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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Quarterfinals: Michael Dalton vs. Markus Kolb
Ben Kalman

The vaunted Day 3. Michael Dalton, the unofficial leader of arguably the best team in this game (FTN) was one of three hardy team-members who soldiered into the Top 8 for a crack at $40K. Across the table from him was Markus Kolb, a member of Team Hans—the German nationals who test and build and bunk with Hans Höh, and who have repeatedly taken Vs. System by storm with success after success. Kolb was one of two hardened German players to make it into the quarterfinals.


It would be a GLEE battle, rush against blitz, as each player strove for supremacy of the mirror match. Every move was strategy, one faltering step would wreck one’s game, and both players knew each other’s decks and knew what they would have to do to win.


Kolb lightheartedly suggested using his extended art Dr. Light’s serial number for the initiative selection. Kolb wanted to get Dalton to guess whether it was an even or odd number (Dalton wouldn’t, preferring the die-roll) because Kolb used it a few times the previous day and his opponents always guessed incorrectly (odd)—he thought it would be funny to win an initiative the same way today. But the joking was quickly finished with, and these two competitors were all down to business. After all, there was a PC to be won . . .




Dalton won the roll and chose to go second. After a final shuffle of each other’s decks, a handshake, and Markus Kolb exclaiming “Have fun!” they drew, with Kolb keeping his hand and Dalton mulliganing.




Kolb played and used Willworld, hitting two copies of The Shark. He discarded one of them, plus a second Willworld, and recruited Arisia into his support row.


Dalton also played and used a Willworld, hitting Arisia and losing a No Man Escapes the Manhunters, discarding another No Man. He recruited the Arisia into the support row as well.


Kolb attacked, Arisia on Arisia, and it was an early draw at 49 after the double-stun.




Dalton used his Willworld and got a Salakk and a Kyle Rayner, Last Green Lantern. He discarded the Salakk and a Rot Lop Fan. He recruited Kyle, searching for a Chopping Block. He played the Chopping Block on Arisia.


Kolb hit a Major Disaster and lost a Hard-Traveling Heroes. He discarded a Light Brigade. He recruited Tomar Tu in front of his Arisia, giving her attack protection, and put a Chopping Block of his own onto hisArisia.


Dalton sent his Arisia into Tomar Tu, an attack that ended in a double stun (48-47). Kolb followed up by Chopping Dalton’s Arisia. Dalton sent his Kyle Rayner in with an attack on the pesky Arisia Chopper, and it was Dalton 48, Kolb 45 as Kolb recovered his Arisia.





Kolb used his Willworld, drawing Ch’p and losing a The Ring Has Chosen to the abyss under his deck. He discarded a Shark, then recruited Kyle Rayner, Last Green Lantern, searching for a Light Armor. He recruited a G’Nort and placed the Light Armor on Kyle. It was G‘Nort behind Arisia, with Kyle in support.


Dalton Willed and got two G’Norts, discarding one of them plus a Major Disaster. He recruited a boosted Olapet, bringing an Arisia to his hand from his deck. He recruited that second G’Nort, however, leaving Arisia aside for now. He placed the G’Nort in support, between his Kyle and Olapet.


Kolb sent Arisia into G’Nort. Dalton flipped a Helping Hand, which prevented either character from stunning. He then sent Kyle into G’Nort, with Dalton flipping a Trial By Sword to ensure the stun back. (44-43)


Kolb whistled for G’Nort at this point, sending him into Kyle but not expecting Kyle receiving a Helping Hand from Dalton’s hand. G’Nort stunned but Kyle was safe. (44-42)


Then Olapet made Dalton’s attack, followed by Kyle, and it was Dalton 44, Kolb 38.





Dalton used his Willworld, hitting G’Nort and Kyle Rayner, Last Green Lantern, discarding both of them.


Dalton recruited Dr. Light, Master of Holograms, activating his ability to bring Major Disaster into play from his KO’d pile.


Kolb missed a Birthing Chamber and a Light Armor through his Willworld, and he scooped, not having what he needed to break Dalton’s field.







Kolb chose evens for this game. Dalton nodded in agreement over the choice, “Yah, I think that evens is a whole heckuva lot better with this deck.” Kolb agreed, knowing that the original initiative die roll win is a huge advantage in the GLEE mirror.


Both players mulliganed, and the race was on!




Dalton missed his drop, and Kolb laid a G’Nort, punishing Dalton with an early 1-endurance nip. (49-50) This had the potential to make things rough for Dalton, as missing your 1-drop in any form of GLEE rush is usually painful.





Kolb recruited Kyle Rayner, Last Green Lantern, searching for Lanterns in Love. He put a Light Armor on Kyle and a Chopping Block on G’Nort. Things weren’t looking very bright for Dalton in game 2.


Dalton responded with another missed drop, taking 7 endurance loss from direct attacks. It was Dalton 42, Kolb 50, and Dalton would need a miracle to pull this game out.




It was Dalton’s initiative. He recruited a boosted Olapet, searching for his own G’Nort, which he put behind Olapet, equipping him with one Light Armor, another on Olapet.


Kolb flipped a Hard-Traveling Heroes to team-up Green Lantern and Emerald Enemies. He then recruited The Shark and put all three of his characters into the front row.


Dalton sent Olapet into Kolb’s G’Nort resulting in a loss of 6. (42-44) Dalton then passed his attack.


Kolb sent his Kyle into Dalton’s G’Nort. Dalton Chopped Kolb’s G’Nort and played a Trial By Sword from his hand, creating visible frustration in Kolb as Dalton forced a return stun with a flipped Prison Planet (37-42)


Then it was The Shark into Olapet for the double stun. Kolb recovered Kyle, and it was Dalton 34, Kolb 41.





Kolb recruited a Ch’p, placing him in front of Kyle.


Dalton recruited a Kyle of his own, fetching a Light Armor and equipping it to Kyle. He put both characters in support.


Kolb sent Kyle into Olapet. Dalton’s Kyle Rayner reinforced. (32-39)


Then, Kolb sent his Ch’p into Dalton’s Kyle, and Dalton flipped over a Shock Troops for another double stun. It was Dalton 28, Kolb 35. Dalton recovered Kyle, Kolb recovered Ch’p.





Dalton recruited Remoni-Notra ◊ Star Sapphire, placing her in front of Kyle.


Kolb recruited a boosted Olapet, fetching an Arisia, playing her and recruiting a Kyle Rayner, who fetched a Light Brigade. He put a Light Armor on his Olapet.He placed all of his characters in front—Ch’p, Kyle, Arisia, and Olapet.


Dalton sent his Kyle into Arisia, a double stun inevitable. (24-30) Arisia was KO’d through Remoni-Notra’s effect. Dalton then sent Remoni-Notra into Kyle. Kolb exhausted Olapet and the defending Kyle to bring forth the Light Brigade (charge!), while Kyle was stunned and KO’d. (21-24)


Kolb then sent his Light Brigade into Remoni-Notra for the double-stun. (12-19)


Then Ch’p attacked directly. It was Dalton 6, Kolb 19. Dalton recovered Remoni-Notra and Kolb recovered Ch’p.





Kolb used Willworld, getting Kyle Rayner and discarding an Oa. He then played The Ring Has Chosen to search for and recruit a boosted Guy Gardner, Strong Arm of the Corps. He put everyone in the support row.


Dalton played a boosted Guy as well, and formed up with both of his characters in support.


Kolb sent his Ch’p into into Dalton’s Guy, and, with a flipped Oa giving some serious attack force and other cards on the horizon to give him a super-huge boost, Dalton scooped.








It was now Dalton’s choice for initiative, and he chose evens this time. Would the “evens rule” hold? Or would luck prevail over defined initiative strategies?


Kolb kept his hand, and so did Dalton. 




Kolb flipped yet another first-turn Willworld, getting a Dr.Light but losing Hard-Traveling Heroes. He discarded Oa and recruited Arisia.


Dalton also got Willworld, using it to nab a Kyle Rayner, but losing The Ring Has Chosen. He discarded Olapet and recruited G’Nort.


Kolb send Arisia into G’Nort, and first blood tied it at 49.





Dalton Willed and lost Light Brigade and Helping Hand. He recruited Kyle Rayner, Last Green Lantern, searching for that Helping Hand. He placed Kyle in front of G’Nort


Kolb Willed for Major Disaster, sending a Light Brigade to the bottom of his deck. He discarded the Disaster and used The Ring Has Chosen to get Speedy, discarding Kyle.


Kolb then recruited Speedy and The Shark, put Light Armor on Arisia. He placed all three characters side by side in his support row.


Dalton sent Kyle into Speedy, whose ability was instead used to dump G’Nort to the KO’d pile and Speedy to the top of Kolb’s deck. With no defender, Kyle readied and attacked Arisia to a double stun. (47-47), then The Shark moved in to rip into his prey, with a direct attack on Dalton, and it was Dalton 45, Kolb 47.





Kolb Willed and got G’Nort, discarding Ch’p. He recruited Dr. Light, using him to bring Kyle Rayner, Last Green Lantern back into play, and flipped Birthing Chamber. Using it for a draw, searching for Lanterns in Love, and recruiting The Shark. He put Kyle in front of Arisia, Dr. Light in front of The Shark.


Dalton Willed as well, losing a Shock Troops and A No Man Escapes the Manhunters. He recruited Dr. Light and then used The Ring Has Chosen to fetch Speedy, discarding the Speedy and bringing him back with Dr. Light.


Kolb sent Kyle into Speedy. Yet another Trial By Sword meant Kyle stunned with no return. (45-45)


The Shark then took his turn on Speedy, who used his effect on Kolb’s Arisia, readying The Shark. The Shark turned its maw towards Kyle, and that resulted in a double stun. It was Dalton 42, Kolb 44. Kolb recovered his Shark, Dalton recovered Kyle.





It was Dalton’s initiative. He used Willworld and grabbed a Dr. Light, losing a Willworld. He discarded the Light and recruited Tomar Tu, G’Nort, and Speedy. He also returned Olapet via Dr. Light. He put Kyle behind Olapet, G’Nort behind Tomar Tu, and Speedy behind Dr.Light.


Kolb Willed two copies of Hector Hammond, discarding one Hammond and a Willworld. He recruited the other Hammond, G’Nort, and Speedy, and used Dr. Light to bring back Kyle, searching for Light Armor. Dalton chained Speedy’s ability, taking out The Shark, who KO’d. Kolb then used Birthing Chamber for a draw and put the Light Armor on Hector Hammond. He put Hammond behind Dr.Light, G’Nort behind Speedy, and Kyle in support.


Dalton sent Tomar Tu in on G’Nort. Kolb powered-up for the double stun. (40-42)


Dalton responded with an Olapet attack on Kyle. (40-39) Intense frustration followed from Kolb, who had apparently made a mistake that he felt would cost him the game.


Dalton then sent Kyle into Hector Hammond. Kolb exhausted Speedy and Hammond to Lanterns in LoveG’Nort. He then used Speedy’s ability to take out Dalton’s G’Nort. When the attack resolved, both Kyle and Hector stunned, and it was Dalton 38, Kolb 35.





Kolb Willed Tomar Tu and Olapet, discarding Tomar Tu and Remoni-Notra ◊ Star Sapphire. He recruited a boosted Olapet, fetching G’Nort. He flipped Hard-Traveling Heroes to team up Emerald Enemies and Green Lantern. More frustration ensued, as Kolb was unhappy with some of his decisions. That may have affected his game, as the pressure mounts and mistakes weigh on one’s mind. He turned to me and grinned, “You’re writing that I’m playing as bad as hell, right?” He took a deep breath, and played Speedy and Arisia, then flipped Birthing Chamber for a double draw. He discarded Arisia, then used Dr. Light to get Kyle again, searching for Light Armor The Light Armor was equipped to Olapet. He formed up with Kyle behind Arisia, G’Nort behind Dr. Light, Olapet behind Hammond, and Speedy in support.


Dalton used his Dr. Light for a Kyle as well, searching for a Helping Hand. Kolb smiled. “That’s the second helping hand, right?” Dalton just smiled back and shrugged.


Dalton then Willed for Major Disaster and Dr. Light. He discarded the Light and Guy Gardner, then recruited Salakk, Major Disaster, and Speedy. Disaster was behind Salakk, with Kyle behind Olapet, Dr.Light behind Tomar Tu, and Speedy in support.


It was Kolb’s attack. He sent his Speedy into Dalton’s Speedy. Dalton used his Speedy’s ability to KO Kolb’s G’Nort. Kolb’s Speedy readied with no defender. Kolb then use his Speedy’s ability to KO Dalton’s Salakk. Kolb then sent Hammond into Tomar Tu. (29-35), followed by Olapet into Dalton’s Kyle. Dalton responded with two [Helping Hands], preventing the stun.


Arisia and Kyle team-attacked Olapet, who stunned Kolb’s Kyle in return. (27-33)


And then it was Dalton’s turn. He sent Major Disaster into Arisia, and that was all for the turn. It was Dalton 27, Kolb 31. Dalton recovered Tomar Tu, and Kolb recovered Arisia.





And so it was Dalton’s initiative. He recruited Speedy and Olapet, putting Disaster behind Speedy, Kyle behind Olapet, and Dr. Light behind Tomar Tu.


Kolb Willed, turning up Kyle and Oa, and discarded Tomar Tu. Time was called, meaning that this turn and the next turn would be it for the game.


Kolb used Dr. Light for Tomar Tu. He recruited Kyle and then searched for a Light Brigade. He played another Dr. Light, KO’ing the exhausted one, used the new one to bring Major Disaster back, and recruited The Shark.


Dalton looked at the massive board, pondered life totals, and realized that although he could possibly win the game, he couldn’t do it with Kolb getting the final initiative, so he scooped.



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