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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 4: Logan Bolam vs. Jason Leung
Enchante Chang

In round 4, we have two New Zealanders pitted against each other. On my side of the table is Logan Bolam, an ex-Aucklander who is now living in Wellington to further his education. Jason Leung is from Auckland and is probably one of the best Yu-Gi-Oh! players in New Zealand. He got into Vs. System because it is a really good game and he enjoys the challenge of trying to be good at another TCG.


Logan won the die roll and chose the odd initiative. Logan had nothing for turn 1. Jason had Willworld but found nothing and played out G’nort and hit for 1.


Turn 2

Jason hit Blackhand and discarded him before playing out Major Disaster. Logan had Hounds of Ahab before Jason attacked directly to the dome and Logan passed his attack.


Turn 3

Logan had Sentinel Mark II had placed it into his support row and flipped up South American Sentinel Base. Jason used Willworld and found G’Nort, which was dumped to the KO pile. Jason recruited the infamous Dr. Light, Master of Holograms before using Major Disaster to smash Sentinel Base. Dr. Light tried to bring back Blackhand but was negated by Mark II. Logan flipped another Sentinel Base to get back his second Mark II and both players passed the attack. The endurance totals were 45–50 in Jason’s favor.


Turn 4

Jason tried to use Dr. Light to get back Blackhand, but it was negated by Mark II. Oliver Queen ◊ Green Arrow, Emerald Archer was recruited into the front row protecting G’Nort, while the Doctor protected Major Disaster. Logan got back his Mark II with Sentinel Base and then used Straight to the Grave from the row to get Sentinel Mark V and then got that back from a freshly flipped up Slaughter Swamp. Jason passed his attack.


On the other hand, Logan sent his Mark V into the Doctor, which was reinforced. Hounds put on a brave face and attacked into the Green Arrow with a Savage Beatdown. Before that could resolve, Jason played Lanterns in Love on the Doctor. Hounds and the Green Arrow tumbled over.


Turn 5

Logan had to under-drop with another Mark II, which he says he’s done all day. Before Jason got to the recruit step, Logan plays Search and Destroy, stunning his Hounds for Jason’s Doctor. When Jason got to recruit he played out Katma Tui with Catcher’s Mitt.


Mark II attacked into G’Nort and then Mark V into Major Disaster for two one-sided attacks. The second Mark II attacked into Green Arrow with some help from a Savage Beatdown. Before the attack could resolve, Jason responded with Home Surgery to recover Dr. Light. Logan had no more attacks and passed.


Jason had only one viable option and attacked Tui into Mark II for 6 endurance loss. At the end of the turn, Jason recovered his Green Arrow and Logan recovered his Mark II with the endurance totals standing at 32–33, just barely in Jason’s favor.


Turn 6

Sinestro, Green Lantern of Korugar was recruited behind Katma Tui. The Doctor again in vain tried to revive Black Hand. Logan had Bastion via Slaughter Swamp and it was placed beside Mark V in the support row.


Jason attacked Sinestro into Mark V, but Logan had double Reconstruction Program take make Mark V into a 13 ATK/13 DEF monster! Sinestro was stunned (with a big sigh from Jason) and then Jason passed his attack.


Bastion attacked Katma Tui to deactivate Catchers Mitt. Mark V was then sent into Dr. Light as a 13 ATK/13 DEF! Jason lost Katma Tui and Dr. Light during the recovery and Logan lost nothing. Endurance totals were 10–32 to Logan.


Turn 7


“Fantastic,” Logan said as he played another Straight to the Grave to get Aquaman, King of the Seven Seas with everyone forming around him and Bastion in the support row. Jason also had an Aquaman but only formed with Sinestro adjacent to Aquaman.


At the start of combat, Logan returned two copies of Reconstruction Program and a Savage Beatdown and Jason just shook his head and extended the hand.


Logan Bolam wins a very hard match-up. The turning point of the game was probably Turn 6 when Sinestro fell to a defending Mark V. Also notable is that Jason did not draw any of his defensive pumps, which are just gamebreaking against the purple mutant killers.

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