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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Community Profiles: Staff Stat Packs
Gary Wise

With the beginning of something we all hope will be great finally upon us, Metagame.com is doing what it can to familiarize you with the personalities of the Professional Circuit. While most of the information offered this weekend will be focusing on the players, we thought it might be prudent to introduce you to the characters who will be keeping the clockwork in motion:

Name: Jake Bales
Position: Team Leader
Occupation: In between jobs at Upper Deck: formerly premiere event specialist, soon to be associate creative content manager. I’m now making cartoons, one of which was just published in Japan.
Place of Birth: Missoula, Montana
Place of Residence: Carlsbad, California
Do you read comics? yes
First pick, character or location/plot twist? plot twist
Favorite team in Draft: Brotherhood
Favorite Card: Roy Harper
Favorite Character: Gambit
Favorite Set: DC Origins
Favorite Movie: Kill Bill 2, Tombstone, Braveheart, Pulp Fiction, American Beauty
Favorite TV Show: The Simpsons
Favorite band: Radiohead
Favorite Sports team: US Fencing team. Riposte!!!
Hobbies: Writing, body boarding, poker, and additional work . . . it’s a forced hobby
Who would play you in the Vs. System movie: Sean Penn


Name: Eric Bess
Position: Scorekeeper
Occupation: OP Manager, Latin America
Place of birth: Panorama City, Cali
Place of residence: Wildamar, Cali
Do you read comics? occasionally
First pick, character or location/plot twist? location/plot twist
Favorite Team in Draft: I’m very eclectic . . . whatever looks good
Favorite Card: Depends on my mood
Favorite Character: Green Lantern (after much coercing, he was forced to choose Hal Jordan over the others)
Favorite set: Marvel Origins
Favorite Movie: Princess Bride
Favorite TV Show: Smallville
Favorite Singer/band: Right now it’s La Oreja de Van Gogh
Favorite Sports Team: I’m not a sports man
Hobbies: Between job and kids, who has time for hobbies?
Who would play you in the Vs System movie: Tobey McGuire

Name: Alex Charsky
Position: Head Judge
Occupation: Tournament Commissioner, Upper Deck
Place of birth: Moscow, Russia
Place of residence: Carlsbad
Do you read comics? No
First pick, character or location/plot twist? Character
Favorite Team in Draft: Teen Titans
Favorite Card: Commissioner Gordon
Favorite Character: Mystique
Favorite set: Superman, Man of Steel
Favorite Movie: Rounders
Favorite TV Show: Simpsons
Favorite Singer/band: Eminem
Favorite Sports Team: Manchester United
Hobbies: TCGs, computer games, swimming
Who would play you in the Vs System movie? Ralph Macchio


Name: Omeed Dariani
Position: Media and creative content manager
Place of birth: Athens, Georgia
Place of residence: San Diego, California
Do you read comics? Yes
First pick, character or location/plot twist? Plot Twist
Favorite Team in Draft: Brotherhood
Favorite Card: Carnage (Web of Spider-Man)
Favorite Character: Dr. Bong
Favorite set: Superman, Man of Steel
Favorite Movie: Ghostbusters
Favorite TV Show: The Simpsons
Favorite Singer/band: Hawksley Workman
Favorite Sports Team? Manchester United
Hobbies: Soccer, Bodyboarding, writing.
Who would play you in the Vs System movie: Dave Chappelle

Name: Danny Desantis
Position: Floor judge
Occupation: Tow truck driver
Place of birth: Canton, Ohio
Place of residence: Canton
Do you read comics? Yes
First pick, character or location/plot twist: Character
Favorite Team in Draft: Teen Titans
Favorite Card: Beast Boy
Favorite Character: Spider-Man
Favorite set: Marvel Origins
Favorite Movie: The Matrix
Favorite TV Show: Teen Titans
Favorite Singer/band: Garth Brooks
Favorite Sports Team: Cleveland Browns
Hobbies: TCGs, tabletop warfare
Who would play you in the Vs. System movie: Matt LeBlanc

Name: Ben Drago
Position: Team leader
Occupation: Project manager
Place of birth: Bryan, Texas
Place of residence: Austin, Texas
Do you read comics? Occasionally
First pick, character or location/plot twist? Plot twist
Favorite Team in Draft: X-Men
Favorite Card: Relocation
Favorite Character: Daredevil
Favorite set: Marvel Origins
Favorite Movie: Oceans 11
Favorite TV Show: Scrubs
Favorite Singer/band: Lyrics Born
Favorite Sports Team: Cowboys
Hobbies: TCGs photography, video games
Who would play you in the Vs System movie: Mike Guptil

Name: Jeff Donais
Position: awkward
Occupation: Hazard
Place of birth: yes
Place of residence: no
Do you read comics? Yes, I have a huge stack beside your bed
First pick, character or location/plot twist? Location/plot twist
Favorite Team in Draft: Gotham Knights
Favorite Card: Savage Beatdown!
Favorite Character: The Auctioneer
Favorite set: Alpha Flight (2009 release)
Favorite Movie: Lawrence of Arabia
Favorite TV Show: Inside Politics with Judy Woodruff
Favorite Singer/band: Meatloaf
Favorite Sports Team: Ottawa Rough Riders (not roughriders)
Hobbies: Eating worlds, croquet, pommel horse, long walks on the beach, singing in the shower
Who would play you in the Vs System movie? David Hasselhoff or Christopher Walken

Name: Scott Elliott
Position: Tournament Manager
Occupation: Organized Play Program Manager
Place of birth: Atlanta
Place of residence: San Diego, California
Do you read comics? Yes, Daredevil
First pick, character or location/plot twist? Plot Twist
Favorite Team in Draft: Teen Titans
Favorite Card: Mystical Paralysis
Favorite Character: Doom Doom Doom!
Favorite set: Web of Spider-Man
Favorite Movie: Moulin Rouge
Favorite TV Show: What’s TV?
Favorite Singer/band: White Stripes
Favorite Sports Team: Tennessee Vols
Hobbies: Body boarding
Who would play you in the Vs System movie: a drunk Wil Wheaton, or maybe Tobey McGuire



Name: Ian Estrin
Position: Floor Judge
Occupation: External Resources manager
Place of birth: Washington, DC
Place of residence: Vista, California
Do you read comics? Not any more
First pick, character or location/plot twist: Character
Favorite Team in Draft: Fantastic Four
Favorite Card: Supernova (Web of Spider-Man . . . the art, my god, my god)
Favorite Character: Gambit
Favorite set: Web of Spider-Man
Favorite Movie: Star Wars trilogy
Favorite TV Show: CSI
Favorite Singer/band: Tool
Favorite Sports Team: Redskins
Hobbies: Drums, video games, volleyball, trying not to drown in all the work Scott Elliott pours on me
Who would play you in the Vs System movie: Indy/Han Harrison Ford.

Name: Andy Fletcher
Position: Judge
Occupation: Organized play manager, Upper Deck. I’m in charge of organizing the dodgeball games and taking polls about how to best spend one’s time while at work
Place of Birth: Kalamazoo, Michigan
Place of Residence: SD Downtown
Do you read comics? Not any more
First pick, character or location/plot twist? oh, it’s gotta be location/plot twist
Favorite team in Draft: If I had time to draft, I would draft and then have a favorite team, but with all the dodgeball I play, I just don’t have the time
Favorite Card: Total Anarchy
Favorite character: Space Beaver
Favorite Movie: Roger and Me
Favorite TV Show: Buffy by far. Girl power!!!
Favorite band/singer: Dave Matthews
Favorite Sports team: Detroit Red Wings, but if there were a chance in hell, I’d cheer for the Cubs
Hobbies: I don’t have any hobbies anymore. My time is spent working and avoiding working.
Who would play you in the Vs. System movie? Russell Crowe, if Russell’s not available, Chuck Mangione

Name: Craig Gibson
Position: Photographer
Occupation: Freelance Photographer
Place of birth: Wagennenge, Netherlands
Place of residence: Seattle
Do you read comics? No
Favorite Character: Batman
Favorite Movie: Sixth Sense, Lord of the Rings, Dead Zone
Favorite TV Show: Survivor
Favorite Singer/band: Ricky Lee Jones
Favorite Sports Team: Boston Red Sox
Hobbies: Mountain Climbing, Hanging with Phoebe (his daughter)
Who would play you in the Vs System movie: Gary Sinese

Name Mike Guptil
Position: Minion
Occupation: Minion
Place of birth: Maine
Place of residence: Michigan
Do you read comics? Absolutely!
First pick, character or location/plot twist: Character
Favorite Team in Draft: Teen Titans
Favorite Card: Deathstroke
Favorite Character: Deathstroke, the Terminator
Favorite set: Marvel Origins
Favorite Movie: Major League
Favorite TV Show: Is there anything good on TV anymore? I like CSI: Las Vegas
Favorite Singer/band: Pink Floyd
Favorite Sports Team: The Boston Red Sox are the only sports team
Hobbies: TCGs, family time
Who would play you in the Vs System movie: John Goodman

Name: Brian Hacker
Position: Game developer
Place of birth: Hawaiian Gardens, California
Place of residence: Hilcrest, SD, California
Do you read comics? yes
First pick, character or location/plot twist? Location/plot twist, unless it’s Roy Harper
Favorite Team in Draft: Sinister Syndicate
Favorite Card: Press the Attack
Favorite Character: Vulture
Favorite Movie: The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
Favorite TV Show: Max Headroom
Favorite Singer/band: David Bowie
Favorite Sports Team: Real Madrid, San Antonio Spurs
Hobbies: poker, fine dining, general debauchery
Who would play you in the Vs. System movie: Gary Oldman, or Ralph Fiennes




Name: Tay Howland
Position: Floor Judge
Occupation: Machinist
Place of birth: Denver, Colorado
Place of residence: Waco, Texas
Do you read comics? Occasionally
First pick, character or location/plot twist? Plot twist
Favorite Team in Draft: X-Men
Favorite Card: Roy Harper
Favorite Character: Wolverine
Favorite set: Marvel Origins
Favorite Movie: Usual Suspects
Favorite TV Show: 24
Favorite Singer/band: Nine Inch Nails
Favorite Sports Team: Oakland Raiders (and he’s from Colorado!!!)
Hobbies: computers, Gaming
Who would play you in the Vs System movie: Steve Buscemi


Name: Dave Humphreys
Position: Junior game designer
Place of birth: California
Place of residence: California
Do you read comics? No
First pick, character or location/plot twist? Plot twist
Favorite Team in Draft: Gotham Knights
Favorite Card: Dr Doom, Diabolical Genius
Favorite Character: Dr Doom
Favorite set: DC Origins
Favorite Movie: Memento
Favorite TV Show: Seinfeld
Favorite Singer/band: Crystal Method
Favorite Sports Team: Lakers
Hobbies: bowling, TCGs, poker, tennis, kayaking
Who would play you in the Vs System movie? John Malkovich



Name: Matt Hyra
Position: Floor Judge
Occupation: Upper Deck R& D (Vs. System)
Place of Birth: Sacramento
Place of Residence: Carlsbad, California
Do you read comics: yes
First pick: character or location/plot twist: plot twist
Favorite team in Draft: Sinister Syndicate
Favorite Card: Cracking the Vault (I wrote the art description, and the art is awesome)
Favorite Character: Batman
Favorite Set: Web of Spider-Man
Favorite Movie: Angel Heart
Favorite TV Show: Iron Chef
Favorite band: James (out of Manchester, U.K.)
Favorite Sports team: US Women’s Beach Volleyball team
Hobbies: working out, Hong Kong action movies, fast cars and faster women
Who would play you in the Vs. System movie: Ed Norton



Name: Ted Knutson
Position: Lackey
Occupation: Managing Editor, starcitygames.com
Place of birth: East Chicago, Indiana
Place of residence: Charlottesville, VA
Do you read comics? Yes
First pick, character or location/plot twist? Character
Favorite Team in Draft: Teen Titans
Favorite Card: Dr. Light, I think he’s really cool
Favorite Character: Thing
Favorite set: Marvel Origins
Favorite Movie: Princess Bride
Favorite TV Show: The Shield
Favorite Singer/band: Patty Griffin
Favorite Sports Team: Arsenal, U of Oklahoma, White Sox (I hate the Yankees)
Hobbies: Mixed Martial Arts, poker
Who would play you in the Vs System movie? Mr. T



Name: James Lee
Position: Judge Contractor
Occupation: Pastoral Counsellor
Place of Birth: Southside!!!!!
Place of Residence: Seattle
Do you read comics? Only trades now
First pick, character or location/plot twist? character
Favorite team in Draft: X-Men
Favorite Card: Xavier’s Dream
Favorite Character: Prof X
Favorite set: Marvel Origins
Faorite Movie: 12 Angry Men
Favorite TV Show: Jeopardy
Favorite singer/band: The Postal Service
Favorite Sports Team: Da Bears
Hobbies: TCGs, roleplaying, reading, and restaurants . . . the three Rs
Who would play you in the Vs System movie?: The same person who would play me in every movie: Christopher Walken. Funny and creepy in just the right balance.



Name: Danny Mandel
Position: Junior Game Developer
Place of birth: Brooklyn
Place of residence: San Diego
Do you read comics? Yeah, of course
First pick, character or location/plot twist? In Marvel I’ll take the 6-drop, in DC I’ll take the location.
Favorite Team in Draft: Arkham Inmates
Favorite Card: No Fear
Favorite Character: Spider-Man
Favorite set: DC Origins
Favorite Movie: Fight Club
Favorite TV Show: Justice League, Family Guy
Favorite Singer/band: U2
Favorite Sports Team: Miami Heat
Hobbies: TCGs, poker, reading
Who would play you in the Vs. System movie: Gary Wise




Name: Jeremy Richard
Position: Floor judge
Occupation: Card shop owner
Place of birth: Windsor
Place of residence: Windsor
Do you read comics? No
First pick, character or location/plot twist? Well, what if I want equipment?!
Favorite Team in Draft: Teen Titans
Favorite Card: Personal Force Field!
Favorite Character: Mr. Fantastic
Favorite set: Marvel Origins
Favorite Movie: Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Favorite TV Show: In Living Color
Favorite Singer/band: Nickelback
Favorite Sports Team: Detroit Lions
Hobbies: going to dances, listening to Stairway to Heaven, video games
Who would play you in the Vs System movie: Jim Carrey . . . maybe a taller version.

Name: Ben Rubin
Position: Judge
Occupation: Game developer, Upper Deck
Place of birth: San Francisco
Place of residence: San Diego
Do you read comics? No
First pick, character or location/plot twist: Location
Favorite Team in Draft? Arkham Inmates
Favorite Card: Dr. Doom, Diabolical Genius
Favorite Character: Wolverine
Favorite set: Web of Spider-Man
Favorite Movie: The Believer
Favorite TV Show: I don’t watch TV
Favorite Singer/band: Depeche Mode
Favorite Sports Team: Puerto Rican basketball team
Hobbies: TCGs, philosophy
Who would play you in the Vs System movie? Clive Owen




Name: Dave Smith
Position: Floor Judge
Occupation: Game designer (Vs. System and Shaman King)
Place of Birth: Oakland, California
Place of Residence: San Diego, California
Do you read comics? Good ones
First pick, character or location/plot twist? plot twist
Favorite team in draft: Sinister Syndicate
Favorite Card: Antarctic Researchers
Favorite Character: Dr. Doom
Favorite Movie: My Life as a Dog
Favorite TV Show: Invader Zim
Favorite band: Augustus Pablo
Favorite Sports team: San Antonio Spurs
Hobbies: Philosophy, coffee
Who would play you in the Vs. System movie: Peter Fonda



Name: Kate Stavola (Sullivan?)
Position: Lead Editor
Occupation: Co-Manager, TOGIT (Don’t worry about it, Rachel)
Place of birth: Rochester, NY
Place of residence: Hillsborough, NJ
Do you read comics? Yes
First pick, character or location/plot twist:Location/plot twist
Favorite Team in Draft: Gotham Knights
Favorite Card: From the Shadows
Favorite Character: Venom
Favorite set: DC Origins
Favorite Movie: Royal Tenenbaums
Favorite TV Show: Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Favorite Singer/band: Radiohead
Favorite Sports Team: Philadelphia 76ers
Hobbies: Magic, poker, basketball, cooking, music
Who would play you in the Vs System movie? Natalie Portman*

* Kate had no answer, but Jeff Donais volunteered this

Name: Patrick Sullivan
Position: Strategy writer
Occupation: Store Owner, TOGIT
Place of birth: Somerville, NJ
Place of residence: Hillsborough, NJ
Do you read comics? Yes
First pick, character or location/plot twist? Location/plot twist
Favorite Team in Draft: Arkham Inmates
Favorite Card: Rigged Elections
Favorite Character: Juggernaut
Favorite set: DC Origins
Favorite Movie: Royal Tenenbaums
Favorite TV Show: Aqua Teen Hunter Force
Favorite Singer/band: Counting Crows
Favorite Sports Team: LA Clippers
Hobbies: Basketball, poker, battle rap
Who would play you in the Vs. System movie? Fight Club era Brad Pitt.



Name: Adrian Teh
Position: Team Leader—Friday
Occupation: Regional Manager, SE Asia, Upper Deck
Place of birth: Singapore
Place of residence: Singapore
Do you read comics? No . . . very occasionally
First pick, character or location/plot twist? Character
Favorite Team in Draft: Haven’t drafted yet
Favorite Card: Savage Beatdown
Favorite Character: Spider-Man
Favorite set: Marvel Origins
Favorite Movie: Starship Troopers
Favorite TV Show: Stargate Atlantis
Favorite Singer/band: Anything on MTV
Favorite Sports Team? Singapore National Soccer Team
Hobbies: Computers, video games (I love my X-Box), TCGs
Who would play you in the Vs System movie: Jet Li

Name: Mary Van Tyne
Position: Junior Editor
Place of birth: Easton, Pennsylvania
Place of residence: Vista, California
Do you read comics? Lone Wolf and Cub, Preacher
First pick, character or location/plot twist? Character
Favorite Team in Draft: Gotham Knights
Favorite Card: Anything with ‘Doom’ in the title.
Favorite Character: Dr Doom.
Favorite set: Marvel Origins
Favorite Movie: The Big Lebowski
Favorite TV Show: The Shield
Favorite Singer/band: KMFDM, They Might Be Giants
Favorite Sports Team: Colorado Avalanche
Hobbies: Counted cross stitch, video games (Diablo)
Who would play you in the Vs. System movie? Alyson Hannigan



Name: “The Reverend” Toby Wachter
Position: Lead content coordinator
Place of birth: New Yawk F’n City
Place of residence: Vista, California
Do you read comics? Used to
First pick, character or location/plot twist? Location/plot twist
Favorite Team in Draft? Teen Titans is just insane.
Favorite Card: Gamma Bomb
Favorite Character: Spider Jerusalem
Favorite set: DC
Favorite Movie: Fight Club
Favorite TV Show: Family Guy
Favorite Singer/band: Bad Religion
Favorite Sports Team: New York Mets, anyone who’s playing the Yankees
Hobbies: Hating George Bush, body boarding, Guitar, wrestling, Mixed Martial Arts, poker
Who would play you in the Vs System movie? Edward Norton



Name: Gary Wise
Position: Freelance writer
Occupation: Gamer
Place of birth: Toronto
Place of residence: Toronto
Do you read comics? I used to.
Favorite Team in Draft: haven’t drafted
Favorite Card: Random Punks . . . they’re friends of mine
Favorite Character: The big guy on Random Punks, Jo’nn Jon’zz, Hal Jordan, Firestorm (pre-transformation)
Favorite set: Aces
Favorite Movie: Shawshank Redemption
Favorite TV Show: Survivor, Family Guy
Favorite Singer/band: James Brown
Favorite Sports Team: Toronto Blue Jays (It hurts . . . it really hurts)
Hobbies: film, poker, Magic, writing, travel, ancient architecture
Who would play you in the Vs System movie? James Gandolfini

Some of the following may or may not be true:

Brian Hacker once defeated Tiger Woods in a round of golf, and once appeared in an MTV commercial for Magic: the Gathering.

Scott Elliot served as a pediatric nurse for four years.

Toby Wachter is a sanctioned Reverend and tried entering a restroom stall only to find Jerry ‘the King’ Lawler inside.

Mary Van Tyne is a Girl Scout.

Kate Stavola was a cheerleader.

In one calendar year, Gary Wise was: Trapped in a tornado and flash floods, kicked out of England, rejected at the US border while trying to move to Pittsburgh, involved in a gunman/Boston subway incident, in a Japanese earthquake and quarantined for SARS.

James Lee has worked as a Pastor, a translator for the United States government and as a teacher of English small talk for non-anglophone immigrants and was born in the deepest, darkest slums of Chicago.

Alex ‘The Chark’ Charsky has killed a man with his bare hands.

Ian Estrin spent 6 months studying at Oxford and is a frequent backstage visitor at Scorpion concerts.

Dave Smith was once stalked by Jewel.

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