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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 16: Neil Reeves vs. Josh Wiitanen
Nate Price

"I don't even know what initiative I want . . . uh . . . I'll take evens," said Josh.

Turn 1, Neil brought Sue Dibny out to search a 2-drop out of his deck. He has an enormous choice to make, and he eventually settles on Maxwell Lord over Zazzala ◊ Queen Bee. Josh didn't have anything of his own, and the turn passed after Neil attacked. Next turn, Josh finally got on the board with James Jesse ◊ Trickster while Neil, who had drawn the Zazzala, now had to make a tough decision. While he was thinking, Josh joked, "Please miss it!" Neil chuckled a bit and put the Zazzala he had just drawn into play. Josh sent in at Neil's Sue Dibny, and Neil refused to send back. During his recovery, Neil added an Insectoid Troopers to his side of the board.


During his next recruit, Neil continued to grow his army and recruited a Shadow-Thief, which fetched him Illusionary Warriors. His concealed army was becoming more and more dangerous. Josh brought Silver Sorceress into play on his side, and lined her up behind the Trickster. When Neil decided to send his Shadow-Thief at Trickster, Josh evaded out of the way. This let Neil attack the Silver Sorceress in the back. After a few more attacks, the players were ready to move to the next turn.


Turn 4 held a surprise in store for both players. Josh was first to recruit a character and threw Hector Hammond, Mind Over Matter into play. Neil under-dropped, as expected, and put Maxwell Lord and IQ into his visible area. Josh's Trickster was the first character in on the attacks, and he took down Insectoid Troopers, which Neil reinforced. Neil went to mark down his endurance total after the judge had come by to point out the unused electronic scorepad, but couldn't get it to work. Never one to miss a good beat, Josh joked, "I can't believe I'm going to lose to someone who isn't intelligent enough to work the scorepad," to which Neil responded with a blustered, "You've . . . you've lost a lot! This stupid thing isn't working, I swear!" Hector Hammond then bashed in at Sue Dibny, who was also reinforced. That left Josh with only one more character to beat in the visible zone, and he sent his Sorceress in to finish IQ.


Normally, the JLI / Injustice Gang player would pass the attack here and just go into the next turn (which would be their initiative) with more characters to team attack with. Instead, Neil felt that his chances of winning were better if he could set the clock a little lower and get in for some key stuns on this turn. He chose to send his Shadow-Thief in after the Trickster, who predictably evaded. Next up was a team attack from Illusionary Warriors and Shadow-Thief at Hector Hammond. Neil went to pump his characters to the proper amount by playing All Too Easy, but Josh was ready with Balance of Power. Neil wasn't finished, though. He had a second All Too Easy waiting and the big brain went down. Neil's last attack was to send his Zazzala at Josh's remaining Silver Sorceress. He played Plasma Blast to shrink the Sorceress small enough that his Zazzala wouldn't stun back, but Josh had Magnificent Seven to get back on top. Neil had the ultimate trump card, though, in BWA HA HA HA HA!. This put Neil ahead in endurance 32-35, going into his initiative. The last attack had hurt him a little, though, and he was forced to KO all of his visible characters but Sue Dibny who had been shipped to the concealed area. Josh's evader had given him an extra character effectively, and was proving to be a key card in this match-up.


Turn 5’s recruit for Neil was exactly what he wanted. He got to put the incredibly powerful Kimiyo Hoshi ◊ Dr. Light into play on his side (without replacing a resource), as well as Catherine Cobert. Josh matched the under-drop with Dinah Laurel Lance ◊ Black Canary, "Pretty Bird" and Illusionary Warriors. Before attacking, Neil teamed-up JLI and IG with Justice League Task Force. He then sent Dibny and Dr. Light into Hector Hammond. Josh had the Gang-Up to team his men up as well, and then used Reform the League to power over the attackers. Neil had nothing, and he was forced to stun poor Sue. He then went into the tank for a long time. When he came out, he said, "I can't believe this. I actually can't attack any more." Hector Hammond was more than willing to attack if Neil couldn't, and he went in for a beating against Dr. Light. When she fell, Josh flipped up Satellite HQ and used it to attack his Pretty Bird into Neil's Shadow-Thief. That was all of Josh's attacks, and it left Neal in a bad state. He went through the motions, though, and added an Infernal Minions to his side of the board via Zazzala.


The next turn brought on-curve Hal Jordan, Hard-Traveling Hero for Josh and a lonely Crimson Fox for Neil. Josh exhausted his Satellite HQ during the attack step, and Neil realized that he couldn't win the game. He conceded to Josh before the attack finished.


Josh Wiitanen wins! 

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