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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Shadowpact Control
Julia Birks
Bobby has been playing Vs. System since Avengers. His all-new SPC deck went 7-2 on the first day of $10K Brisbane, giving him a very solid spot in the Top 8. Its origins lie in the recently-released (and only recently legal) Crisis set, and everyone on tournament floor is wondering how far it’s going to take him. Only time will tell on that matter, as he faces off against Shaun Hayward’s [Rigged Elections] build in the quarterfinals. In the meantime, we were able to get a hold of Bobby to talk about the ideas behind SPC and why it’s doing so well.

Tell us all a little about the deck.

It’s called SPC, which stands for Shadowpact Control. It all started when Crisis came out. Shadowpact not only looked good, it also looked fun to play. The actual idea for the deck came from Fahad Rahman. We tweaked it together until it was perfect.

When we came up with the initial build, we pitted it against Teen Titans, and it smashed them! It also smashed the X-Men deck called “The Donkey Club” that’s making the rounds. Then we put in a few copies of [Absolute Dominance] and [Total Anarchy], and we found it was pretty much winning all the time.

What’s the theme of the deck? What does it aim to do?

The main aim against most decks is to play [Conjuration] on turn 3, and get [June Moon <> Enchantress, Good Witch] into play. You equip June with as many Fate Artifacts as you can, swing in for about 11 endurace, and remove your opponent’s 3-drop with Anarchy. On the fourth turn, it aims to bash with an 11 ATK/11 DEF 4-drop, which not a lot of decks seem to be able to get around. From there, hopefully, it’s all downhill.

What's the best card in the deck?

The best cards are all the Fate equipment with [Dr. Fate’s Tower], [Total Anarchy], [Absolute Dominance], and [Conjuration]. They’re the top picks, I suppose. The deck just wouldn’t work without that combination of cards.

What's your optimal opening hand?

You’d mulligan for a 1-drop, probably, to get the ball rolling. But it’s pretty good on your usual sort of good curve hand.

What does it win against?


What does it lose to?

In the beginning, when we first built it, it wasn’t so consistent. We had to bump out some stuff out to boost the numbers of core cards to increase consistency, and now it plays pretty well.

I hate High Voltage! It’s an insane god build. SPC’s a 50/50 matchup against it in most cases. If Voltage pulls some insane combo, though, you lose. It also didn’t fare so well against Shaun Hayward’s [Rigged Elections] deck.

What do you think makes it so powerful in the current meta?
The fact this deck can pull off [Total Anarchy], where other decks can’t, is what makes it stand out.

Thanks for your time, Bobby, and best of luck today.
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