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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 6: David Frayer vs. Dan Bridy
Nate Price

I love it when an underdog wins, and today, the underdog is in control. David Frayer comes into this match having piloted his Superman Robots deck to an impressive 4-1 record. His opponent this round is Philadelphia native Dan Bridy.

Turn 1 started about as well as each player could want. David led off with Soldiers of New Genesis. Dan countered this with Roy Harper ◊ Speedy. Speedy immediately KO’d the Soldiers, and it was like turn 1 never happened.


Turn 2 saw Dan start by recruiting Major Disaster. David took advantage of the Speedy-less turn by recruiting both Soldiers of New Genesis and Lois Lane. Lois found her scoop in the form of Superman Robots. Dan started off combat by sending his Major into David’s Soldiers. David was ready, though, with a Soldier power-up. This caused Major Disaster to stun while the Soldiers lived to fight another day. It also opened up the lane, no pun intended, for everyone’s favorite star reporter to go whack Dan for a point of endurance.


David got to continue the beats on turn 3 when he enlisted the first Superman Robots into his army. Dan countered with three 1-drops¾Roy Harper ◊ Speedy, G’Nort, and The Shark. David’s fake Supermen attacked what has been the most common first attack I’ve seen today, G’Nort. G’Nort was ready with his red cape, though, and with his best matador impression, he used Ole to stun the Superman Robots back. Lois then ran at Speedy, who in turn activated to KO David’s Soldiers of New Genesis. With her quarry gone, Lois charged after the first guy she saw, Major Disaster. Thanks to No Man Escapes the Manhunters, the little lady was able to take down the Major. This left Dan with an opportunity to send The Shark right at David’s face. David had to KO his Lois, and Dan had to let Major Disaster go. David ended the turn ahead in the endurance race 45 - 39.


Turn 4 started off with Myrwhydden from Dan. Now it was David’s turn to play a bunch of guys. First, he recruited Soldiers of New Genesis. He used his new friend to flip up Royal Decree, teaming up New Gods and Superman. He then played out another Superman Robots. The cherry on top was the Lois Lane that he played by discarding a Soldier. Lois made sure the chain would continue by snagging another Lois off the top ropes.


Dan took advantage of his initiative by sending The Shark in to take care of Ms. Lane. Myrwhydden apparently liked what he saw as he went straight in after one of the Robots. G’Nort, with a little help from No Man Escapes the Manhunters, ran in after the other Robots. A Lanterns in Love from David, though, made sure that he would only have to lose a Lois Lane this turn. This turn ended with endurance totals at 34-38 in favor of Dan Bridy.


Turn 5 is where the true ridiculousness of the Robots deck shone. David boosted up a Superman Robots, then played Lois Lane, which got him another Robot. Dan followed this up by recruiting Kyle Rayner, Last Green Lantern, which netted him Light Armor. Dan also recruited a boosted Olapet to get Arisia and placed the Light Armor on Myrwhydden.


The turn’s attacks were all in David’s favor. His robots took down, in order, G’Nort, Olapet, and Kyle Rayner—with no casualties of their own. Lois Lane was able to stun The Shark, too. The final attack was when his Soldiers attacked Arisia. Myrwhydden finally got to bash back and took out the Soldiers. After the mayhem had cleared, Dan looked up at David and muttered, “That deck’s nice.” Of the four of his characters that got stunned, Dan chose to keep Olapet. Endurance totals at the end of the turn had David up a little, 26-21.


Dan kicked off turn 6 with Kyle Rayner, Last Green Lantern for Ole and Dr. Light, Master of Holograms, which activated to return Arisia from the bin. “Phantom Zone check,” David remarked.

Dan fired back with, “Oh. Do you have one? If you do, you can show me and I’ll quit wasting time.” It was time for Dan to attack. He first sent Olapet into a Robot, which was promptly powered-up. Olapet then became the beneficiary of Shock Troops. Arisia and Kyle then got on the Robot-killing bandwagon. Myrwhydden, not wanting to be left out, took out another bot. The sole remaining Robot decided the time was ripe for him to smash into the one and only Dr. Light. Arisia also felt the wrath of the Super Gods when Soldiers of New Genesis ran headlong into her. All in all, David lost two robots and Dan lost an Olapet, an Arisia, and a Kyle Rayner.


Turn 7 started with David recruiting a Robot and then boosting out another. Faced with four 8 ATK/8 DEF Robots, Dan gave up.

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