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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Quarterfinals: Matt Barton vs. Darryn Ying
Rob Davis

"Eat Kree . . . Or Die!" vs. "Hyper Mighty G".

Kree vs. X-Statix.

Rush vs. Stall.


This matchup represents what a surprising and diverse meta we have seen this $10K. We sit here with two builds very different from anything we saw from the Columbus $10K last week — one, a Kree build with plenty of meta-hate, and the other, an out-of-this-world El Guapo stall deck. A powerful matchup in and of itself.


There's something else great about this quarters round though — both players are in the Top 8 for the first time ever. Both of these guys have a very successful history in past $10Ks and PCQs, but are yet to break through to where many have expected them to be for a long while.


While Darryn's "Eat Kree . . . Or Die!" deck, created by his team, The Four Horsemen, took down Matt in the Swiss, Matt defeated fellow Top 8er Kakarot Turker yesterday with an identical build.


So, will Matt be forced to taste the wrath of Kree? Or will El Guapo reign supreme with his reinforcing cuisine?


Welcome to the quarters of this very surprising $10K!


Matt won the coin toss and elected to take odds (you don’t see many decks taking odds in Silver Age!) Both players mulliganed their opening hands and play was off to turn 1!


Turn 1

El Guapo came out for Matt, while a concealed Lockjaw found Darryn a copy of San (pitching Live Kree . . . or Die!) in the process.


Matt elected to pass his attack and Darryn swung right on into the X-Statix 1-drop. Matt used Guapo to reinforce himself and play moved right on to turn 2.



Matt: 49

Darryn: 49



Turn 2

San came out for Darryn (tutoring for a copy of Stargate), while Matt had a copy of Detective Chimp, Bobo T. Chimpanzee for his own hidden area. San swung into Guapo and Matt reduced the breakthrough with the X-Statix's ability. Lockjaw snuck in for 2 endurance and then Matt's Detective Chimp snuck in for 1 himself. Guapo was recovered and play moved onwards and upwards.



Matt: 46

Darryn: 48


Turn 3

Dr. Light, Master of Holograms came out for Matt, and the Adelaide player used a copy of Enemy of My Enemy, (pitching Captain Boomerang, George Harkness) to search out another X-Statix drop in Battering Ram. The Doctor attempted to bring Captain Boomerang into Matt's front row, but Darryn flipped a Slaughter Swamp and returned Boomerang to Matt's hand. Darryn used a copy of Enemy to get a Dr. Light, Master of Holograms of his own, (discarding a second copy of San), and Stargate returned San back to Darryn's hand to find the TFH player a copy of Dr. Minerva. Dr. Light, Master of Holograms then activated to bring San back into play and the 2-drop found a copy of Birthing Chamber for the top of his deck.  

Once again, Matt passed his attack and San and Lockjaw swung into Matt's Dr. Light. In a small mistake, Matt elected to stun back on San, but her 4 DEF meant that the 2-drop wouldn’t trade. Matt merely shrugged, recovered the Doctor and both players moved on to turn 4.



Matt: 43

Darryn: 48



Turn 4

Minerva came out for Darryn and the versatile 2-drop found him a copy of Admiral Galen Kor. Lieutenant Kona Lor then joined the ranks, and Stargate returned San to hand (discarding another San in the process — cute combo with Light). The location found a copy of Commander Dylon Cir, who was promptly recruited alongside Kona Lor, and then Dr light activated to bring San back into play (again) with Darryn searching for a copy of Hala.


Eyeing Darryn's Slaughter Swamp, Matt had to think for some time about his recruit and the best way to deal with the awkward situation. He decided to flip a second Enemy, and discarded Boomerang once more. He searched out a copy of Beetle, Armorsmith and recruited the amazing 2-drop into the back row. He discarded a copy of Galactus, Devourer of Worlds to search out the always incredible Poison Ivy, Deadly Rose. Still in his recruit, he then flipped Birthing Chamber (5 characters in play at this point) and drew himself a card. He then paid 1 endurance to give all his characters the X-Statix affiliation, and then sent the Chimp to the KO’d pile (KO’ing a resource row copy of Fiddler, Isaac Bowin in the process) and put a copy of House of Secrets into his resource row. Dr. Light was then activated and targeted the freshly KO'd Fiddler. Darryn responded by flipping Birthing Chamber (and with 6 characters in play, San once again hit the KO’d pile), but he could not find a viable card to pitch for Slaughter Swamp and Fiddler eventually saw play. Matt put Guapo in front of Dr Light and play moved to combat.


Minerva swung into Guapo and the 1-drop merely reinforced himself as he went down. In what was becoming a game winning play of Melbourne $10K, San was able to attack into Beetle without trading stuns. Kona Lor then attacked into Poison Ivy, and Matt used a copy of Funeral For a Friend (KO’ing Beetle) to ensure that Darryn wouldn't make too much groundwork this turn. The stun resolved with the characters trading blows. Lockjaw then bashed into Fiddler, and Matt took the opportunity to flip his House of Secrets. He discarded a copy of Captain Marvel, Champion of Magic to gain 4 endurance, and then the two 1-drops stunned. Dylon Cir attacked Dr. Light, and the two 3-drops merely traded stuns.


Matt elected to recover Dr. Light, while Darryn elected to recover his copy of Kona Lor.



Matt: 37

Darryn: 42



Turn 5

Matt laid a resource and began to look through his KO’d pile. He decided to activate Dr. Light to recur Fiddler, and Darryn let the Doctor's ability resolve. Battering Ram then came out into Matt's front row, and it was over to the New Zealand player. Stargate returned Kona Lor to hand and Darryn searched his deck for a copy of Captain Att-Lass. He then used Slaughter Swamp to return Dylon Cir to hand and hinted at the future Press-outbreak that would proceed. Indeed it did, with Captain Att-lass, Kona Lor, Dylon Cir, and Admiral Galen Kor all finding their way into play. Dr. Light activated to bring Lockjaw back from the grips of the KO’d pile and then Birthing Chamber finished up the turn.


Matt used an Enemy and searched his deck for a copy of Deadshot, Floyd Lawton. Matt then used Battering Ram and discarded a copy of Wesley Dodds ◊ The Sandman to House of Secrets and gained 4 endurance.



Matt: 41

Darryn: 42



Turn 6

Darryn Terraformed a Hala (insinuating that this would be the final turn for game 1) and then Stargate returned Minerva to hand. He discarded The Lunatic Legion (hinting that he already had a copy) and the location netted him a copy of Ultimus. Minerva then came back out (revealing no character) and then a Slaughter Swamp activation returned Bron Char to his hand. He used his final resources to recruit the 5-drop and indeed played a copy of The Lunatic Legion. A quick look over his KO’d pile revealed no ideal target for Dr. Light, and Darryn passed over to Matt. Matt started off his recruit by activating Dr. Light and the Emerald Enemy brought back Matt's copy of Beetle. Matt used the Armorsmith's ability to find a copy of Mr. Mxyzptlk, Troublesome Trickster and, with 6 resources remaining, he recruited Galan, the Mr. Mxyzptlk, Troublesome Trickster, and a boosted El Guapo (who was bounced back to Matt's hand in the process). With 1 resource point left, Matt then re-recruited Guapo and formed the 1-drop in front of Dr. Light.


When Darryn used Enemy to find a copy of Mikado and Mosha, and went to use Bron Char's ability, Matt knew that the Kree-swarm was too much to deal with this time and it was on to game 2.



Once again Matt elected to take odds and game 2 was underway.


Turn 1

A mulligan from both players failed to find them a 1-drop and it was off to turn 2.



Matt: 50

Darryn: 50



Turn 2

Darryn had a copy of Dr. Minerva (who netted no character for Darryn) while Matt had a copy of Captain Boomerang.


The 2-drops traded blows and play moved briskly on to turn 3.



Matt: 48

Darryn: 48


Turn 3

Dr. Light, Master of Holograms came out into Matt's front row, but he had no current way to capitalize on the situation and the Emerald Enemy remained at the ready. Darryn too had a copy of the Master of Holograms, and a timely Enemy of My Enemy (discarding Lieutenant Kona Lor) searched out a copy of San. The Doctor attempted to bring Kona into play, but Matt had the necessary Slaughter Swamp to return the 2-drop to Darryn's hand.


In a rare play, Matt's Dr. Light actually attacked (!) when it flew over Darryn's 3-drop and swung into Dr. Minerva. Minerva went down without a fight, and Matt then used Boomerang to return the Kree character to hand.



Matt: 48

Darryn: 46



Turn 4

Darryn started off by re-recruiting his copy of Minerva. She found him a copy of Admiral Galen Kor, and then Kona Lor joined the ranks alongside the Doctor. Darryn used his final resource point to recruit a Pressed-out San, who in turn searched out Stargate. An Enemy found Matt a copy of Beetle to recruit (who in turn found Poison Ivy, Deadly Rose) and the Adelaide player took the opportunity to discard Leech. Matt attempted to bring the Morlock into play, but a Slaughter Swamp activation for Darryn once again negated the Doctor's ability. Ivy was recruited and play moved right onto the combat phase.


Kona Lor bashed into Poison Ivy and both players passed, letting the stuns resolve. Darryn's Dr. Light then attacked into Beetle, and Matt could only pass, as his Armorsmith became stunned. San then swung into Matt's Dr. Light, and a copy of Live Kree . . . Or Die! ensured that the Master of Holograms was taken down. Matt elected to recover his Emerald Enemy and play moved onto what would probably be a very quick turn 5.



Matt: 31

Darryn: 44



Turn 5

Matt's Dr. Light attempted to return Poison Ivy to play, but Darryn once again negated it with the Swamp. Battering Ram then joined Matt's ranks and it was over to Darryn. Stargate returned Minerva to hand and Darryn tutored for a copy of Commander Dylon Cir. Minerva was then re-recruited and revealed a copy of Kona Lor in the process. Darryn then recruited a fresh copy of Kona (KO’ing the one in play) to turn the Press chain online (and trigger Kona's ability), and Dylon Cir and Galen Kor followed suit.


Battering Ram was KO'd, Darryn's Birthing Chamber was activated, and it was right on over to turn 6.



Matt: 31

Darryn: 44


Turn 6

Minerva was returned to Stargate to find a copy of Bron Char. When Minerva re-recruited, she found a copy of Captain Att-Lass (how ideal!) and the Kree 2-drop followed suit, turning the Press machine online. Darryn played a copy of The Lunatic Legion, and then used Remnant Fleet to return Dylon Cir and Galen Kor to hand. He re-recruited the 3- and 4-drop Press characters, and with the Press engine still online, he was now about to recruit his Bron Char. Matt's Dr. Light activation was once again negated by the Swamp and Matt's situation was becoming more and more frustrating. He decided to use a copy of Enemy and found a copy of Hawkeye, Clinton Barton who came down into his back row.


He joked, "Maybe I should just play Scanner for the hell of it!" with both players laughing. Armorsmith came back into play and found Matt a copy of Fiddler, Isaac Bowin. He played the 1-drop for free, and then play moved over to Darryn.


At the start of combat, Galen Kor was brought to an impressive 10 ATK, and San bashed right on into Fiddler. Bron Char discarded Shatterax to take Beetle out of the equation, but Matt responded with a copy of Funeral For a Friend, KOing the Masters of Evil character to give all his support row characters reinforcement.


Hawkeye shot some arrows over into Kona Lor and the potential 6 ATK 2-drop was taken out of action. Darryn's Dr. Light (5 ATK post Lunatic Legion) attacked into Matt's, and Matt knew he had to find a way to slow things down. An Enemy found Matt a power-up, and then Slaughter Swamp successfully brought the Doctor's DEF to the necessary 6. He successfully brick-walled the attack and it seemed that he was making some progress at least.


Dr. Minerva attacked into Light (with 4 ATK), but Matt had a copy of Thanagar to try and brick-wall the attack. However, Darryn had Hala and was able to ensure that the Doctor finally became stunned. A 5 ATK Captain Att-Lass then stunned Hawkeye without fuss, and with no visible characters remaining, Darryn was free to attack directly with his Dylon Cir (8 ATK), Galen Kor (12 ATK), and Bron Char (12 ATK). With that, it was all over for these first time Top 8ers. Darryn progresses to the semis but it’s all wrapped up for now for Matt Barton and his innovative stall deck.


DARRYN YING goes 2-0.

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