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Pro Circuit Indianapolis
Metagame Staff

David Leader wins Pro Circuit Indianapolis!


After 24 rounds of play, only one player could walk away with the colossal trophy and check that comes with being a Pro Circuit winner. This one player was David Leader, a member of team FTN who won in the finals against teammate Jason Dawson. With three players in the top eight and two in the finals, Team FTN can certainly be deemed the real winners at this Pro Circuit, throwing down the gauntlet to every other team in the game to challenge them. When Leader’s Arisia attacked with three pumps for the win, the cheer that went up resounded across the room. Both David and Jason joined in, knowing at that point that their team had cemented a feat in Vs. history that will take real work to equal.


Other notable finishes included Dave Spears making his first Top 8 after a season of frustrating near-misses on the Pro Circuit, and Rob Dougherty, owner of Your Move Games, following in the footsteps of other team YMG players to the Top 8 for the first time.


The format as a whole was a skill-intensive one, as demonstrated by the dominance of powerful teams who found the best decks in the format and tested and tweaked them until they had a clear advantage against the rest of the field. While there were, at first glance, a fairly small number of decks in the format, there were many small variations that were of more importance here than in any more open format. The debut of the Avengers set as a Draft format has also been hailed as the birth of the greatest Draft format in Vs. thus far, which bodes well for the next PC and for Sealed Pack play in general.


In the coming weeks and months, the PCQ season will be all about the formats from this Pro Circuit. As players scrabble for position trying to qualify for PC LA, the importance of testing and a strong team to practice with has never been more clearly evidenced. For today, though, it’s all about David Leader and Team FTN, the newest Pro Circuit Champions.



Check out all the action from $10K Indianapolis here!

Day 3
Check out all the decklists from PC Indy 2005!
Team FTN wins Pro Circuit Indianapolis 2005!
Leader is part of Team FTN, who put an impressive three team members in the Top 8 here this weekend, and though he has some well-known teammates like Jason Dawson and Michael Dalton flanking him, this is Leader’s first major success in the Vs. System.
Anyone who doesn’t know these two players hasn’t been following the Pro Circuit for very long.
Kristian Kockott and David Leader are squaring off in one of the two GLEE mirror matches in this Top 8.
Michael Dalton, the unofficial leader of arguably the best team in this game (FTN) was one of three hardy team-members who soldiered into the Top 8 for a crack at $40K.
Dave Spears sat down with a big smile on his face for his first Pro Circuit Top 8. He declared, “I am so honored to be playing you.”
“I’d say good luck, but if you hit Dr. Light, I lose, so don’t play that.”
Green Lanterns/Emerald Enemies, which represented just under 70 percent of the field at the start of the tournament, has edged up to three quarters of the Top 8.
Day 2
Check out the Top 8 decklists here!
Check out bios of the Top 8 players here!
It’s the last round of the Swiss, and Stephen King and Kristian Kockott are both one win away from making the Top 8.
It was another all-international matchup (which is becoming more and more common, isn’t it?), as an overseas battle hit the PC like an earthquake.
At this point, Adam Prosak is a well-known star of the Vs. System community, having taken home a number of $10K Top 8s in addition to his Pro Circuit Top 8 in Amsterdam.
Michael has been putting up big time finishes at $10Ks for a long time now and had a near miss at PCNY. If you’ve been following the coverage of this event at all, Reeves needs no introduction.
With two other FTN members threatening at the top table (Leader and Jason Dawson), Dalton is leading a pack of unforgiving Vs. masters into the Top 8 spotlight.
When I sat down with Bulk Lao, who is among the top five ranked Sealed players on the planet, for some reason, I expected to see something similar to Walls and company’s strategy. Boy, was I wrong.
The reputations of two hobby shops faced-off behind the scenes as Rob Dougherty, owner of Your Move Games, battled against Michael Jacob, the face of RIW Hobbies.
Players came back to the cards that most of them played yesterday—but this time the format is totally different.
Two of the TCG world’s most colorful personalities battled it out in the first round of Green Lantern draft.
There’s a reason why Jason Dawson’s name always appears on the top of the Day 1 list. An expert at the game, he’s claimed that Vs. is a “fairly simple game to master,” and he’s shown that he can take decks in just about any format and devastate the field with them.
Having just watched Gabe’s draft, where I took notes like a diligent pupil studying a master, I felt that I might now have some idea. At the end of my little Gabe Walls master class, however, I was suddenly very jealous of all of those “in the know” at this PC.
Jelger Weigersma and Bulk Lao sat down trying to salvage a 2-1 record in the only Avengers draft of the day.
After the dust had settled in the first Avengers Pro Circuit draft, two strategies seemed to dominate: the Faces of Evil (Masters of Evil/Thunderbolts) off-curve strategy and the empty-hand Squadron Supreme deck.
Check out our compilation of information about PC Indy Draft 1!
This is an exciting grudge match. An age old battle between long term rivals. A Yankees fan vs. a Red Sox fan.
At the start of the round, I had the delight of watching Gabe Walls in a feature match against a childproof vitamin bottle. In the end, he had to hand it to Jeroen Remie in the bleachers for a little help.
With draft day upon us, TheAvengers is facing its first exposure to premier event level play.
This round 13 feature match brings together two players that have been on quite a tear recently. Will Bauer be able to continue his good run here at Indianapolis, or will The Tilla stunt him with a round 1 loss?
Kang Kang Kang Kang Kang Kang Kang Kang Kangity Kaaaaang! Kangity Kang Ka-Kang!
The first draft of Day 2 is Avengers, a set that's official release date was less than one week ago. As such, it’s an extremely fresh format, and players have been scrambling around for the last few days, trying to do drafts and learn anything they can about the format before giving the new set a go
I talked to Rob before the draft, and he said that, like everyone else, he hasn’t had a ton of time to draft the new set. However, he really likes the Avengers set as a whole and thinks it may be the best set that UDE has produced yet.
Check out the country and state breakdowns for PC Indy 2005!
Day 1 of the Pro Circuit is over, and Indianapolis has been rocked by the sheer power of the Green Lantern/Emerald Enemies.
Day 1
Both of these extremely talented players came into the round sitting at 6-5. The winner will have the opportunity to play in the second day and make a large sum of money, while the loser will watch from the sidelines.
Nick paused to pose for a photograph before attacking. He said very silkily, “That one was for the ladies.”
“Do you know how short I am?” asked Edwards, adjusting his seat so that his feet could touch the ground.
Dave Spears has been a very popular man as of late. He’s spent the last couple of rounds here in the feature match area and doesn’t seem to want to leave.
If you read only one feature match this weekend, read this one. And if you've read them all, then read this one anyway.
At every event I attend, I always root around for the cool single cards that are making an unexpected difference.
This weekend has been a Dave Spears resurgence.
Dave Spears has his special deck, foiled on one side and protected by sleeves featuring pretty ladies, and it has thus far served him well—he has an 8-1 record.
With the Constructed day nearing completion, one thing is very clear—GLEE is still dominating the top tables.
Day 1 here at PC Indianapolis is slowly drawing to a close. Before too much longer, we’ll know which players have managed the requisite 7-5 record necessary to even be considered for Day 2.
This weekend represents more than just the exciting start of the Pro Circuit’s second season. It also marks the inaugural tournament of the Vs. System Scholarship Series.
Indianapolis local Mark Slack has the home field advantage, and he’s looking to press it just as far as it will go.
Sundholm took his seat, and casually asked Reeves, “You play with Gabe and those guys, right?” Reeves confirmed. “That’s a good crew. How are they doing? I know you are doing well!” Sundholm was his normal very kind self.
Both of these high-profile TCG players are one win away from locking up a day 2 berth, with 6-3 records.
For two of the more (trash) talkative guys on the circuit, all was surprisingly quiet.
Antonino DeRosa: the jolly man of Vs. System. The second I saw his name in the feature match area, I knew I had to go get a piece of that action.
When I had the honor of providing coverage for $10K Hannover, I stumbled across one of my favorite people in the Vs. world.
Travis Keller of Team DBZ is up against Josh Wiitanen of frequent Top 8 fame.
Eugene Harvey is a player who needs no introduction. With multiple PC money finishes (including a Top 8 with his innovative X-Stall deck at PC SoCal) and the brains behind many of team TOGIT’s decks, Eugene has put his name on the map as one of the top players in the game.
I love it when an underdog wins, and today, the underdog is in control. David Frayer comes into this match having piloted his Superman Robots deck to an impressive 4-1 record.
I introduce you to Team AttaQC, the newest team to hit the scene. They’re all francophone, all the time.
At the end of the fifth round, only eleven players remained undefeated. Of those eleven, all but two are running the ubiquitous Green Lantern/Emerald Enemies deck.
“I actually got the idea for this deck from you,” said Stich, taking a seat at the table.
No political correctness here—Duncan Tang wouldn’t have it any other way! It was all about the transplanted Chinese . . . at least, according to Tang, who called himself an ‘HK Chinese fanboy.’
There are plenty of families that are driven apart by games. In my own household, the post-Christmas dinner ritual of playing Monopoly (in order to determine who is required to do the washing up) is often approached with equal parts anticipation and dread.
I had some time here between rounds to sit and have a little chat with one of my favorite people in the entire world-Anthony Justice.
Emerald Light illuminates Indianapolis this weekend as the Pro Circuit returns to Gen Con!
Ambivalence is an emotion that I value over most others. You can’t really savor the sweet little moments of serendipity if you haven’t also tasted the pain of the best of times turning into the worst of times.
Vidianto Wijaya is one of the most consistently successful players in Vs. System today.
In what will surely be known as a battle for the ages, Mike “London Gentleman” Oldaker and Peter “By Odin’s Beard” Sundholm entered the arena.
Going into the fourth round, Alex Shvartsman found himself undefeated. Owner of Kings Games in Brooklyn, New York and the region’s tournament organizer, Alex has been a fixture in the Vs. community since day one.
This is the Your Move Games grudge match. YMG has long been at the top of competitive trading card games, and the team has shown up in force to this Pro Circuit.
Round 3 sees two powerhouses of the Vs. scene facing off against one another.
Jerome McHale is best known as a top-tier Yu-Gi-Oh! player and judge, as well as being one of the favorite feature writers on Metagame.com for Yu-Gi-Oh!
In the future, Americans will force Canadians to compete against one another in brutal cage matches for the sake of entertainment.
Antonino De Rosa and Ryan Jones, two of the biggest names in Vs. System, squared off in the second round.
While most of the world was focusing on testing and teching GLEE at the inception of the DC Modern Age format, a player named Joe Brian brought a very basic Anti-Matter deck to the attention of the veteran group Team Realmworx.
You may remember this pair from our coverage of $10K Wizard World Chicago.
Pro Circuit Indianapolis is all good to go, and for round 1, we have Birthday Boy Alex Jebailey (23 and never been kissed . . . maybe) and Matthew Tatar.
Jason Hager, a member of the Hong Kong Cavaliers, didn’t test the deck that everyone else on his team is running, so he’s not playing the standard Cavalier Deck™.
Both players commented on how much they liked Golden Age. They have enjoyed reasonable success in the format, but Little was less than pleased with the day ahead of him. “I would mulligan in life right now if I could.”
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