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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 9: Lindsay Heming vs. Alexander Antonios
Enchante Chang

Lindsay and Alexander both reside in Sydney and attend $10K events regularly. Lindsay, a big-time Goth, actually surprised us by wearing no makeup and a suit to the event.


Both players mulliganed to start the game.


Turn 1
Lindsay had no play on turn 1, and Alexander had Dawn Granger ◊ Dove. He attacked for 1.


Turn 2

Alexander was the one who no play this turn, while Lindsay had Boris. Alex swung into Boris, and that left the endurance at 49-48 in Alexander’s favor.


Turn 3

Lindsay had Medusa on turn 3. He put both his characters in the front row and played Common Enemy. Alexander flipped USS Argus and then played Secret Origins to get Beast Boy. Lindsay passed, and Alexander capitalized by attacking with Beast Boy into Boris and then using Finishing Move to KO Boris. The score was 49-44 in favor of Alexander.


Turn 4

Alexander had the Titans’ favorite 4-drop in Terra, Tara Markov, and he placed Beast Boy and Terra in the front row. Lindsay had his favorite 4-drop in Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius, and he flipped down Common Enemy so he could flip it back up and draw a card. Terra attacked into Medusa, who exhausted Beast Boy in the process; Lindsay reinforced with Doom and the turn ended 49-41 to Alexander.


Turn 5

Lindsay recruited Human Torch, Hothead in front of Doom and placed Medusa beside Human Torch. Alexander had Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective and Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal and formed up by placing Beast Boy and Tim in the front row. He formed Roy behind Beast Boy, Terra behind Tim, and Dove by her lonesome.


The first attack saw Medusa try to attack Dove, but Terra activated to stun the 3-drop. Doom tried to attack, but Roy got bigger really quickly and shot Doom out of the support row. Human Torch then successfully attacked into Dove, but before it could resolve, Alexander used Press the Attack to ready Roy. Alexander took 11 total in that attack because of Human Torch’s ability.


Alexander finally got to attack and did so by team attacking with Roy and Beast Boy into Human Torch, but because of Tim Drake’s static ability, Alexander got to chose who stunned; he chose Beast Boy. During recovery, Alexander played another Secret Origins to go get Garth ◊ Tempest. The endurance totals were 33-29 at the end of turn 5, with Alexander ahead by 4.


Turn 6

Alexander had another USS Argus, which he followed with Garth behind the now 6 ATK / 6 DEF Beast Boy. Terra was behind Tim, and Roy Harper was in the support row with no one to protect him. Lindsay thought for a good while before deciding his next move. He played another Boris and then Robot Destroyer, both in the support row, with Human Torch protecting Robot Destroyer. Beast Boy attacked into Boris, but Boris went away to find Political Pressure. Beast Boy attacked Robot Destroyer and flipped up Tamaran, but Lindsay trumped with Unmasked and Beast Boy fell over. The next attack was Tim Drake and Garth into Human Torch, but before that was legal, Lindsay again pulled out another ace with Flame Trap. The third attack was Roy and Terra into Human Torch; the attack was legal, but before the attack resolved, Lindsay used Robot Destroyer’s ability to stun Terra and Roy bounced. Garth decided not to attack, so Human Torch attacked him with an It’s Clobberin’ Time! . . . but not before Garth got back a Finishing Move to KO Robot Destroyer. The score was 24-7 to Lindsay.


Turn 7

Lindsay had more aces; he played Political Pressure and then Thing, The Ever-Lovin’ Blue-Eyed Thing to return nobody, since Alexander only had Garth out. Lindsay made sure he didn’t run into Koriand’r ◊ Starfire and formed with everyone in the front row. Indeed, that is what Alexander had, but it didn’t matter because 7 endurance wasn’t enough. Alexander conceded.


Lindsay Heming wins and thanks the Finkel suit he is wearing.

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