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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 9: Robert Leander vs. Matteo Paolucci
Jason Grabher-Meyer

Robert Leander is one of the most recognized professional Vs. System players on the circuit. With several high finishes and victories in a wide array of premier level events, he was a favorite pick for a Top 8 finish this weekend.

Leander won the flip and opted to take even initiative. Paolucci decided to mulligan, while Leander tapped the table and announced that he’d keep. Neither player played a 1-drop.

Leander missed his 2-drop, and took 3 from a Luke Cage. Turn 3 would see Paolucci miss a drop, while Leander recruited Hank Hall ◊ Hawk and boosted for Dove. Paolucci decided not to attack, leaving Leander to attack him with Hawk. Luke Cage gained some DEF from an Acrobatic Dodge, but Leander attempted to power up Hawk with Tamaran. Paolucci chained with Unmasked, but Leander responded with Titans Tower, discarding a Roy Harper for the stun. Dove then swung for 2.

Leander drew for turn 4, and then flipped and activated USS Argus. He played a resource and recruited Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal (which is fairly impressive, since Titans Tower and Tamaran had each eaten an Arsenal thus far). Paolucci replied by recruiting Wolverine, New Fantastic Four. Roy Harper attacked Wolverine, and Leander waited a while before Paolucci gave the attack the okay. Leander used Titans Tower on Roy Harper, giving him +6 ATK via a discarded Connor Kent. Paolucci reinforced with Luke Cage and then flipped Flame Trap, discarding Acrobatic Dodge and Mr. Fantastic, Stretch. Leander lost Hawk and Dove, while Paolucci lost Luke Cage.

Turn 5 saw Paolucci recruit another copy of Stretch, while Leander dug for a card with USS Argus before recruiting Garth ◊ Tempest. After a long period of deliberation, Paolucci attacked Wolverine into Garth with It’s Clobberin’ Time!, and then passed priority. Leander attempted to power up Garth with Tamaran, but he was Unmasked yet again. He had Roy Harper make a Heroic Sacrifice to keep Garth around. Stretch couldn’t do anything, so all four characters recovered and readied.

Leander again opened his turn by activating USS Argus, and after comparing the four cards he drew with the cards in his hand, he selected the one to keep. After some more thought, Leander paid 3 endurance with Garth to bounce and re-recruit Connor Kent ◊ Superboy, Tactile Telekinetic. Forming up an L with Connor in the front, Garth in the middle, and Roy Harper in the unprotected back, Leander passed build to Paolucci. Paolucci paid to turn Unmasked face down, and then recruited Hulk. After more than a minute of staring at his formation, Paolucci decided to keep Hulk and Wolverine in the front and leave Stretch protected by Wolverine.

Garth attacked Wolverine for the stun. Superboy brought the fight to Hulk, and Leander quickly passed priority. Paolucci had no effects, either, and the result was a double stun. Stretch attacked Roy Harper. Roy pumped himself, Leander activated Tamaran, and Paolucci used Unmasked again in response. Leander activated Titans Tower to discard Cassie Sandsmark ◊ Wonder Girl, and though Roy was stunned, so was Stretch. Paolucci was left with only Hulk, while Leander still had Superboy and Garth on the field.

Paolucci recruited Thing, The Ever-Lovin’ Blue-Eyed Thing on turn 7, and then placed Thing and Hulk in the front row. Leander again used USS Argus, paying 3 endurance to bring Cassie back to his hand. He recruited Cassie into his front row and used her to protect a newly recruited Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective.

It was Paolucci’s combat, and he began by using Flame Trap to stun Robin. Leander responded by exhausting Robin for Superboy. Thing attacked Superboy, and Paolucci was quick to pass priority. Leander activated Titans Tower and discarded Terra to give Connor a total of 16 ATK—just enough to stun Thing. An exhaustion from Garth and a power-up from Tamaran almost got Superboy out of stunning range, but Paolucci flipped a second copy of Unmasked to ensure the double stun. Hulk attacked Garth and Leander had no response, so Garth stunned. Then Cassie attacked Hulk with a Savage Beatdown. Paolucci thought a few moments before offering the shake to Leander, complete with a smile.

Game Win: Robert Leander

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