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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 14: Donald Nolan vs. Ryan Jones
Tim Willoughby
The top table at the first draft of Day 2 was a tough place to be. While technically it should have been replete with the best Constructed players in the world, it ended up featuring the top two players in Sealed Pack in the world, along with no real “weak links.” Both Ryan Jones and Donald Noland won their first round of the day, and now they face off against each other, looking to place themselves in strong position early in the day and contend for Top 8. Nobody likes to sit down opposite a previous PC winner in a high pressure match, but this is exactly what Noland had to do.
Donald won the roll and chose the odds
Ryan's starting hand was Dr Ub'x, Thunderous Onslaught, Hector Hammond, and Gnaxos.
“I guess I keep”
Neither player had a recruit on turn 1, but each busted out a “guy” on turn 2—Gnaxos from Jones to Olapet from Noland. The big yellow robot bashed in for a bit, then it was on to turn 3.
Noland had Hal Jordan, Green Lantern of Earth, who attacked Gnaxos, but the other attack from him had to be to the face—Jones's Invisible Destroyer was hiding. Jones attacked back into Olapet, and it was on to turn 4.
Dr. Ub'X added to Jones's impressive hidden area on the fourth turn, while Noland had Hush in his hidden area. Invisible Destroyer went after Hal Jordan, and when the Destroyer was stunned in the trade, Jones elected to let him stun rather than using his ability. The dark squirrel attacked Olapet, and Noland tried a Nero Unleashed. Jones had a power-up, though, keeping his rodent alive. Hush cracked back and stunned Gnaros.
Turn five brought a Guy Gardner, Strong Arm of the Corps with a Green Lantern Ring from Noland, which would be a sizeable offensive threat. Jones played Power Ring in the hidden area.
“Have your way with me,” he joked, as his visible area was really quite bare.
Noland did just that, attacking his opponent down to a scant 9 endurance points while sitting pretty on 30 himself. Power Ring then attacked back into Guy Gardner with the help of Thunderous Onslaught so that Jones's character would not be stunned. He had no further attacks, but Dr. Ub'X ensured that Guy would die.
Turn six brought Sinestro, Lantern in Exile for Ryan, who was curving out like a charm, while his opponent had only Katma Tui. Invisible Destroyer swung into a likely trade with Hal Jordan, Green Lantern of Earth, to which Noland responded with Emerald Dawn to KO his character, fetching Kilowog. Invisible Destroyer readied, and now it was Sinestro's time to attack, going into Katma Tui with a power-up. Catcher's Mitt stopped any breakthrough, but all of a sudden Donald's board was empty of non-concealed characters, making the remaining attacks to the face were enough to seal the deal.
Ryan Jones wins. 
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