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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 8: David Zemel vs. Ryan Lockhard
Anand Khare
This matchup is between two prolific but largely unknown players. David is playing Teen Titans, while Ryan is playing The New Brotherhood. Ryan won the flip and chose to play first. David took a mulligan and Ryan kept his hand.
Ryan had no turn 1 play. David Optitroned for Hank Hall, discarding Garth, and play moved to turn 2. David led off with Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective, and Ryan recruited Scarlet Witch, Eldritch Enchantress. David sent Tim into Scarlet Witch, and Ryan flipped The New Brotherhood for the double stun (48-48).
Ryan kicked off turn 3 with a Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff in front of Scarlet Witch. David recruited Hank Hall ◊ Hawk with boost, fetching Dove. He set up Tim in front of Dove and Hank in the front next to Tim. Ryan kicked off the attacks with a swing of Quicksilver into Tim Drake. David flipped Tamaran and powered up, but it wasn't enough to stop the stun, and he reinforced to prevent a point of breakthrough. Ryan's next attack was Scarlet Witch into Dove. He flipped a Savage Land to deal a total of 7 endurance loss, and his Scarlet Witch stunned back. During the recovery step, David chose to recover Tim Drake, and play moved on to the next turn (46-40 Ryan).
David had the initiative on turn 4 and recruited Terra behind Hank. Tim Drake was left in the front row next to Hank. Ryan recruited his optimal Sabretooth, Feral Rage, discarding Lorelei, and formed it in front of Quicksilver. Scarlet Witch was left alone in the back. David began combat by declaring a team attack of all of his characters into Sabretooth. Ryan let the attack resolve and then used Quicksilver on David. David responded with Teen Titans Go!, readying his characters and countering Quicksilver's ability. He then used Terra to stun Quicksilver, attacked Tim Drake into Scarlet Witch, and used Finishing Move to take care of Sabretooth (37-34 Ryan).
Ryan began turn 5 with a Magneto behind Quicksilver. David recruited Garth, which he set up in the back row between Terra and Hank Hall. David immediately used Terra to stun Quicksilver, and at the beginning of combat, Ryan exhausted Hank Hall with Magneto. Ryan declared an attack of Magneto on Terra; David reinforced with Garth. He paid 3 endurance to return Tim Drake to his hand, and the turn concluded (34-27 Ryan).
David recruited Red Star and an unboosted Tim Drake on turn 6, building Tim in front of Red Star, Hank in front of Terra, and Garth next to Terra in the back row. Ryan gained 6 resource points and then activated a Genosha to draw four cards. He recruited Rogue, Anna Raven, Pyro, and Mastermind. His setup was Pyro in front of Mastermind, Rogue in front of Magneto in the next row, and Quicksilver in the back next to Magneto. David thought for a while and eventually declared a team attack of everyone except Garth onto Rogue. Ryan let the attack resolve, and David played Teen Titans Go! He used Terra to stun Rogue, and all of his characters readied again. He declared a team attack of Hank, Tim, and Red Star on Magneto. No characters stunned because of the Tim Drake/Red Star combo. His next move was an attack of Terra onto Pyro. Another Teen Titans Go!, courtesy of Garth, allowed David to take down Ryan's entire team. Ryan had three copies of The Mutant Menace, but it wasn't enough. David had Press the Attack and Savage Beatdown to deal more than enough damage to take Ryan to negative endurance.
David Zemel wins!
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