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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 6: Walter Villa vs. Jose Maria Estrada
Noel Neo
Both players are old friends and were exchanging casual banter as I approached the table. As it turns out, Jose Maria helped Walter design his deck for the tournament. Walter's pretty new to the game.
The causal banter stopped as the start of round is called. Jose Maria won the die roll and opted for the odd initiative. Both players had intense looks upon their faces as they contemplated their opening hands, and both mulliganed.
Jose Maria had a quick start with a turn 1 Dagger that nipped Walter for a point of endurance.
Walter managed to come up with Dusk on turn 2, while Jose Maria forfeited his initial board advantage by returning Dagger and discarding her for Midnight Sons. He then played Wild Ride from his hand to search for Iron Fist, and recruited him.
Walter sent Dusk past the concealed Iron Fist, but Jose Maria returned the attack, flipping Midnight Sons and Doc Ock's Lab for a huge turn 2 endurance trade.
Rhino came down on Jose Maria's side and Spider-Man on Walter's on turn 3. Dusk quickly ducked behind the web slinger for the turn.
Iron Fisk swung into Spider-Man with a pump from Doc Ock's Lab. Walter pitched two cards to power-up the web slinger, but Jose Maria's final resource held the answer—Punisher's Armory. With Spider-Man out of the way, Rhino proceeded to headbutt Dusk for a chunk of endurance loss.
Walter lost Dusk.
For turn 4, Will O' The Wisp showed up for Walter, while Jose Maria added Dr. Octopus to his growing Syndicate. Combat was a simple team attack of Will O' The Wisp and Spider-Man into Dr. Octopus. Both players declined further attacks.
Jose Maria had Daredevil, Matt Murdock for turn 5, but Walter missed his drop and had to be satisfied with Dusk. Things were looking pretty bleak for Walter.
Dr. Octopus swung across into Will O' the Wisp and Jose Maria pitched a card to power-up the doctor. Walter played Spider Senses, but Jose Maria had the additional power-up and pump from Punisher's Armory. Both characters stun.
Next, Daredevil attacked Spider-Man. Jose Maria also paid 3 endurance for +2 ATK in a bid to push through some endurance loss. Rhino also swung down into Dusk, who evaded the attack. Without a character left to attack, Hammerhead and Rhino rammed into Walter. Jose Maria activated Doc Ock's Lab, and flipped a second one to give a total bonus of +6 ATK. An additional Flying Kick and payment of 3 endurance to ready Punisher's Armory was just enough to bring Walter down to zero endurance.
Jose Maria wins the match.
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