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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Community Profile: Jason Green
Gary Wise
Coming into PC Indianapolis, everyone was talking about the favorites. Kai Budde, Magic’s perennial champion, was attending. So was World Series of Poker runner-up Dave Williams. Among the more localized stars, Eric Wood of two $10K Top 8s was making the trip, along with $10K winners Bill Hodack, Jeremy Tucker, Quang Nguyen, and Matt Boccio.

Jason Green had quietly turned in a consistent performance prior to the weekend, coming in tenth in Philly and fourteenth in Chicago. A win in the Comic Book Challenge there won him a copy of Hulk #181 (the first appearance of Wolverine). It was success, but under the radar, and that’s why they never saw him coming.

Indianapolis is his coming-out party.

Playing Teen Titans in the Constructed portion, Jason started the tournament with a 7-0 record, putting him in first place after Day 1. He started Day 2 with a loss to Craig Krempels in a match that pitted the last two undefeated players against one another, but with the savvy of a veteran, he rebounded. Green won the next two matches to pull himself to 9-1 after the first draft, and with a solid second draft, he’ll be playing on Sunday.

A former Magic player, Jason quit a couple of years ago and took up Warlord, another card game that he found taking him to stores to play. It was on one such evening that he heard that the Vs. System game was finally being released, and would bring millions of dollars to those who mastered it. He immediately started playing and found that he loved the game.

“I hated getting manascrewed,” said the 21-year old Indiana native. “The fact that you couldn’t lose due to a lack of resources was very attractive.” Just as he liked Vs. System better than Magic and Warlord, he’s found DC Origins to be even better than Marvel Origins. “I love DC. Marvel was just about size but DC is about intricacy and style.”

In his final year at school, Jason’s in no rush to decide what he’ll be doing with his post-educational time. “I’m planning on going to as many $10Ks as possible, and I’ll be going to every PC I qualify for. I’m having a great time.”

“It’s all about having fun, and let me tell you, winning is fun,” Green says with appropriate cheek. “I’m gunning for first. I know I can do it. If you don’t believe in yourself, no one will.” With confidence like that, he’ll be sitting on top of the radar for a long time.

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