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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Pro Circuit Blog: Day 1
Ben Kalman

6:15 PM - Beating Down His Opponents!

Savage Beatdown may not be legal in this format, but that didn’t stop Roy St. Clair from putting it on his playmat! One of the three sweetest playmats I’ve ever seen—the quality of the printing was superb and made me instantly jealous!


For those who don’t know Roy, he’s always silently lurking on the leader board, with three $10K Top 8s to his credit. He’s been in the money in every PC he’s played in. He’s a member of a three-man team (with a larger Yu-Gi-Oh! contingent) called Immortal Technique, with Jose Barreros and Barry Russell. And Roy is looking at another shot at the money with a 6–3 record. He claims that adding Prismatic Shield to his Avengers deck won him six games in a row.

5:56 PM - The British Invasion!

There are five Brits in Atlanta for the PC—one being FTN’s Alex Tennet, and he barely counts, because he spends nearly as much time in the States as he does in London.


The other four are part of a team headed by Karl Bown, whose name you may recognize as the winner of the recent $10K at GenCon UK in Bognor Regis, England. The team is called Team Comic Culture, named after Karl’s comic store in Lincoln, and Karl’s main priority is to get as many players as possible interested in the game, playing in the shop, and hopefully, traveling to tournaments. This is such a priority that Karl actually split the $10K money with the players he plays and tests with, to encourage them all the more.


The members here today are Karl himself, who logged over 20,000 miles in air travel to Vs. tournaments last year; John Ho and Nick Hancock; and Daniel Eggle, who is from Cornwall, not Lincoln, but is an honorary member and traveling companion to the team. As I write this, three of those four go into the final round on the verge of qualifying for Day 2!



Last week at the GAMA trade show in Las Vegas, UDE announced the teams in the forthcoming Heralds of Galactus set . . . and boy will you be surprised! Teams that were completely . . . erm . . . unheralded are in the set, and they will likely astound and excite all, from the nitpickiest fanboy to the most casual of Vs. players! 

The Six Teams: 

Heralds of Galactus
Infinity Watch 

All I can say is wow! Let the rumors and predictions begin! 

4:30 PM - The Possibilities are Infinite!

Sadly, while no announcements were forthcoming about the next set, Infinite Crisis showed its sunny face with a massive banner that greeted players as they entered the hall. Comprised of a massive and extended version of the box art, the full range of characters is shown, from the previously shown Dr. Fate, Deathstroke, Black Adam, and Zatanna to Maxwell Lord, Wonder Woman, Flash, Superman, and Booster Gold, among others


It’s a sweet banner and it looks even better in person than on film. If you’re reading this, you should also check out UDE’s Infinite Crisis teaser. It was updated today, with a glimpse at Zatanna’s card and a hint at what’s to come next.

4:10 PM - Justice Is Served!

If FTN is in a pretty good position, then the über-team Skipped Heartbeat is destined for greatness! Led by Anthony Justice’s 7-0 record, they have three other players already in Day 2 and six more who need only a single win. And that’s not including several more still in contention! 

Here’s the rundown: 

Nick Little 6-1
Neil Reeves 6-1
Gabe Walls 6-1
Adam Bernstein 5-2
Karl Horn 5-2
Michael Jacob 5-2
Matt Oldaker 5-2
Doug Tice 5-2
Josh Wiitanen 5-2 

3:10 PM - The Germanic Life of Team Zissou

Bill Murray fans will be proud of this foursome from Bonn and Düsseldorf, who have burst onto the PC scene with bright red toques atop their heads and cameras in hand . . . just as with their namesake. They’ve been traveling worldwide; filming everywhere; and playing Vs. from the $10K at Bognor Regis, England to Bremin, Germany. 

Team Zissou consists of Jonas Skali, Mario Boley, Manuel Peelen, and Thorsten Schelian (the latter of whom is unqualified and here for moral support . . . when he’s not busy playing PCQs to qualify for San Francisco!). At the time of writing this entry, Skali is 5-1 playing Avengers and Boley is 4-2 playing Squadron with Feral

While they are humble—and don’t compare themselves to the other German team (with Andre Müller, Markus Kolb, Reinhard Blech, and so forth)—their eventual goal is to become the top Euro-team, or at least to stand proudly as equals at the top. As they started playing Vs. only recently, their more immediate goal is to pay for their trip expenses. With the way they’re playing today, they’re well on their way to doing both!

2:45 PM - Alas! Poor Olav, I Knew Him Well!

My sympathies to fellow Metagame.com staffer Olav Rokne. This is his first PC on the Metagame.com crew, and . . . well . . . let’s just say it’s not gone so smashingly for my fellow Canuck. First, Olav’s flight out of Calgary was delayed, so instead of making it last night, he ended up flying here this morning and didn’t get to the PC until about halfway through round 3. 

Still, he was excited to be here and looking forward to getting into the swing of Metagame.com coverage! But it was not to be; our Militant Manager, Toby Wachter, sent him out to photocopy all of the decklists (“WORK HARDER, YE SCURVY LANDLUBBERS!!! YARRRR!!!” was the direct quote, I believe . . .). 

Little did Toby know what was to occur on Olav’s Voyage through Atlanta, an epic event that would make Homer’s blind eyes well up in empathy. He hailed a taxi, and the first shop he went to had a broken-down copier. Not to be deterred, he went to another print shop . . . but they didn’t do copies. And then his taxi took off on him. Stuck in the darkened underworld of the wrong side of Atlanta, Olav clung to his sacred deck-riddled texts and cried tears of joy and relief when a Good Samaritan offered him a lift. But Olav set one foot in the car, and the engine died. And would not recover. The poor guy’s car simply died.

Fortunately, Olav uncovered another Good Samaritan and managed to get a ride to a working copy center and then back to the Convention Center, where he was finally unleashed on the feature match area. Players beware! Olav is on the rampage now, and he has a look in his eyes last seen at the Bates Motel; and we all know what happened to “Mother!”


2:30 PM - Moving Sidewalks at the PC . . .

Some people complain when they get feature matches because they have a bad feature match record (Hello, David Fielder!); others may find the spotlight on them or a vicious opponent intimidating. 

But not Matthew Tatar. He complains because he has to get up out of his seat and hobble over to the feature match area, which is all the way on the other side of the hall from the top tables where his name so often is. 

Tatar injured his leg playing volleyball (“I play a lot of volleyball,” he said, then added with a smirk “Well, I used to play a lot of volleyball until a short while ago.”) and has to use a cane for the next little while. But while he may not be digging on the court any time soon, he’s smashing the field today with a 4-1 record after round 5!


2:00 PM - FTN Explosion!

As expected, one team making an impact on the weekend is FTN, most of whom are playing Squadron with additions like Toxin and Hawkeye for flavor. They’re impossible to miss in their shiny new t-shirts, and when you see that t-shirt sitting at your table, you’re bound to take notice. 

FTN is currently in a solid position with both David Leader and Ryan Jones undefeated after Round 5, Alex Tennet and Milton Figueroa at 4-1, and three more members at 3-2. That puts seven of the eleven members in serious contention, and the others are all still within reach of Day 2. 

As a side note, Milton Figueroa has had the match of the day so far. He hit an equipped Ape X, Shape, Joystick, and Songbird by turn 3 and managed to empty his hand by turn 4. This allowed him to take advantage of Bulk Lao’s missed 2- and 3-drops and take him out on turn 4 . . . on Bulk’s initiative! If this is a sample of things to come, we may have to rename Day 2 Day FTN! 

12:50 PM - Hellfire Club’s Harry Leland Spotted at Table 2!!

I blinked once, twice, thought I had consumed one Red Bull too many . . . there was the spitting image of Harry Leland—mutton chops, swank blue jacket, and frilly shirt. All he was missing was the walking stick! But no, it was not Mr. Leland but Dayton, Ohio Vs. stalwart Scott Cozzolino. Oleg Cassini may have passed away last week, but slick Italian fashion still lives on in Scott. He’s part of a strong Ohio team that has attended multiple PCs and has had some success at the $10K level; the other members are Keebler Powell, Loren Nolen, and Anthony Cox. 

Scott started growing the beard from the second the Hellfire Club was announced, as he was intending to play them. Alas, he made a last-minute switch to Squadron after testing seemed to look down upon the HFC deck. But that didn’t stop him from dressing the part, or from making Kergy’s Best Dressed List for PC Atlanta!

12:30 PM - Carl Perlas: All Decked Out


Some great decks have popped up today, including the Skipped Heartbeat deck, most of which are running X-Men/Faces of Evil. Nick Little is the exception; he’s playing an X-Men/Mental curve deck riddled with Hellfire. 


Another deck that went 2-0 before finally falling to the might of one Adam Prosak is Carl Perlas’s Brotherhood of Evil deck! Carl has returned after a six month layaway in the Philippines, where he was on a work contract that forced him to skip PC Indy and PC LA. He’s back now after switching coasts to take a new post in New York, and he’s playing Brotherhood as usual. He almost changed his mind at the last minute but then stuck to it, for better or for worse, and it’s taken him to a 2-1 record.

11:30 AM - In Your Faces!

I caught up with Alex Shvartsman as he was coming from a match, and he announced with a nefarious grin that he “smashed their Faces in!” And if he wanted to do the same to me, I’d probably let him after goofing in my Atlanta Preview by putting him and Craig Edwards on my free agent list; I didn’t know their team rosters and didn’t want to leave such Vs. powerhouses out of the preview, so I figured that was the best way to go about it. Well, their team didn’t think so, and after a vicious bout with Anthony Shaheen’s thumbscrews, I begged for mercy—which he granted on the proviso that I blurbed their team in the blog! 

So, with a big apology, the joint Your Move Games and Kings Games team lineup is: PC regulars Alex Shvartsman, Craig Edwards, Anthony Shaheen, Rob Dougherty, Darwin Kastle, Dustin Pidgeon, Jacob Rabinowitz, and Nick Cuenca; and PC upstarts and newcomers including Mike Olivson, Eric Hunter, and Adam Hamza. They play with an ever-changing roster that includes their core members and pretty much anyone from YMG or KG who tests regularly at the stores. This PC has a contingent that is 70% Bostonian and 30% New Yorker, and they’re almost all playing a crazy rogue deck that contains five or six different teams, no traits, and only Enemy of My Enemy for flavor. Watch out, Atlanta! This team should surprise their way into a ton of success.


11:05 AM - It’s Hard out Here for a Risk-Taker 


Rian Fike takes some clothing tips from the 3-6 Mafia and hopes to emulate their success. He’s brought a crazy deck—as you may have guessed if you’ve been reading his Risk vs. Reward articles on Metagame.com—an aggro Avengers team attack deck running on a Multiple Man/Enemy of My Enemy engine.

After testing with fellow Jacksonville Floridians Irving Diaz and Cameron Robinson, he made a last minute switch and dropped all Team-Ups to go pure beats. With a Longshot in lieu of a feather in his fedora for mullet luck, he took round 1 with his Multiple Madness.

 10:55 AM - Participation Extended Art Cards are a SHOCKER!

The participation Extended Art cards were an interesting pair that will make some collectors squeal with delight. The cards are Masters of Evil member Shocker, Vibro-Shock Villain and Thunderbolts member Joystick, Janice Yanizesh. Faces of Evil players all throughout the room were seen frantically switching their old, boring versions for the new and shiny Extended Art versions!

10:45 AM - The All-Canadian Showdown!

This one had the makings of an epic. It was a round 1 feature match between David Fielder and Team AttaQC’s Benoit Chaurette; English vs. French, Ontario vs. Quebec, Toronto vs. Montreal—there hasn’t been a war like this since Tonya Harding kneecapped Nancy Kerrigan way back in the thug era of the figure skating world.


On the flipside, neither of these players has been particularly successful in their feature matches. Chaurette’s gone 2-3 and Fielder’s gone 1-8. When the dust settled, Fielder’s feature match misery continued as Chaurette’s Mental deck took down Fielder’s Morlock deck.

10:15 AM - Welcome to Atlanta!

Welcome to Atlanta! Home of Gone With the Wind, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Ted Turner, several slick sports teams, and the Jack Daniels distillery (where several hundred players will likely be headed once the lights dim and the curtain falls this eve).


I am your faithful blogger this weekend, and I humbly follow in the footsteps of the esteemed J. Gary Wisenheimer, Ted “Da Nutz” Knutson, and THE Ben Seck. I will do my best to keep up with their sharp witticisms and kooky antics.


We have 334 players today in the most balanced field ever seen—a field that already had Vidi Wijaya complaining because there was no clear winner for him to tech against. And if ever there was a lack of PC clarity, it is now, as hundreds of top players line up to savagely beat each other down for the $40,000 prize, the shiny trophy, and the coolest Extended Art card ever made.

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