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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 2: Jared Philip vs. Scott Hunstad
Enchante Chang

Jared is an old-school gamer and has recently moved up to Auckland in search of a better life. Not only is he a great gamer, but he’s also a well-respected individual in the community. Scott Hunstad does not need much of an introduction, as he has multiple $10K and PC Top 8 finishes.


Jared won the die roll and chose evens. After mulligans from both players, we were underway.


Turn 1

Sue Digby was Scott’s first play, and she searched out Booster Gold. Jarrod had no play and got hit for 1.


Turn 2

Jared played Beetle, Armorsmith discarding Ape X to get Mad Hatter. Scott played out the Booster Gold that he searched for the turn before and formed up with him in front of Sue. Jared attacked and Scott reinforced. The endurance totals were 47–48 in favor of Scott.


Turn 3

Scott played the most valued card from MXM, Enemy of my Enemy. He discarded Mad Hatter and found Dr. Light, Master of Holograms who revived the Mad Hatter. Jared also had a Dr. Light of his own, who revived Ape X, who in turn got Blackbird Blue.


Booster Gold attacked Beetle for the mutual stun and Hatter attacked Ape X for a one-sided battle. Totals were 46–42, still in favor of Scott.


Turn 4

Fatality, Emerald Assassin, Yellowjacket and Dallas Riordan, Mayoral Aide in the hidden area were Jared’s plays for the turn, and what a turn at that! Scott played a resource and tried to take Fatality with Hatter, but was negated by Jared via Fatality. Birthing Chamber was flipped by Scott to draw him a card before Shocker came down and stunned Yellowjacket. Jared pecked back the endurance totals to 40-38.


Turn 5

Scott laid a resource and tried to take Fatality before anything else could happen this turn and Jared let that resolve with a “Sure.” Yellowjacket was boosted out but before the search could resolve, and Justice League Task Force was flipped, teaming up Arkham and Masters of Evil. The search resolved and got Poison Ivy, Deadly Rose who was promptly put into play. “For my last trick, ”Scott said as he played out Ted Kord ◊ Blue Beetle and drew two cards from Birthing Chamber.


Jared could only muster Nightcrawler, Kurt Wagner and revived Beetle via the good doctor. Beetle in turn searched out Cyclops, Slim who was not recruited but instead Melissa Gold ◊ Songbird, Sonic Carapace was played. For Scott’s attack, he sent Shocker into Nightcrawler but with some help with The Wrecking Crew which also pumped up Booster Gold, Poison Ivy and Fatality!


Booster then went after the newly recruited Melissa and both characters turned over. Ted Kord attacked Beetle and followed Booster and Melissa into the darkness. Fatality into Dr. Light would mean that Jared now had no non-stunned characters. Poison Ivy then gave Fatality a kick up the backside so Scott could get Kooey Kooey Kooey. Kooey was promptly capped to get Savage Beatdown which Scott flashed at Jared and he scooped.


Scott Hunstad wins. However, what kind of decks are these two playing? I think we have two new decks in the tournament that no one has seen yet. The game all unfolded with the first payment power from Jared when he KO’d a resource to stop Mad Hatter. This allowed a major character advantage for Scott as he went into turn 5.

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