticar.

Stefano recruited She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters on the following turn, while Kibler had Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal. Stefano attacked Roy with Luke Cage, and when Kibler pumped with Tamaran, Stefano oddly had no response, and Luke Cage was stunned without stunning in return. Stefano had no further attacks, and Brian sent Roy into She-Hulk and pumped Arsenal with Pantha. The two characters traded, and Stefano recovered his She-Hulk.

Kibler played Red Star on his fourth turn, which looked quite threatening in conjunction with his Tamaran. Stefano answered with Invisible Woman, Sue Storm. Kibler started with a team attack of Roy and Pantha on She-Hulk, stunning She-Hulk and Arsenal. Kibler then sent Red Star into Invisible Woman and tried to pump with Tamaran, but Stefano flipped an Unmasked to stop things from getting out of control. Kibler then played Savage Beatdown out of his hand to force the trade, and Stefano used Invisible Woman to play another Tech Upgrade, fetching another ’Car. She-Hulk and Roy Harper were both KO’d during recovery.

Stefano played an underwhelming Thing, Ben Grimm on turn 5 and equipped a Fantasticar to each of his two characters. Kibler’s answer play was far more impressive: Garth ◊ Tempest. Stefano sent Invisible Woman after Red Star for starters, stunning Red Star. Stefano then sent his Thing into Garth and played a Savage Beatdown to try and trade. Kibler used Tamaran on Garth in response, flipping over Finishing Move, and got the plot twist back with Garth. Then, when Garth and Ben Grimm traded, Kibler used Pantha to execute a Finishing Move on Thing. Kibler lost Red Star during recovery, and started his sixth turn with a boosted Dawn Granger ◊ Dove. When Kibler tried to recruit Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Stefano had an unexpected and back-breaking response: Flame Trap. Pantha, Hawk, and Dove all went down, and Stefano spent his end of the turn flipping Unmasked back down and recruiting Hulk. Kibler tried to muster a comeback, using several copies of Teen Titans Go! to take down both Hulk and Invisible Woman during combat.

Turn 7 started with Kibler controlling only a Garth and a Roy Harper to Stefano’s Hulk. Stefano didn’t have much on the seventh turn, however, mustering only a Wolverine, New Fantastic Four. Kibler thought forever about his turn before getting back a Teen Titans Go! with Garth, then playing Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective and Terra. Stefano simply stunned Tim Drake with Wolverine and Terra with Hulk, rendering Kibler unable to attack back. Things looked bleak for Brian entering the eighth turn, sitting at only 2 endurance and no longer able to activate Garth. Stefano’s Silver Surfer, in conjunction with an FF character to steal the initiative, was more than enough to seal the deal.

Stefano Pizzocheri defeats Brian Kibler to advance to 5-1, while Brian falls to 4-2.
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